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Grimoire ex Magicus et Paganum

Cead Mille Failte and Welcome to my Main Page. I am an Eclectic Traditionalist Pagan with roots in Celtic Druidism and Stregarian paths. I created this website to be as informative as possible. My intent was to bring forth as much inforamtion as I could without divulging too many of my own personal feelings and biases, but as a teacher I try to give a basis in which to grow from. Please, if for any reason your views on Paganism in any way, shape or form border on strong disbelief and or malign, I ask that you go else where, however if you are here to learn about Paganism, The Craft of the Wise or the Old Religion by all means you are very welcome and privy to any and all information contained herein. Feel free to take a look at My Online Book of Shadows or see what my little web toys have in store down below. Please sign my guest book and comment on any of the content you may find here. This page serves as a portal into many different useful sites, some are mine and some of the links to my favorite sites on the web. This is a reference page. My Online Book of Shadows goes into my beliefs, traditons, rituals, spells and recipies, and the casting and banishing of a ritual circle. In no way are my thoughts, ideals, expressed opinions and teachings shared by all. Once again to repeat my myself, and convey this message one last time, I have attempted to create an informative, un-biased, wide-scoped and and ranged site to educate as well as entertain, inspire thought and creativity. So with that all said I truely hope you enjoy your visit and take away something useful. Merry Part, until Merry we Meet Again =)
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Referencium Index of Reference Links

The Witches Voice
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Occult and Pagan Dictionary
Herbal Reference Guide
Aradia Gospel of the Witches
Halloween Myth, Fact, Mysteries, Legends, Misconceptions and Misunderstandings
Renaissance Clothing, Armour, Weaponry, Accessories and much MUCH more!
