Title: Sacrifice
A/N: Taken from discussion on stormfans.org. I heart these people too much for words.
Disclaimer/Legalese: Unless proof is given to the contrary, Jackie Stiles and her innocence have not been sacrificed in some bizarre ritual to assure the Sparks a perfect season. A lot of this weirdness wasn't originally mine, but I get quite a kick out of it. It's all make-believe. At least I think it is.
Summary: Some teams will do anything to win.
Coach is smiling; that doesn't mean anything good. "We don't need her," he says to Miss Toler. "If we get Sophia back, we have our shooter."
"Fine," she says. "Do what you will with her."
"I have a plan." He turns to me. "Jackie, you're going to be very important for this team. It took a long time to find a virgin. Now we have one."
When I see what he's going to do, I can't keep from screaming. This isn't right! I didn't sign on to be a virgin sacrifice, even if it's for the good of the team!
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