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Merry Meet

Fairy Realm

Be like the little children -
innocent, believing
So we might be given the gift of seeing
into the Magical Realms.
Seeing the Sprites, the Fairies, the special Beings
of the Fairy and Astral Realms.
Those joyous, bright and beautiful Beings
The guiding Forces of the Forests, Glades
- of all Nature's Wondrous Gardens

The Fairies

Up the airy mountain,
Down the rushy glen,
We daren't go a-hunting
For fear of little men;
Wee folk, good folk,
Trooping all together;
Green jacket, red cap,
And white owl's feather!

Down along the rocky shore
Some make their home,
They live on crispy pancakes
Of yellow tide-foam;
Some in the reeds
Of the black mountain-lake,
With frogs for their watch-dogs,
All night awake.

High on the hill-top
The old King sits;
He is now so old and gray
He's nigh lost his wits.

With a bridge of white mist
Columbkill he crosses
On his stately journeys
From Slieveleague to Rosses;
Or going up with music
On cold starry nights,
To sup with the Queen
Of the gay Northern Lights.

They stole little Bridget
For seven years long;
When she came down again
Her friends were all gone.
They took her lightly back,
Between the night and morrow,

They thought that she was fast asleep,
But she was dead with sorrow.
They have kept her ever since
Deep within the lake,
On a bed of flag-leaves,
Watching till she wake.

By the craggy hill-side,
Through the mosses bare,
They have planted thorn-trees
For pleaseure here and there.
Is any man so daring
As to dig one up in spite,
He shall find the thornies set
In his bed at night.

Up the airy mountain,
Down the rushy glen,
We daren't go a-hunting
For fear of little men;
Wee folk, good folk,
Trooping all together;
Green jacket, red cap,
And white owl's feather!

~by William Allingham

**Fairy Song**

All my life is joy and pleasure
Sportive as my tuneful measure
In the rose's cup i dwell
Balmy sweets perfume my cell
My food the crimson luscious cherry
And the vines luxurious berry
The nectar from the dew is mine
Nectar from the flowers divine
And when i join the fairy band
Lightly tripping hand in hand
By the moonlights quivering beam
In concert with the dashing stream
Then my music leads the dance
When the gentle fays advance
And oft my numbers on the green
Lull to rest the fairy queen!

(poem by Felicia Dorothea Browne-Haemans)

~*The Fairy Beam Upon You*~

The fairy beam upon you
The stars to glister on you
A moon of light
In the noon of night
Till the firedrake hath o'er-gone you !

The wheel of fortune guide you
The boy with the bow beside you
Run aye in the way
Till the bird of day
And the luckier lote betide you !

(poem by Ben Jonson)


A little fairy comes at night
Her eyes are blue, her hair is brown
With silver spots upon her wings
And from the moon she flutters down.

She has a little silver wand
And when a good child goes to bed
She waves her wand from right to left
And makes a circle round her head.

And then it dreams of pleasant things
Of fountains filled with tiny fish
And trees that bear delicious fruit
And bow their branches at a wish.

Of arbors filled with dainty scents
From lovely flowers that never fade
Bright flies that flitter in the sun
And glow worms shining in the shade.

And talking birds with figted tongues
For singing songs and telling tales
And pretty dwarfs to show the way
Through fairy hills and fairy dales.

(poem by Thomas Hood)

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