Seven Deadly Sins: Anger Music: Don’t Tread On Me, Metallica; War All the Time, Thursday; War, Bruce Springsteen; The World is Not Enough, Garbage; No W, Ministry


“We are engaged in a global war…against evil” President George W. Bush.


They line up one by one by one. “Terrorists must die, Arabs must die, and there is no God but God and His son Jesus Christ. Allah is the ultimate killer. Those Arabs must be destroyed. They all must be destroyed. Egypt- it must be destroyed; Pakistan- it must be destroyed; Jordan – it must be destroyed. The land held by terrorists is the one and only holy territory of Zion. The Jews who protect it are outnumbered. It is up to us to dismantle this axis of evil. We’re fighting evil. The axis of evil is the greatest threat ever known to man. Save your mothers, your daughters, your sons, your wives, save the world in the name of God and America, and you will be rewarded for your selfless service. Remember, sons, you will leave no man behind, you will never turn your back to the enemy and you will never, ever let an enemy live.”

And with those words out of the mouth of President Richardson, the edict was read, the anger was released.

“Ali Baba must die!” said one soldier in the prison camp.

The other ran over to his screaming wife, crying in her berqua. “Hey, Jimmy, you think there’s any pussy under these bitch rags?”

“Why not, Donny? It's all sin, she’d probably love some righteousness pumped into her body before we lead her up.”

“Hey, Jimmy, I hear those hubbies cut their clits off to make 'em not cheat. Damn, man, you know you're sick! If she really 'oved you, she’d never stray and maybe she’d enjoy it more and you’d actually have a kid. Or are you one of those cuckoos who don’t have sex but rape lil boys? That’s it, Jimmy, he’s a kidfucker."

“INFIDEL!" the prisoner replied in a broken English. "I love my wife! She is my everything. I am a modern man, I do not engage in such barbarity, unlike yourselves!”

"Well, let’s find out," said Donnie. With that Jimmy ripped off his pants and tore into her berqua and was relentless despite her screams for Allah. “Ride 'er, cowboy!” Donnie yelled, cowboy-style. “Hey. I think Ali Baba over here gets a rise out of his wife being saved by Jesus! Ain't that right, motherfucker?” Donnie put his pistol to the prisoner's head, timing it perfectly with Jimmy’s release into the prisoner’s wife.

"Not bad for a devil bitch," Jimmy said.

"You’d think she's so full of sin that she’d at least kiss ya or thank you for giving her a taste of what it’s like not to be a sinner!” With those words Donnie unloaded his gun into the woman. Her last words were a prayer to Allah and this enraged the soldiers enough to burn both bodies in the desert.

“What are you doing?” said the confused boy to the soldiers.

“We’re fighting evil,” Donnie replied, but Jimmy nudged him and Donnie noticed he was Arab, so he gave the boy a grenade. “Pull that pin and something special happens. No, not here. Go show your friends.”

Donnie radioed back as he saw an explosion near the schoolyard. “We just exterminated 15 terrorists, sir, we’ll be eating better tonight!”

The question posed to most soldiers has always been how do you sleep at night? The answer in the U.S. Army under Richardson is very well, thank you. As Donnie closed his eyes, she caressed him, making him drowsy; as he drifted off she became visible. Her scent was stronger than any drug, the shine of her skin brighter than any blood on his uniform, her blonde hair more precious than all the gold he could steal. The sweet taste of her lips drowned any sourness he might have over his actions. He was mesmerized as she undressed for him, and for the next 7 hours all he could speak was her name, the only memories of the day those of her touch. The young savior who sang him sweet and erotic lullabies through his headphones, his young and beautiful inspiration, the woman he had to save, America itself – Britney.

And then she left, and all his security fled with her. His body shivered and a new heat pulsated through his veins. As he rose to his feet the commander asked the soldiers the question of the day.

“What are we doing here?”


And the commander smiled, and Donnie went off to fight.

Enemy firefight, an ambush from behind. Jimmy took one in the back of the head and fell at Donnie's feet. He snapped and killed all he could, as did his unit; it was as if one death set off a trigger. When they returned to camp Donnie cried, unable to sleep as he mourned for his fallen friend. Then he felt a soft and soothing tongue sweep across his cheek, licking away his tears, and he was steady once again.

“It’s not your fault,” said Lisa, the best friend, the soothing voice.

“It is, Lisa!" Donnie cried. "I should have been protecting the flank. I let him get killed.”

