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Unicorns have often been a favorite subject of fantasy.  They are wild, free and untamable.
Although unicorns are modernly depicted simply as a white horse with  a single spiraling
horn from the forhead, they are more acuratly closer to the image above.  The have
slender body structures with long elegant legs.  The hooves are cloven like that of a goat
and even the face may be small or slender like a goat, but can still resemble that of a
horse.  The tail is also long and covered with a hair at the end.  Modern day zebras have
tails like that only I think the unicorns tail would be longer and more dramatic.  They can also have
the longer classic bushy horse tail and mane.  And always, unicorns have a long tapering,
spiraling, horn that grows from the forehead.

Unicorns are extremely rare and spirited creatures.  They seem to have some sort of "untouchable taboo" to them.









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