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Image by Micheal Whelan.

        The dragon is one of the more well known and popular myth creatures.
Although the dragon is often seen as a fat oversized lizard they
can also have parts that resemble birds and even snakes.  Commonly
the flying dragons are seen with bat like wings.  In Eastern cultures the
dragon is a long magic serpent that flys without wings and is a
reveared symbol representing bravery, and protection.  In the western
cultures the dragon is often seen as a greedy gold hoarding beast that
breathes fire and carries off fair maidens.  Dragons also
come in every imaginable color and personality.

To many the dragon strikes fear in the hearts and minds of people.
Creating a slew of stories of brave knights that go heroicly to slay
the dragon that terrorizes the city, but there are still a few of
us that are fascinated and mesmerized by these magnificant

Sometimes they say if you listen
closely you'll hear their whispers in your dreams.



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