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Name: Kryptyc Methuselah
Family: Methuselahs
Name Previously: Kryptyc Daemon
Age: Unknown
Hair color: Black
Eye Color: Black with crimson pentagrams where his pupils should be. Usually hidden by his shades.
Height: Six foot, eight inches tall
Weight: Two hundred thirteen pounds
Gender: Male
Weapon: Sword of Souls, or his own body.
Attitude: Quiet most of the time, but can get mean when angered
Race: Demon, but his body is made from a hellforged sword

Kryptyc stands around 6'8" tall, and has short black hair. His eyes are normally covered by a pair of dark shades, but when he takes the shades off, they glow crimson and have pentagrams where the pupils should be. His body is made from a hellforged sword, the name of which is ShadowFlare. The sword has runes on the blade, these have been transferred to Kryptyc's arms. His soul is that of a demon. He has 6' long skeletal wings on his back, they are only the bones of normal wings though, no flesh or feathers on them. He has rather large fangs as well, something that is odd as he does not drink blood. The runes from the sword, that are now on his arms, seem to always generate darkess, which is always around him. His history is a mystery, even to those that know him well. He speaks of his past to noone, though in time, someone might come to know what his past has held...

He uses his wings to slash, as the bones are nearly as sharp as most swords, and he can use the darkness his arms generate to attack with as well. He usually does not carry his sword, as, if he needs it, his right hand can turn into the blade of the sword his body is constructed of. His left hand has a strange gem in it, though this is hidden unless he wishes it to come out. The gem holds the souls of those he slays, and it seems to give him strength, which increases each time he kills someone. He is constantly evolving it seems... into what, he is not even sure.