“It’s not your fault, and you avenged Jimmy well. 14 terrorists are gone, gone, gone.” With each repetition her hand moved further and further down his chest, relaxing him and refocusing him on the many dead Arabs, not the one friend who died. “Believe me, Donnie, Jimmy is in heaven with the lord, and he is very happy with how you killed the terrorists. Yes, Donnie, heaven, that’s where he is.” As she said this she unzipped Donnie and gave him a sensation of what heaven felt like. Donnie was contentedly asleep in his bunk with Lisa’s show playing loudly on the TV in the middle of the tent where everyone was comfortably and blissfully asleep. And in the morning there was no mourning, no loss of morale, just a new soldier and the same battle call.


Peace for the moment, and he was rewarded with his lovely wife Carrie and his beautiful daughter Mandy. Carrie had become blonde, and she looked as sweet and beautiful as the girls he dreamed about. She used to be a brunette in glasses, but his dreams had come true in her. He took her into his arms and their love grew and she had his other blessing, a son that they named Paul.

Then 2014 came, and he came home to see his wife convulsing on the dinner table, spewing gibberish that he couldn't understand, a half-empty container of fried rice strewn on the kitchen counter. He took her to the hospital, but when she recovered there was no more love. “You are a rapist, you murdered innocents, I saw it in the wonton soup! You are terrible, I hate you! My fortune said that Egypt was nothing but a holocaust, and then the sphinx came out and told me directly! How could you!”

Donnie did all he knew how to do and said all he knew how to say.

“But dear, we were fighting evil!”

Days passed and she finally recovered. Thousands of others were poisoned the same way, whole families, women, children, elderly. Many died, and many others could not be returned to sensibility and had to be sent to New York for permanent care. They were lucky; Carrie’s bad habit of digging into the fried rice as she was dishing it up saved him and his family from a similar fate and God rewarded her self-sacrifice by returning her sanity.

“She may have flashbacks, so she will need to be under constant watch for a while,” the doctor said as Donnie walked in to see his wife.

“Carrie, I love you, I want you to know that it was the gooks who did this to you. You saved us from the same fate, you saved Mandy and Paul from that poison.”

Carrie got some of her senses back and replied, “Talk about putting a chink in our family’s armor, huh?” she said with a smile, her blonde hair fading somewhat from being unable to have it touched up while in the hospital.

“Yeah, you can say that. Hey, the doctor said that the poison is still in you. It may cause you to go mad from time to time. He wants you to stay here a while. He says you don’t have to go to New York like some of the other poisoning victims. I’m gonna go back into the army and kill these gooks, make them feel the madness that they forced on you. You be better when my year of duty is up. I’ll be here to welcome you. I already sent the kids to my brother’s. You know Megan can’t have kids and she’s really flipping on him so it will be good for them as well.”

“What will you be doing there?” Carrie inquired.

“Fighting evil, of course, dear,” Donnie replied.

For reasons he could not fathom this sent his wife into a flashback and she started yelling incoherently again. The nurses quickly subdued her and he left full of rage. As he left, he saw a Filipino nursing aide pushing a cart of what appeared to be dishes. He quickly shoved the cart into her and carried her out of the hospital. “All those innocents not enough for you, gook? Or do you wanna finish off the survivors in the hospital?” he screamed at her.

“No! I’m a Filipino-American! I’m no Chinese commie gook, please let me go! I love God, I love people, I want the Chinks dead as much as you do! Those were dirty dishes to go back to the kitchen! Please don’t hurt me!” Her pleas fell on deaf ears as he hit her in the back of the head and stuffed her in the back seat. When he reached a wooded area he took her out and tied her to the rear bumper. Her conciousness returning, she screamed and pleaded once again. He dragged her all the way down the wooded path and when he reached the end he stopped, turned on his radio, and took a look at what was left of the nurse. Then he felt her, the leader of them all, as shown by the fact that she was the only beautiful brunette that existed in the world. Her knee-high boots and short skirt made him forget his wife’s condition, or his recent acts, and she smiled at him as he reclined the driver’s seat and closed his eyes at her tender touch. When he woke up hours later the police were at his window banging on the door, interrupting his fantasy.

“What’s going on here, sir?” said the officer.

“I’m fighting evil, sir. That’s a gook behind my car. She tried to poison people who were recovering from the poisoning in the hospital. She’s evil, I got rid of her and saved them all!” Donnie said, handing the officer his government ID card.

The officer took a look at his ID and then went to call in the incident to the station. When the officer returned even Donnie thought he was going to be arrested but instead the officer handed him a check for $10,000.

“Here’s your reward, sir. You did America proud by killing that communist chink bitch. God bless you, and God bless America.”

