Elizabeth, the wereleopard, was Gabriel's girlfriend and mate, and was introduced to us at the same time that he was, in
'Lunatic Cafe'. She is also a very sick and twisted kitty just like Gabriel was. She definitely hated Anita on sight. Since
Gabriel's death in 'The Killing Dance' and Anita's take over of the Blood Drinkers Clan in 'Burnt Offerings', Elizabeth has
done everything in her power to make Anita mad at her and to challenge Anita's authority. Things finally reached a head
with 'Narcissus in Chains' when Elizabeth left Nathaniel to fend for himself, when he wasn't capable of it, and when she
invited another pard into the territory, thinking that they would take over the pard from Anita. Anita finally shot her,
although she only used lead shot unfortunately and Elizabeth is still with us...One would almost think that she's TRYING
to get herself killed...hmmmm!