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Yvette, ice-pale, lovely, cold, and with the mind of a gestapo torturer, was introduced to us in 'Burnt Offerings'. She came to town with part of the vampire council and to act as a proxy for her Master, Morte D' Amore. Yvette was also Jason's own personal version of hell, being one of the kind of vampires that could rot themselves and reform. She also had the ability to cause other vampires to rot and reform as well. All in All she was one very nasty and sadistic lady. Everything that she did had a purpose to fulfill and that purpose was to culminate in the burning of several thousand humans that were in a stadium. Of course, the vampire that was to do the burning, Warrick, had broken free of Yvette's control, and the other vampires all agreed that she had to be stopped. In the end, it was Warrick who caused Yvette's true death, calling fire to his hand and enveloping her in his arms and in the flames, holding her until she burned to death and until he also burned to death as well. A fitting end for a horrific lady.