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Totem Animal

Bijna elke wicca heeft een animal totem de mijne is een witte wolf hoe je je animal totem kunt vinden lees je hier onder

Almost every wicca has an totemanimal, mine is a white wolf …..How to find your totemanimal its explained below

Do you know your animal totem?

Begin the process of discovering your animal totems by examining the animals you have been most interested in & the times of your life that interest was piqued. Use the following questions to help determine which animals are probably totems to you in your life.

1. Which animal or bird has always fascinated you? (We are drawn to that which most resonates with us. Those animals which fascinate us have something to teach us.)

2. When you visit the zoo, which animal do you wish to visit the most or first? (esp. children)

3. What animal(s) do you see most frequently when you are out in nature? Have you had encounters with animals in the wild? (The animals we encounter, in their city environments or in the wild, havesignificance for us. We can learn from them, even if only about survival within that environment.)

4. Of all the animals in the world, which are you most interested in now? (Our interests in animals change. Yes, we usually have one or two that are lifetime, power animals, but others become prominent when there is something importance or specific to teach us.)

5.What animal most frightens you? (That which we fear the most is often something we must learn to come to terms with. When we do that, it then becomes a power. Some shamans believe that fears will take the shape of animals, and only when we confront them without fear do their powers/medicine work for us instead of against us. Such an animal become a shadow totem.)

6. Have you ever been bitten or attacked by an animal? (Historically, if a shaman survived an attack, it was believed that the animal was the shaman's spirit totem and the attack was the totem's way oftesting the shaman's ability to handle the power.)

7. Do you have dreams with animals in them or are there animal dreams you have never forgotten? (This is especially important if the dreams are recurring or if at least the animal image in the dream is a recurring one. Children often dream of animals, & attention should be given to these animals. They will often reflect specific spirit totems of the child.)

Hieronder wat wolvenqouets en wolvengedichten

Wolf is the Grand teacher, Wolf is the sage,
who after many winters upon the sacred path
and seeking the ways of wisdom,
returns to share new knowledge with the tribe.
Wolf is both the radical and the traditional
in the same breath.
When the Wolf walks by you - you will remember.

The old ones tell us stories about our beginnings
and of a time when human kind first came to live
upon this Earth.
It was Wolf who taught Humans the ways of living in harmony.
It was Wolf that who taught us how to form community
upon this Earth.

For Wolves have an intuitive knowledge of order through chaos and they possess the ability to survive change,

Wolf medicine is very ancient and born of living experience.
Wolf will look deep into your heart
and share the greatest of knowledge, but will
demand full participation, and absolute sincererity.
When Wolf has walked by you, the very presence of the wolf
will rekindle old memories within your soul.

Through the friction of experience you rekindle
the emotional fires of the inner soul and question
the manifestations of you own consciousness.
You can own a thing only when you have come to own
the emotional experience of it, and realize the responsibility
for its creation.
Then you are free to continue.
Wolf medicine can make you whole.

You will return to Wolf many times in your life
as you complete and begin your cycles of experience
and seek the inner truth.

Written By:
Ghost Wolf
The Wolf Lodge

On the ragged edge of the woods I'll roam.
And the home of the wolf will be my home.

~Robert Service~

They were not nomadic beasts, as is almost
universally believed, but were settled beasts and
the possessors of a large permanent estate with
very definite boundaries...clearly indicated in
wolfish fashion.

~Farley Mowat, Never Cry Wolf~

Wolves would be more of a loss to us than some
exotic mouse, because they epitomize the
American wilderness as no other animal does,
and fill the folklore of childhood and that of the woods.
~Edward Hoagland, Red Wolves and Black Bears~


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