
Lyrics:      Toshiyuki Furuya
Composition: Toshiyuki Furuya
Arrangement: Humming Bird
Vocals:      Toshiyuki Furuya
From:        Unsweet
(note: this song was also sung by Yoshiki Fukuyama on the Macross 7 album, "Radio Fire!)

名もない忘れられた 小さな果ての街
過ぎ去った あの時の 姿のままに
静かに時は流れ やがてはその中で
訪れる運命に 巡り会えるだろう


遠くの空は明けて いつもの朝が来る
陽を浴びる横顔は おだやかな眠り

季節はやがて巡り 見知らぬ旅人が
おり立った大地には かすかな光り
この広い世界には 誰でも幸せを
見つける時が きっと訪れるものさ


偶然の出来事で すべては始まるよ
まぶしいその笑顔で 歩き始めよう
In the town of the end with no name
translated by Shiro-san

There is no name, it was forgotten , the small town of the end
While it is only the time which passes and leaves
The time flows gently, eventually among those
Maybe this can visit that and meet, in order to go through destiny

As for the cold night there is no light
The light is removed forever. There is no protection
Just the figure which appears in the window
Simply, there are no changes which is searched for, directly.

The distant sky opens and the usual morning comes
The figure awakes from its quiet rest

The season which is related to you, the traveler is unknown
The time in the ground which stands to the rubbish shines,
This is a wide world with an unknown happiness,
When you find those that certainly wants to visit it.

Already, without letting the tears flow
The expectation where you are certainly known
Facing the path, you probably have walked it before
The long story pauses and it's still only the first

Everything starts with an accidental occurrence
I will start walking with an astonishing smiling face again.

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