Title: Hi
Rating: PG-13, we seem to have a trend going here... eep, I refuse to write a JackieSmut drabble.
A/N: Heh, heh, heh...
Disclaimer/Legalese: Latasha Byears and Jackie Stiles are both Sparks, and Tot has a history with recreational drugs. Beyond that, this is fiction dredged up from the depths of my warped little mind.
Summary: Jackie says hi.


She stuck a hand in my direction with something in it. “Try ‘em,” she suggested, with the strong smell of something illegal on her breath. But I wanted to meet all my new teammates, so I bore it.

“Hi, I’m Jackie.”

“No shit.” Wow, communicative. This was going to be fun.

“So, uh... what’s there to do around here?”

She grinned at me and twitched her hand. I saw what something was. “Oh, no.”

“Try ‘em,” she insisted, lighting one for herself and one for me. She stuck it in my mouth. I accidentally inhaled, and then there were colors...


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