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My Sammy Sim House

My 14 year old daughter Sami and I are very addicted to playing the Sims. We love to design then furnish our own houses. Sami is the designer and I decorate. This Is one I really wanted to share. Sami made this house about a year ago and I made the wallpapers and the floors. Then I decorated it with other furnature I found on the internet. My Sammy Sim is the closest I could find (for now) to looking like Sammy. I am finally just getting it up...
Princess Cher O:-)

Come visit this link, where i made Sammy Hagar Graphics too O:-)
Sammy Hagar Graphics Made By Princess Cher

This is the way it looks with the roof on

First set of wallpaper and floors I made. (I actually took a picture of my Sammy
bandana to make the outside wallpaper)

"C" is for Cabo


"W" is for Wabo

Front door and hallway

Now the bathroom (I made the Sammy wall hanging)

Bathtub, hotub, shower, sink, and sitting area

The kitchen (I made the Sammy pictures)

I made the chili pepper wallpaper with matching floor.
I found the chili pepper clock and hanging. Cookin' up some RED Hot dishes in here.
Note...the two Waborita's on the counter...yummmmm

The bedroom...Is that Kari Sammy is kissing?

Sammy jamming on his guitar

Still jamming

Kari is playing the stereo now

Sammy relaxing while Kari feeds the fish

Bored Sammy

They lived happily ever after in a Cabo Wabo shaped house O:-)

Visitors since May 21, 2004

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