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Belly Cast

This is the second belly cast I have done.  I forgot to take any pictures until we were finished.  Hopefully Nelly will let me put up a picture of the finished cast when she is done with it.

Fresh off the belly.

All done.

From start to finish

36 weeks and 4 days pregnant


    After trimming the edges and painting with gesso and

    sanding, more gesso, more sanding, and spray painted a metalic, creamy pearl color (that doesn't show up in these photos).

    After adding an austrian crystal shooting star, off center and above the belly button. Sorry, it just does not show up in these pictures.

      Read about the homebirth of Olivia.

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    This page was created on Sept. 24, 2001.

    Copyright © Georganne Hampton 2001-2002

    These pictures may not be used without written permission.