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Merry Meet

Yeah the love of my life who is he, for the ones who know me its not diffecult they know, but for the visitors of my site I will tell you our story

About 2 years ago I was very depressed, mentally at the bottom and my relation with my kids was very bad. I was very often very sad, something the people around did not notice, but I was very unpleasant to my kids. My divorce had taken his toll and my marriage had been very bad the last years ( had a husband with flapping hands ). I have got lovely boys but their lives where not nice then having an mother who was angry for no reason and very sad almost every day

Then I got my computer and could talk to people who had the same problems as me and being anonymous there was realy great and I started to bloom ( although people around me did not see it that way ). At one evening a man came on to the chat his name was Phoenix (m) and because I thought it was a friend I started a private conversation. Oeps wrong but he did not mind and we started chatting he told me his name was Yves he was 25 years old and single, he did not mind me being older because we were only chatting and age did not matter then he told me

After about an hour it seemed a good idea to talk on the phone so he called me. The first thing I noticed was his pleasant voice en we were on the phone for a long while that first time. But there was no signs of butterflies because he thought I was to old and I thought he was to young. So we became good friends who phoned exchanged phone messages and made an appointment to go out on a date in his town some day

A few months past and a friend was having a meeting with internetfriends and gave me the opportunity to celebrate my birthday to. And he told me if you want to invite someone special just tell me its also your party. That evening Phoenix came in to the chatroom and I asked MB if I could invite him sure he said. I will ask him for you. Phoenix told him oke but I have to help my sister she is going to her new house so I dont know what time I will be there . No problem said MB because those party’s last until after midnight so come when ever you are finished

July the first 2000 was the party and my best friend was also there, after a while I got a phone message saying 10 km then I will be with you greeting Phoe. But half an hour later he was still not there so I phoned him and he told me he turned the wrong way and was lost. With MB we told him the direction, I told him I am standing on the middle of the road so you know which street you need to go, but do not drive to fast or I will be under the car

I saw a car comming and he told me I will turn of my headlights so you will know it is me, and yes it was him. He turned into the street and I must confess after that it became all a blur it was if I was hit by lightning. Chills down my spine, and my legs got all wobbly. I greeted him,with a kiss he told me later ( for the life of me I cant remeber ) and he gave me a bag with some gifts, a diddle ( the first of many ) and a book about wicca, and the first thing I thought was how thoughtful of him these are presents he picked specialy for me

My girlfriend saw what was happening to me and we went inside to talk together. I told her how I felt but what he always had said to me so I did not think he was waiting for an 40 year old woman, he was so young. But she told me go and talk with him he is not what he seems, yeah right that was simple every time he walked by me I got the chills and my heart missed some beats. I had fallen for him big time

Then I got brave and when he was behind me in the halleway and had put his hand on my shoulders I turned and told him I think we need to talk …….yes he said I think we do. We decided to go for an walk but after 1 meter he turned me around and asked me what was wrong, I don’t know what to do with you I told him. He looked at me and said ow but I do and he kissed me, I started to tell him, but I am to old I have got kids, but all my objections he brushed away, because also for him it had been love at first site . That was something I had never thought of. From that moment we where inseparable that evening , but because I came with some friends that evening the moment of saying goodbye came much to soon. I did not feel like going but going home with someone one the first evening was really not my style, but something inside me felt like staying in his arms and never ever letting him go again.

Again I took his hand and told him my taxi wants to go home ……..ow he said and what would you like to do. Well I told him I know what I want but its not up to me tell me what you want. His eyes started to twinkel and he said I don’t want you to go stay with me all I want is to hold you and talk to you. So I told my friends goodnight, and I stayed. I had 3 weeks holliday my kids where with there father so we had all the time in the world to get to know each other ( if that was possible because it felt like we had known each other for years already and I had come home )

We had 3 wonderful weeks of talking, getting to know each other and our love grew day by day, we where soulmates. But after 3 weeks I had to go home, it was terrible it felt like everytime I left him a part of me died. After 2 more weeks we decided that I would never leave again and I left my hometown to go and live with him. That all happend about 2 years ago and in the mean time we already had 1 son his name is Benjamin his story is also on my homepage and again I am pregnant. Every day I still wonder why he loves me, but every day he shows me that he just does and that he loves me no matter what. He is my best friend, my confidant and my lover. I can laugh, cry and love with him

I have written some poems for him in dutch I will try to translate them

Yves I love you with all my heart and soul

Your touch

Your fingers on my face
The feeling in that touch
I can’t describe it if I tried
I hope it will never go away
The way you make me feel
Its like I never lived before
Until the day I met you
I just want to tell
I love you



Stars in the sky
Are glowing like your eyes
like a song
Sounds your laughter
Like a warm blanket
Are your arms
Like a summer breeze
Is your love
That’s why I am sure
I love you


What i don’t say

You read my eyes
You read my mind
Sometimes that is scary
But also nice
You read my body
You read my soul
You read
What I don’t say



Two souls, one thought
What is that
Soulmates is something that does not shows
The sharing of love and sorrow
A feeling confusing but also great
Did not know love could be this way
A commitment between man and woman
Just feeling I love you
That is a soumate
Thats what I have found
In you


With our daughter Halloween 2006

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