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I have finally started to make some graphics!
I have some of these through out my Blinkie pages, but...
I have all made by me here. I am just starting out so, most of them are personal...
I plan to keep making O:-)

You are welcome to take anything you like. Just PLEASE save to your OWN hard drive O:-)
Please just THREE per request O:-)

You can use one of these graphics to link back to me at


if you choose. It's not a Rule...Enjoy O:-)

These graphics I made transparent, they just seem to look better on light background.

Back to Princess Cher's Blinkies

I don't know where a lot of my tubes came's one that is amazing!!
I will be using a lot from here! O:-)

Links to other Blinkie Addicts
that I got my blinkies from

visitors since 8)18)2004

Donna's Music Codes