He then volunteered and went to China, this time as a commander. He inspected his troops. Most obeyed him whole-heartedly and his unit was known in the rice paddies of south China as one of the most vicious in the Army.

“Remember, if they look squinty-eyed, kill them. Man, woman, child, wearing red or wearing green, kill them. It was civilians who poisoned America. They all are guilty of rape and murder, and their punishment must fit the crime,” Donnie declared to his men.

They all followed and then they reached a village full of women, with the men out in the field fighting. They pillaged and massacred the village, taking all they could carry and raping all the women they could find before killing them. Then they lit the village on fire. One of his newer soldiers ran up to him afterward.

“Why did we rape the women before we killed them?” he asked.

“They have no morals, we show no morals. We’re fighting evil, soldier. Ahh, sit down son, we got the TV fixed, finally! Those chinks were holding out parts we could've used before!”

“But sir, rape is im…immmmmm... ohhhh.” The soldier drifted off as the show came onto the small set they carried with them everywhere they went. Only then did he understand all his training and become a soldier just like the rest of them. And rapes of Chinese women were counted as enthusiastically as killing Chinese men.

Donnie returned home after his year of service and was highly decorated and praised. He saw his Carrie; she looked different, but she was beautiful like his wife, wore his ring like his wife, and held him like his wife so he took her as his wife. He returned to civilian life and raised his daughter Mandy and his son Paul with pride. Mandy was his pride and joy. Captain of the basketball team, a straight A student with scholarship offers to some of the better small schools in the country, she was 17 and ready to become a woman. He had heard some rumors about women’s basketball feeding homosexual and sinful behavior but it never was proven, and most saw it as an empty rumor in 2016; besides he'd seen her with Tony, the captain of the football team. Then one day he came home early from a business trip. Carrie and Paul both sat captivated by the television and he tousled his son’s hair and kissed his wife on the forehead enough to awaken them to his existence. “Hey there, you’re home early!" Carrie said lovingly.

“Where’s Mandy?” Donnie asked.

“Oh, Jessica came over, they're upstairs watching another channel,” Carrie said. Donnie just laughed and headed upstairs to get changed and join his wife and son in front of the TV. On his way up he heard giggling coming from his daughter’s bedroom. He thought nothing of it and opened the door only to be confronted by a sight more repulsive than even the Chinese: his beautiful daughter being undressed by another woman, kissing in passion, and looking like he arrived not a moment too soon to prevent an unspeakable sin.

“I’m home early, Mandy. Trying on new clothes?” Donnie asked, still refusing to believe his eyes and giving his daughter every benefit of the doubt.

“Umm, ummm... right, daddy, me and Jessica were just looking at these wonderful new T-shirts that we got at the mall. Right, Jess?”

Mandy nudged Jessica and she quickly recovered. “Yeah, right, see here’s a good one, 'God loves all who love her…man!'” The last word came somewhat awkwardly.

“All right, girls, I'll give you privacy then, but you should really turn on the television to see the special on Channel 2. Your favorite singer is performing, Mandy, the one with your own name!”

He closed the door but fear and hatred filled his mind. He still denied reality. “She’s not a dyke, I raised her too well. That Jessica may be a bad influence but I raised her to resist temptation. Besides she’s too smart just to throw it away for sin. And she has a boyfriend.”

Still, when he went to Mandy’s final basketball game, while his family blindly cheered, he paid close attention to the game. He saw the accidental (or was it?) contact between Mandy and her opponents, the bumping into each other’s butts, the swats that would clip the outside of their breasts, the hip grabbing for defense, the little pushes off of the leg; he could see where if there was a lesbian on the court how a good woman could be infected with the devil’s lust over time. He feared for his daughter, but then he relaxed. “Most girls don’t become dykes until they are alone in college. Mandy’s not good enough to keep playing in the big schools, she’s 2nd division at best, and she cares more about her schoolwork anyway.” After the game he saw Mandy and Jessica walk back to the locker room, and he noticed the way they were holding hands, subtle enough for anyone but him not to notice.

Then he ran into Carl, Jessica’s father. “Can I talk to you, Donnie?” Carl asked him.

“Sure, what’s up?” Donnie asked.

“I’m worried about my Jessica. I think she’s being consumed by sin,” Carl replied.

“What makes you say that?” Donnie answered.

