Title: Conversion
Rating: G
A/N: Jeez, at least Dorothy had Toto. Poor, poor Jackie. There might be more LA!Jackie drabbles in the future.
Disclaimer/Legalese: Jackie Stiles went to Los Angeles in the 2003 dispersal draft. That’s the only part of this that has any basis in reality. Everything else is the product of my bizarre, demented, sick, twisted mind.
Summary: Feeling just a little out of place.


I got off the plane at LAX, only familiar with it from three trips in my life, and took a deep breath. The air smelled funny, like nothing I had ever experienced before. I’m a farm girl, always have been, always will be, not ashamed of it. I’m not so comfortable with cities. I took another breath, trying to steady myself.

The world spun just for a second. I blinked. Things looked... strange. Different. I felt like grinning maniacally. It didn’t make sense. And why did I suddenly want to go out, tip cows, and hit seventy on the freeway?

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