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Legolas, Green Leaf
(Orlando Bloom in the motion picture)

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 Elven hottie of mirkwood.  One of the fellowship in Tolkien's (may he rest in peace) amazing stories that take place in Middle Earth. His father is Thranduil, king of the woodland elves of Mirkwood.   Legolas is over 2000 years old.  I do not know the exact date, but it seems he has been single for all  those years!  Being a woodland elf he is a lover of nature and has keen eye sight and hearing.  He also is so light footed that he can walk upon snow. He carries with him a silver bow, a gift from galadriel,
witch he can shoot with deadly acuracy.  In the movie you can see him shoot three arrows with one shot.  Elves can also ride horses bareback and with out a bridle.

Excelent links for Middle Earth and Legolas info.

Lothlorien - Dream of Middle Earth

The Barrow Downs


Ok, i'm sorry, but I couldn't resist.  Me and Legolas.
Yeah, I was supposed to be in the movie, but they
cut my part out...hehe.  Don't I wish.  Isn't it amazing
what a little cut and paste can do.


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