“She seems to be paying more attention to girls. She broke up with her boyfriend recently and I notice that she has been hanging out with your daughter a lot. I’m not blaming your daughter, mind you, she’s a good kid. My Jessica, though... I've been very worried for a while. She doesn’t watch TV like she should and she has never held onto a boyfriend. I don’t think she’s even kissed a boy. And she’s really taken more of an interest in my work and not her mother trying to teach her how to be a successful woman. You know, cooking, cleaning, babysitting. I wondered if you can help them, I know you know a little on the matter, being a soldier.”

“Well, I didn’t want to mention it, because I don’t wanna worry the wives, but I saw Mandy and Jessica kissing each other with their shirts off. They still had their bras on, but if I didn’t get there on time, they may have gone too far. We can wake them from their sin, though. It’s just the early stages. I know when I was a kid I used to fool around with other guys in ways that make my stomach turn. You know- the towel whipping, the running around in the locker room with no clothes. I guess this is how girls express that kinda stuff. But we had better stop it before it gets out of hand. Saturday, invite them over, I’ll have Carrie take the young kids to the park with your Molly. Remember, though, Carl, we aren’t just saving our daughters, we’re fighting evil. There’s a HOPE camp not too far from here. If the talk gets more serious than confusion, don’t be afraid to use it.”

“I’ll do anything to keep my Jessica from becoming a dyke!” Carl replied.

Saturday came, and Mandy and Jessica were alone in the living room they are holding hands. Both stared at each other with sappy smiles. Unknown to their parents, they already made up their minds. They knew their condition and were happy with it. Both secretly enrolled in Hunter and planned to run to New York after this talk. They planned to come out to their parents, then leave this messed-up world for good. Donnie walked in first, followed by Carl.

“We’ve noticed how close you two have been becoming…which…which is great but…” Carl stammered. It was hard enough to talk to her older brother about love and sex, let alone trying to keep his daughter from becoming a lesbian.

“What we are trying to say is, we know you spend a lot of time together, and you may be a little confused on what it means to be a friend and what love is. Love is for a man and a woman. And you will always be friends, but it is the deadly sin of lust for a woman to fall in love with another woman.” Donnie clarified and all the girls did was stare at each other and plant a deep open-mouthed kiss in front of their parents.

“I am who I am, dad,” Mandy replied. “I love Jessica and she loves me. I know the Bible says it’s wrong, but I guess I'm a born sinner. I plan to move to New York with her. You won’t be embarrassed by me. I tried to be a good girl but…but…it’s not like the Bible!”

Donnie lost his temper and slapped his daughter. “HOW DARE YOU CRITICIZE THE WORD OF GOD!”

“Please, girls, we love you, we want to see you succeed. There’s a place for you, we can save you. It’s not too late,” Carl pleaded.

“No, Dad. I’m just a damn dyke, if that’s what you and your kind care to call me. I am going to live a happy life. And if that means throwing away what we were taught to be so we can be who we know we are, so be it. We'll run away tonight so you won’t have to worry about us anymore. We don’t need any HOPE camp pity.”

Donnie pulled Carl into the kitchen. He knew of a way to break the devil’s spell. He in fact did it a few times to free women from Islam. Carl was nervous but times grew desperate and he knew he had to go to extremes to save his daughter.

“But man, we are married! We can't go outside our vows! Shouldn't we get some young guys to do it?"

“We’re fighting evil. God will understand,” said Donnie. And Carl agreed and he would take Mandy while Donnie would take Jessica. The girls fought hard but they finally got them on Jessica’s bed. They were so blind that they didn’t realize that their plan was backfiring, that through the ordeal Mandy and Jessica were holding hands and staring at each other, tears in their eyes. When they finished they let the girls rest while they called the HOPE camp to finish the job.

“Good job, Carl. Sometimes it takes a little physicalness to straighten them out.”

“I understand, we’re fighting evil,” Carl replied.

Night came and they got ready to take the girls to the camp. But to their surprise the girls had both cut their hair short, the trade symbol of a hardened lesbian.

“You proved your point, dad – we proved ours," Jessica said with a smile.

“What the hell are you doing?” Donnie raged.

“We’re fighting evil, dad… bye!” And the two girls ran out the back door and into a waiting car.

Donnie was speechless. Then he told his wife he had business in New Jersey that week and flew to New York. He looked around for his daughter, gun in hand. He saw a lesbian bar and thought it would be good enough. He opened fire, taking down two women before the bartender pulled out her shotgun and blasted Donnie in the heart. The crowd gathered around, but all he could see were the two dead lesbians slumped in the far corner. And all he could think of for his final call, with each part of evil fought by him, were the President's words to him before he and his fellow soldiers left.

“Thank you, good night, and God bless America.”


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