Disclaimer: The people are real. That's about it for the reality in this piece. The setting, the story, the opinions held- they're all fictional. This is just for fun, nothing else.

Preaching to the Choir

Chantelle came up to the bathroom door, but found herself stopped short, the door blocked. Pee-Wee and Vickie were standing guard, one on each side of the door, each with a hand out to bar her passage. "Okay, so, like, is this the part where I make a Supremes joke or a Johnson and Johnson joke?"

"Been there, done that," Pee-Wee replied. "Had Adrienne Johnson as a teammate back in Orlando. We heard 'em all."

"Trust me, you *don't* want to know what's going on in there. It's-"

"I *like* watching," Chantelle interrupted. She stepped forward again. Vickie reached to stop her, but Pee-Wee indicated that Vickie should back off.

Much to Chantelle's disappointment, no one was engaged in kinky sex acts on the bathroom floor or in any of the stalls. Instead, Shanna and Katie were by the sinks, fully clothed and engaged in a heated debate.

"I think you're taking it too far!" Katie was insisting. "Yes, we should live our lives according to God's will, and yes, all we do should be dedicated to His glory, because anything else would be vainglorious. That doesn't mean we should surrender all control to the Lord."

"No human being can really know the will of God. Relying on what you think is the will of God is the most direct way to be ensnared by the Devil- or be cursed by your own pride," Shanna countered.

"God gave us reason so we could understand and follow His will, and will of our own so we could choose freely to do His work. To surrender that is like throwing His gifts back in His face. How vain is that?"

"But we are all imperfect, stained by the sins in the Garden of Eden," Shanna pointed out. "We can only know God if He works directly through us, not through our imperfect views of Him."

"And how much pride would it take to claim that you and you alone know the will of God in you? If we're so imperfect, how can we tell the difference between the Prince of Lies and God?"

As Shanna prepared to answer, Chantelle laughed, drawing both Katie and Shanna's attention to her. "Y'know, I've heard plenty about God too…"

Katie muttered under her breath and stalked out of the room. Shanna looked at her back in confusion before Chantelle stepped closer to her.


Pee-Wee and Vickie were exchanging notes on places to eat in Budapest when Katie stormed out. "What's the matter, blondie?" Pee-Wee asked with a sneer.

"Chantelle. She's got no manners. Shanna and I were having a very nice discussion and she just barged in and started talking filthy. I thought you two were trying to give us some privacy."

"We *were*," Vickie said, glaring at Pee-Wee.

"You didn't do a very good job of it."

"So you left Chantelle alone with a rookie? You left a rookie out of Tennessee with a Vanderbilt alum?" At Katie's nod, Vickie murmured, "God help that child."

"I should have known one of your kind wouldn't hesitate to take the Lord's name in vain," Katie grumbled.

Vickie tilted her head back to look Katie in the eye. "Who says I was?"

They stayed locked in silent stalemate, staring at each other and the tiled floor until Shanna screamed, "HEATHEN!" loudly enough to echo in the hall. The door slammed open, and Shanna streaked out of the bathroom, her face flaming scarlet.

"Good foot speed. She better keep that up if she wants to make the roster," Pee-Wee observed.

"Have you no compassion for your fellow human being? She's obviously in distress!"

"Sure I'm concerned. She keeps runnin' like a fool, she'll tear up her knee, and then who's gonna back VJ up?"

"You- oh, forget it. Shan! Wait!" Katie followed Shanna down the hall, presumably back to the locker room.

When they were alone, Vickie gave Pee-Wee a disapproving look. "Whaaaat? I was being honest with the God freak. And I was polite. You heard me." Pee-Wee offered a grin that was clearly trying to be charming.

Vickie managed to keep her temper and resist the temptation to take her cross out from under her shirt. "You're the living end, I swear."

The toilet flushed. A few moments later, Chantelle exited the room, wiping her hands on a paper towel. Vickie immediately pinned her with a "what the hell made you do something so boneheaded?" look she usually used on referees. Pee-Wee crossed her arms and waited with an expression on her face that suggested that the showdown ought to be good.

"What?" Chantelle asked sweetly. "Shanna was like, she wants to go into missionary work, and she wanted to know if I wanted to join her. All I said was that I know soooo many more interesting positions than missionary, and if she'd just give me a sec, I'd show her. It's not my fault she freaked out."

Pee-Wee guffawed. "I knew I liked the way you think, kid."

Vickie buried her face in her hands, wondering exactly what she had signed herself up for.


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