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Merry Meet

Liadan's story
the music you hear is May it be by Enya

After all that happend with Benjamin we were very carefull with tis pregnantsy The pregantsy i told before this is the story of my labour and what happend
I was due on the 27th of semptember and on thursday the 26th my water broke at 4 am in the morning I dont know why but after all that happen i had to wait untail my contractions were realy heavy so i did

But it did not feel right our little girl was to quet i was not used to that,so at half past six i called the hospital and told them i was comming over it just did not feel right
When we arrived they put me on the ctg and it looked like her hartreat was dropping .....the nurse told me no misses thats your heart but i knew better

After half an hour they put me in a other room and they put some elctrodes on her head en whitin a minut i got 4 dokters at my bedside en they told us we are gonne do a emergecy seccerian because of fetale distress
i think you all can gues how that felt after all we had gone true with Benjamin and with great speed i was prepared for surgery
They wanted an epudural en that did not work so i yelled give me full because she has to come out and i just fell apart and at that moment they got it in en they started the operation
Yv was taken to the operationroom by a nurse and came in just as they were starting with the secerian

When she was taken out there was silence much silence why was she not crying even Benjamin who was premature cryed so why was'nt she and i paniked ..........
i asked several times why is she not crying but no answer and they walked into a nother room with her ........oke now there was great panik i did not understand

Afterwards Yv told me that she looked blue and she did not move when she was taken out i am glad i did not see that
I asked Yv to go and look and when he came back there were tears in his eyes .....i can't begin to tell you how i felt i only thougt no not again this is not happening to us again its not fair

When he came closer i saw a smile and he told me she is allright love she just needed some time to get going
she was born with a apgare of 5 but after a minut she went up to ten
after i came from recovery there was a dokter at her bedsite and he told us she did'nt had a good glucose count so she had to go to medium care

So off they went with my baby and she was put on a drip bummer but lukely they had a televison circuit so we could see our baby every minut of the day on my television and we could visit her when ever we wanted to

I wanted to brestfeed so the nurses gave me a pump so she could get used to it and after 2 days the drip was taken of and i could strart to feed myself it was wonderfull after all that we went true after one week we went home

She is now 1 year old and a wonderfull little girl loves her brothers and very easy to take care of she eats well sleeps well and has a wonderfull personality we are very happy parents believe me so all is well that end well

born on 26 - 09 - 2002 naam :
she weight 3705 gram and was 50 cm

Her name is from a book called The sons of the Shadows by Julliet Marillier
We met here on the Elf Fantasy Fair in Holland this year and we were allowed to make a picture of her and Liadan

from left to right Mrs Marilier with Liadan, my son and Me ( in purple )

This week I send a letter to mrs marillier and told her about the picture she send me this nice letter back

This is the book her name is from and a short revieuw whats it about

australian cover
englisch cover
american cover

Beautiful Sorcha is the courageous young woman who risked all to save her family from a wicked curse and whose love shattered generations of hate and bridged two cultures.

It was by her sacrifice that the spell that transformed her brothers into swans was broken and they were finally brought home to Sevenwaters.

But not all her brothers were able to escape the spell, and even those who did were all more--or less--than they were before the change.

It is left to Sorcha's daughter, Liadan, to fulfill the destiny of the Sevenwaters clan. Beloved child and dutiful daughter, she embarks on a journey that opens her eyes to the wonders of the world around her… and shows her just how hard-won was the peace that she has known all her life.

She will need all of her courage to help save her family, for there are forces far darker than anyone could have guessed and ancient powers conspiring to destroy this family's peace--and their world.

She will need all of her strength to stand up to those she loves best, for in the finding of her own true love, Liadan's course may doom them all…or may be their salvation.

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