center><fONT face="Bookman Old Stlye">A Tribute To My Daughter</font>
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A Tribute To My Daughter

My Gorgeous Girl

This page is a tribute to the most beautiful creature to grace Gods green Earth. She is the most happy, loving, and overall wonderful baby girl in the entire world. (In Mommies eyes of course!) This is my way of sharing her beauty with the world.

<-------- Click on Butterfly thumnails to veiw pictures. Some may not work. I apologise.

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Don't make me yell...

In the mood for a good chick flick!

Drowned rat!

Drowned rat 2

Manga Manga (You may have to scroll down a bit on this one)

Update 04/16/03
Update 04/16/03
Upadate 04/16/03
Update 04/16/03
Update 04/16/03
Asya says, "Hello".
Asya Update October 2004
Upadate Oct.04
Update Oct.04
Update Oct.04