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What does the term “Necessary Evil” really mean? Let’s break it down: EVIL = BAD and NECESSARY = REQUIRED. Put them together and you get a bad thing that’s required which makes absolutely no sense at all. I think that if we write off too many things as being necessary just because we don’t have the desire or follow through to try and do something about it, then we’re just as guilty as the “Evils” that we love to hate. What does this have to do with lawyers, politicians, or CEO’s? Well nothing if you consider all of them to be the trustworthy and upfront individuals that they are grossly overpaid to be. I mean if they’re making money to be here for “the people” then in actuality “the people” should be considered to be their bosses. Let’s face it, “the people” are the ones who are footing the bills in order to make them the very rich and powerful individuals that we all know and love. But, in the event that you are wronged by one of these or any other individuals, no matter what their rank or income might be, make it a point to… for lack of a better term “Get Yours.” So call that manager that doesn’t know that his employee is sexually harassing every female who comes to the drug store to pick up her photos and let him know what a bad boy ROBERT has been. And don’t forget about that always friendly and pleasing lady who never seems to get your take out order right. She has a boss too and he would love to hear about how he funds incompetence on a regular basis. Because these bosses know that kind of stuff is good for overall profits. And for those untouchable souls who get nothing but a protest, well deep down inside, know that protests really do hurt their feelings not to mention the fact that you can’t put a price tag on bad publicity when administered the right way. So go protest your little hearts out and don’t forget to alert the local media and let them know of your intentions. At the end of the day, you’ll feel better about all of it. And if you are too lazy to do any of the above listed suggestions, then just make your own little webcomic and vent as needed. Have a good day.