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Merry Meet

Blessed Be and Merry Meet

What is Wicca Part 1

What is Wicca? You may, or you may not know what 'Wicca' is. Perhaps you think you have a vague idea what it is. But you're not quite sure what it's all about. This piece of writing should clear up any misconceptions you may have (and believe me, there are a lot).
Firstly, Wicca is a religion. This is something seems to surprise people. Some may choose to ignore the fact, but it can't be ignored. By saying that the religion doesn't exist _can_ offend members of the Craft whose religion really does mean a lot to them.
Secondly, Wicca is not all about spells, spells, spells. This seems to be another common misconception about the Craft. Wicca goes past lighting candles and casting spells; many view it as a lifestyle and a way of living. Spells are only a small part of Wicca. Magick itself isn't something that should be played about with like some game.
Thirdly, Wicca is not Satan worshipping or 'black magic'. We do not believe in the devil so we certainly don't worship him! We do not sacrifice any living creature, as we believe that all life is sacred, and those around us should be treated with respect and equality.

Wicca came into being in the middle of the 20th century, therefore it isn't an old religion, but a new one. Many of the practices and beliefs of Wicca come from much older traditions, mainly here in Britain (before Christianity).
Wicca is a magick embracing religion. We recognise magick as being all around us; in the trees and plant, animals, rocks, and within us. There is nothing 'supernatural' about this. Magick is natural energy, it's as old as the universe.
Wiccans will think carefully before doing any magick, for even a simple spell for happiness can go wrong to a degree, therefore all possibilities to the outcome of the spell should be considered beforehand.

..Heres the tricky bit.. Some Wiccans prefer to just be called 'Wiccan', others prefer the term 'Witch', most will call themself both. is a matter of personal choice.
"So what is a Witch?" ..In my view, a Witch is someone who uses the natural energy of magick to create change in their lives, they understand the unique responsibility they have towards their magick, and they understand the uses of magick and how it works. However, not all Witches are Wiccan. Some Witches will say they follow no religion, some Witches are even Christian.

Wiccans also follow a guide called 'The Wiccan Rede', the Rede is a lot like a long poem, the ending is the important bit, it states 'An it Harm None, Do what ye will', .This should make it clear that harming people is NOT acceptable, nor is it acceptable to harm yourself. Please think carefully about what it means to 'harm' someone, I'm not just talking about curses and 'black magic' ..i'm talking about physical, mental, spiritual, phychic harm. ANYTHING that hurts anyone in any way. Whether it be through bullying, teasing, ignoring other people, or through magick. Although anger, sadness and jealousy are all accepted by Wiccans as being part of human nature, we, as witches, will try our best to harm no one through these feelings.


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