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Merry Meet

A spell for summoning the fairies

Sit where the cat sits,
Cross your toes
Close your eyes,
And smell a rose.
Then say under your breath:
"I believe in fairies, sure as death"
Gadflykins! Gadflykins! Gutterpuss and Cass!
Come to me fairily
Each lad and lass.

MY fairy
lewis carol

I have a fairy by my side
Which says I must not sleep,
When once in pain I loudly cried
It said "You must not weep."

If, full of mirth, I smile and grin,
It says "You must not laugh;"
When once I wished to drink some gin
It said "You must not quaff."

When once a meal I wished to taste
It said "You must not bite;"
When to the wars I went in haste
It said "You must not fight."

"What may I do?" at length I cried,
Tired of the painful task.
The fairy quietly replied,
And said "You must not ask."

Moral: "You mustn't."

If You See A Fairy Ring

If you see a fairy ring
In a field of grass,
Very lightly step around,
Tip-Toe as you pass,
Last night Fairies frolicked there
And they're sleeping somewhere near.
If you see a tiny fairy
Lying fast asleep
Shut your eyes
And run away,
Do not stay to peek!
Do not tell
Or you'll break a fairy spell

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