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Merry Meet

Tools of the Trade

In Wicca you may use as many tools as you like and that includes no tools at all. Some say you "have" to do this and that. That is not true. You make the choice that is right for you. Today we are just going to outline in no particular order some of the tools you may chose to add to your own "tool kit."

The Wand

Wands are generally used to direct energy. They come in all shapes and sizes and can be in the range of a stick you found in your yard to that thousand dollar ruby studded little number. Pictured above are wands that are commonly found in occult shops.


The athame is also a tool for directing energy as well as symbolizing male aspect of the devine.

The Chalice

The chalice is a symbol of the female aspect of the devine. In a ritual known as the Great Rite the athame is dipped in the chalice to represent the union of the god and goddess. Wine or whatever you are using for "ale" can be drunk from it.


Statues can be used to represent things on your altar, like Brigit and Cernunnos above.

Mortar and Pestal

The mortar and pestal is a tool used for crushing things up into powder. It can be used to make your own incense and is used for spells.

Offering Bowl

An offering bowl is mostly used for making sacrifices. It's contents are usually buried out doors after the end of a circle, or ceremony.


A boline is a knife that is used for cutting. You never use your athame for cutting. A boline usually has a white handle and an athame usually has a black handle, although there can be exceptions to the rule.

The Altar Tile

An altar tile is not really a tool but some use it to protect surfaces and if engraved with a pentacle it can be used for protection period.


A besom is basically a broom. It is usually never plastic or metal, but made from natural things like wood, straw, and grain grasses. It is used to clean negativity out of your sacred space before casting a circle.


Candles are not only used for light, but the color of a candle can be used to symbolize things. For example a silver candle represents the Goddess and a gold candle represents God.

The Cauldron

The cauldron is often made from cast iron although I have heard of them being made from other things. It is often used to mix ingredients for a spell, or used to burn things in, but is not limited to just that. I have heard of some using a cauldron as a symbol of the Goddess as well.

The Censor

The censor is used to cleanse a space. Incense is burned in it as a person walks around their sacred space with it swinging it back and forth.

The Pentacle

A pentacle is a pentagram with a circle around it. As the pentagram it is used mainly for it's protective aspects, although some wear it simply as a symbol of the Wiccan Religion.


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