Email me with a dedication...Please let me know what song, what lyrics and what CD it is
on, I can also use any wav that is already here. I have to have it on CD to be able to make it...OR...
Maybe you just want me to make you a wav for personal use? Use them on your web pages, chat rooms, change your
puter sounds, ect.... Just email me!! O:-)
To ~Cher's Sweetybuns~ From Katherine And this one is because of how dedicated to and how much you LOVE your *Soulmate*!! Every woman *DREAMS* of finding their "Sand Dollar" amongst the other shells!! Your continued LOVE and Support is what *DREAMS* ARE made of!! You're the BOMB!! Love Ya!!! DreamsAreMadeOf
From Katherine ~To My RED Hot Droolers~ For being there and being MY "Paradise"!! I Love ya's!!