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Pagan Page

In support of the fight against AIDS

This site is completely gay owned and operated

About Me
My name is Aathahre, I am a 26 year old Gay Witch living in central North Carolina.  This seems like a strange concept to most, but it really isn't, the simple fact is that it is typical for people in this area not to know anything about anyone other than their immediate circle of friends, and so the truth is nobody seems to know the story of anyone's life, and are all to fast to make quick decisions based on appearances.  The truth is that most people who take the time to know me become interested in my religion because they simply no nothing about it other than folklore.  Not to say that I want to convert anyone, because the truth is that is not what I stand for, but it is nice to see people's eyes open wide with knowledge when they realize how enlightening the concept of no hell really is, when the the thought of acceptance of all Gods and Goddesses seems so peaceful.  Enough about that.  Check out our Pagan Page for more information on Wicca.

As far as my sexuality, I don't look at it as something that really defines me, but just what sex I'm attracted to.  I do believe that everyone regardless of sexual orientation needs and deserves equal opportunity, rights, and the ability to be recognized as a married couple.  This is something that I don't think belongs in politics, it should just be the case.

Other facts about me include that fact that I was born and raised in New York and moved to NC when in my teens.  I received my BA from The University of North Carolina at Greensboro in August of 2001 in Business Management, with minors in Communications and Computer Science.  This is where I met my wonder Husband.

My Husband
My husband is the most wonderful man I have ever met and every morning when I wake up next to him I realize how lucky I am to have him in my life, and that he is real and not just some wonderful dream. He is honest, caring, sweet, cute as hell, and of course hopelessly in love. I wouldn't have it any other way, I am truly in love with him and for the first time in my life, with the man I want to be with for the rest of my life with.  We met in April of 1999 at school.  I randomly went to a GLBSA (gay lesbian bisexual student association)  meeting one night after not going several months.  That evening after the meeting is when I met him.  Neither one of us expected what happened next but I wouldn't change a thing. The following day he moved in and the day after that he told me that he loves me and I felt the same way.  We have been together ever since.  On July 10, 2000 we got married.  I never thought I would find someone nether the less get married.  I also never realized how good it would feel to call him my husband.


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