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Merry Meet

Hello I am Angel, female, born in 1960, red hair and green eyes and living in the Netherlands

I live with Phoenix, born in 1975. brown/green eyes and the love of my live.
I am the mother of 5 three sons called marcel,sander and jeroen ( they are triplets ) from a prevous marrige and Phoenix an me have a son called Benjamin* our little angel born in 2001 and a daughter called Liadan

This is us in the summer of 2001

On my homepage you will find Angel's, Faeries and Poems but also the story of our son Benjamin*,the story of how phoenix and me got together and the story of our daughter

I have a award site where you can apply for an award and also a recieved award site where you can see witch one I got for my homepage

Its no problem if you take pictures from my homepage but please link my site or put my banner on yours new banners are also in the making

I hope you will enjoy your stay and if you did please let me know by putting a message in my guestbook

You can now if you want add your own link....go to my link site click on the image at the bottem of the page and follow instructions

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