Prue Halliwell

Telekineses & Astral Projection

Telekineses - The power to move objects with thought or through the hands. Prue got this power in Season 1.

Astral Projection - The power to have part of you leave your body and suddenly be somewhere else. Prue got this power in Season 2.

Piper Halliwell-Wyatt

Cell Speed Manipulation

Freezing Time - The power to slow down the speed of time therefore, making it stop in it's tracks or freeze. This was Piper's first power from Season 1.

Speeding Up Time - Speeding up time causes things to blow up. It goes too fast that the object she targets can't handle it and explodes. Piper got this power in the episode Exit Strategy of Season 3.

Phoebe Halliwell-Turner

Clairvoyance, Precogniton, & Levitation

Clairvoyance - The power to see into the future. It only takes a touch to trigger this power. Phoebe got this in Season 1.

Precognition - The power to see into the past as well as future. Phoebe got this one later in Season 1.

Levitation - The power to lift into the air. Sometimes able to channel it so that you are able to fly. Phoebe got this power in Season 3.

Paige Matthews

Telekinetic Orbing, Orbing, & Healing

Telekinetic Orbing - She has telekinesis, like Prue had, only the Whitelighter in her makes it work differently. She calls for an object, and it orbs to her. She got this power in Season 4.

Orb - The power to orb herself places, just like a regular Whitelighter. She got this power in Season 4.

Healing - The power to heal people if they are wounded or hurt. Whitelighters can't heal the dead though. Since Paige is half-whitelighter, she needs the help of a whitelighter to heal.

Leo Wyatt

Orbing, Healing, Sensing, Levitation, & Telekineses

Orbing -The power to orb from place to place because he's a Whitelighter. He occasionally orbs up to the Elders. Whitelighters are not allowed to orb demons or evil beings.

Healing - The power to heal people if they are wounded or hurt. Whitelighters can't heal the dead though.

Sensing - The power to sense where a witch, demon, or supernatural creature is.

Levitation - The power to lift into the air. Sometimes able to channel it so that you are able to fly.

Telekineses - The power to move objects with thought or through the hands.

Cole Turner [The Source]

Vanish, Fire Balls, & Shape-Shifting

Vanish - The power to travel from place to place in a shroud of fire.

Fire Balls - The power to throw fire balls. This is a ball of fire that is very powerful.

Shape-Shifting - The power to change into any person, animal, or thing.

Also: The Source has many other powers (too many to list!)

Penny Halliwell

Telekineses & Temporal Status

Patty Halliwell [Grams]
