Who can forget Zachary, Nikolaus' pet animator??? As we met Zachary in 'Guilty Pleasures', with his sandy blond hair and
green eyes, standing by Nikolaus' throne with the rest of her 'pets', Anita knew that there was something familiar about
him but couldn't place what it was. His streak of cruelty was shown as he tormented a zombie into mindlessness, to keep it
from telling what it knew. And as Anita realized that she knew him because she had gone to his funeral, our puzzlement
What was he using to stay alive? What did the gris-gris that he wore need to be fed? All was made clear as he tried to kill
both Edward and Anita to keep them from telling that he was in fact the vampire killer, along with his pack of ghouls. And
as Anita wiped the human blood on Zachary's gris-gris, ending his 'life', I for one cheered heartily!!!! Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish...as they say :)