Charmed Quotes

Melinda: How do you keep your legs warm?
Prue: We drink coffee.

Piper: I just wish I could get a live guy.

Phoebe: I forgot your question.
Piper: I asked if Prue was going to have sex with someone other than herself this year.
Phoebe: That's disgusting! Please say yes!

Prue: I don't like earthquakes. I just don't go running through the house naked screaming "Run for your life!
Phoebe: That is such an exaggeration... I was wearing slippers.

Andy: Everything happens for a reason, remember, you told me that, Prue.

Phoebe: Go away horny tom cats!

Phoebe: Come on, you don't think we'll be 60 and still living together, sharing clothes and a cat.
Piper: Well now that you put it that way, no, I don't want to live with you anymore!

Piper: Don't act blonde.

Prue: If he can kill thirteen unmarried witches before midnight, he'll be freed from the underworld to wreak his terror every single day.
Piper: Unmarried? Like being single doesn't have enough problems.

Piper: Leo, you're a nice guy, and I like you a lot, but let's face it, you're geographically undesirable.

Prue: Great, so some guy couldn't keep it in his sheath and now I'm marked for death.
Piper: Well, some men can be very sensitive about their weapons.

Phoebe: I'll do what I should've done a while ago which is vanquish your sorry ass!

confronting a demon
Xotar: I'm Krell, a Xotar.
Prue: I'm Prue, a Scorpio.

Phoebe: I hope this doesn't mean we get our *virginity* back too!

Leo: Piper, he's gonna kill me when he finds out.
Piper: Don't be ridiculous, you're already dead.

Cole: You've got to hold my hand.
Prue: This already sucks.

Outlaw: See you in hell.
Cole: Been there, done that.

Prue: Innocents and alleys, don't they ever learn?

Prue: I'm gonna win this fight and save your ass, that way I can kick it myself later.

Eames: Did I miss all the fun? No, wait I am the fun

Prue: Oh, I think someone needs a time out little missy!

Phoebe: Why couldn't you get a boy-band song stuck in your head like everyone else?

Phoebe: We thought that the good guys were bad guys, in trying to vanquish them we helped the real bad guys, which were dead ringers for the good guys
Leo: Was that English?

DA: You are ...?
Phoebe: Phoebe
DA: Is that like a Cher, or a Madonna, or do you have a last name?

Krell: Just the thought of working with you turns my stomachs
Piper: Stomachs?

Prue: Are you a good witch or a bad witch?
Piper: I'm going to be a very good witch from now on.

Prue: By the look of the clothes I'd say we were in the early 1700's.
Phoebe: Where the life expectancy of a witch is, oh, 15 seconds.

Daryl: First demons I have seen actually, apart from the blonde with the funky snake tongue thingy.

Ava: Oh you've made that clock so small, you must posses great powers
Piper: No, just a great credit card

Prue: Stairs can be sobering

Phoebe: You have really got to lay off the rhyming, Prue

Cole: Why would I ever not want to talk to you?
Phoebe: I don't know, you know, just in case you thought I was a drunk or a lunatic, or a drunk lunatic.

Prue: I hate to be the detail police.

Phoebe: If I had a dollar for every times an owl turned into a hot guy on our porch, I'd be rich...

Piper: We have to find a way of hiding the rutabaga.
Prue: The rutabaga?
Piper: It's code word for the thing we're not supposed to talk about.
Prue: Oh, the rutabaga.

Piper: I swear to god I have seen this in a movie somewhere.

Phoebe: Wanna take a wiccan time out and do the crossword puzzle?

Phoebe: I curse you, you curse me, let's get together and do a little cursing.

Phoebe: Anyone got a vanquish in their pocket

Phoebe: We could sure use some cosmic help right about now!

Piper: You were telling yourself how much you love you?

Leo: I've thought this through
Piper: Is that why you asked me to marry you in a toilet?

Piper: I'm being stalked by psycho killers and I hide in the shower!

Paige: I like an element of danger.

Paige: You used to be a demon *and* a lawyer?
Cole: Yeah.
Paige: Insert joke here.

Genie: Plus, that and they'll kill me.
Piper: They're going to have to wait in line.

Dragon Demon: And where the hell did you come from?
Genie: Oh, no, no. That's where *you* came from.

Piper: We went, we saw, we didn't quite conquer.

Phoebe: I think I found the demon. Oh my god...
Paige: What? You can't say "demons" followed by "oh my god" - I'm new at this, I'm likely to panic.

Demon Of Illusion: Silly Witches! Tricks Are For Kids!

Prue: They have secrets, too.
Piper: Well unless they're transvestite Nazi war criminals with really good face-lifts, ours beats theirs.

Paige: Got milk? Oooh, don't think so.

She stands up and looks up at the sky.

Piper: I'll play the bitch, you play the witch, ok?

Piper: I'm gonna be happy when I vanquish your sorry ass!

Piper: Yeah, next time get your own damn lipstick.
Prue: I heard that!
Piper: I love you!
Prue: Bite me!

Piper: Phoebe's pregnant.
Leo: What, huh, really?

Phoebe: Can you do anything about this rain? 'Cause it's making me nuts!
The Seer: I have no sway over the weather. I do have a friend who works with the wind, but she's out of town.

Cole: Don't you think you're being a little paranoid?
Phoebe: With my demon ex-husband from hell?

Head Dwarf: When's her prince getting here?
Piper: She doesn't have a prince.
Head Dwarf: No prince? So then who's going to kiss her?
Dwarf #1: I'll do it!
Dwarf #2: In your dreams stinky. I'll do it!
Dwarf #1: I told you not to call me that.
Head Dwarf: People! A little professional decorum here please. (To Piper) Forgive them, it's been a while.

Grams: Piper blew up the wolf from inside. Although it took her long enough.
Piper: Hey, back off Grams, I just saved your ass!

Piper: Vanquish demon first, kill husband later.

Paige: What just happened?
Piper: The freaking furniture just attacked us!

Leo: Give daddy back his powers now!

Piper: Kiss this bitch!

Genie: Look, uh, you're probably a little bit upset, huh?
Piper: No, I've moved past upset and straight to pissed off!

Leo: ours will be doubly magical - half Whitelighter. Half witch.
Paige: Hey, that's like me! Oh. You might have some problems.

Phoebe: Notice anything different about me?
Paige looks at her oddly
Piper: Engagement ring. Notice it or wear coffee.

Phoebe: Who's Natile?
Piper: She's a-
Leo: Fellow whitelighter. See I finished your sentence.
Piper: Hmm. That's not what I was gonna say.

Piper: So let me get this straight. You summoned me to a cage where our powers don't work so, what, we could all die together?
Paige: I'll admit the plan has a few flaws.

Phoebe: Will your friends be staying for dinner?
Cole: I'm going to have a hard enough time convincing them to stay 'til the end of the meeting if you don't stop threatening to kill them.

Demon: You've got something up your sleeve...
looks at sisters' shirts

Piper: Oh, no, don't tell me we got infected with the sin thingy.

Leo: Hey, you want to freeze me in bed for your own personal pleasure, that is fine, but freezing Natalie is not gonna make her or the Elders happy.

Phoebe: Oh, she's such a pretty dog.
Piper: What else did you expect?
Prue growls and barks at Leo
Piper: Oh, honey, watch your orbs.