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Author's Note: Well, now that the trilogy's over everyone's pulses can go back to normal and we can have a little fun for a few more episodes, before I kick in the battles again ^_^ There's some Chichiri flashback stuff (aren't you happy I'm finally going to tell you his connections with Mizu?), and a lot of the background information comes from "Shouryuu Den," the Gaiden Novel by Yuu Watase-san. For those of you who don't know about it, I'd recommend that you read the summary here: because I might refer to a couple of things in it every once in a while.
Oh, right, and to Draconsis: Sure! That'd be great if you advertised for me (hehe, shameless advertising rocks, no da)! Oookay, I think that's about it! Enjoy! ^_^

~Episode Twelve: The Seed of Love?~
Deadly Games Between Allies!

Yui muttered something unintelligible, opening her blue eyes just as she heard Tetsuya cheer. "What's going on?"
The two looked over. Keisuke smiled. "Oh, so Sleeping Beauty's finally awake. And after missing some of the most interesting chapters, too."
The girl sat up, stretching. "Geez, what'd I miss? Nobody died, did they?"
"No one we like at least," Tetsuya said with a chuckle. He grabbed the book from Keisuke, putting his finger on the beginning of chapter twelve. "Explain it to her Keisuke, and when you're done I'll start reading this next chapter."

Kiori's eyelids fluttered open slowly. She pulled her face back slightly, finding that she was unusually close to the still-sleeping monk's face. The college girl sat up, rubbing sleep out of her eyes and yawning. She was moderately surprised to find herself in Chichiri's room, not the living area where she'd saved him.
"I guess the others must have moved us in here... huh, I bet it was Ritsuka's idea to move me in here too, she knows me too well..." Kiori chuckled, noticing Tasuki sleeping quietly on a nearby pallet. "Knows him pretty well too."
The college girl turned her attention back to Chichiri, glad to see that he looked a lot better than he had before. There was no doubt in her mind that he'd be okay, now. Someone had put his mask back on; Kiori considered taking it off, but decided the cut underneath would be all right.
She smiled tenderly, touching the fake material. Funny, it felt a lot like real skin. 'Does he really think he needs that mask to get people to accept him?' she wondered to herself. 'Or does he just use it to hide his true self?' Kiori sighed a little. 'I guess I'll never understand him, unless he wants me to.'
She ran a hand along his forehead, glad that the fever had broken. "I hope you're having pleasant dreams, Chichiri. You deserve them."
So deep in thought was Kiori that she didn't notice Ritsuka standing in the doorway until she spoke. "Such a kind, gentle healer."
The brunette jumped, whirling around. She turned chibi, waving her arms in embarassment. "Oh, Ritsuka, I didn't know you were- I was only- I mean that..." she blushed. "You weren't supposed to see that."
Ritsuka chuckled. "You're pretty fond of Chichiri, aren't you?"
Kiori turned back to the monk, running a hand along his cheek. "There's a lot of pain behind that smile." She looked back at her friend, smiling that sad, cheerful smile.
The redhead nodded understandingly. "Kiori," she shifted uncomfortable. "If it's like that..."
"Like what?"
Ritsuka was about to answer, when Tasuki rolled over and opened a golden eye. "Was yesterday jus' a dream, 'r is Chichiri really alive?"
"No dream" Ritsuka said, chuckling and smiling at the seishi. "Though I'll pinch you if you doubt me."
"Somethin' tells me yer pinches'r more like gettin' hit with an arrow," Tasuki shot back, flashing the first real smile he'd managed in almost four days. His fangs glinted slightly in the morning light as he stood up, walking over to take a seat across from Kiori, next to Chichiri's bed. "So he'll be all right?"
Kiori nodded, giving a thumbs-up. "In a few weeks he'll be just like new!"
Tasuki flashed another quick grin. Suddenly, he grabbed Kiori's hands, bowing his head slightly. "Arigatou, Kiori. Yer a real hero, y'know that, right? Chichiri'd be dead without you... huh, an' we all thought y'couldn't do it..."
The college girl blushed. "He would've done the same for me... almost did, really. It was nothing."
"Nothin'?" a familiar bandit voice from the doorway queried with a chuckle. "Now that's modesty, there."
Kiori turned to see Akai, Koji and Houki standing in the doorway. All three had large smiles on their recently-somber faces. She blushed brighter, rubbing the back of her head. "Arigatou, but..."
"Why are you thanking us, Kiori-san?" Akai asked. "You're the one who brought the team back together. We should be the ones thanking you. About ten times over, really."
Ritsuka clapped a hand on her friend's back. "Don't argue, Kiori, just smile and nod."
Houki looked over the Tasuki's shoulder at the sleeping monk. "How is our other hero? Do you suppose he will wake up today?"
Kiori shrugged in an off-hand manner. "Hard to say, really. Maybe today, maybe tomorrow. You don't get pulled back from the gates of Heaven and spring immediately back to life, ya know."
"I thought that was my line, ya know."
Six heads whirled to face the speaker. Chichiri propped himself up on an elbow, groaning slightly and flashing his trademark chibi smile and victory sign. "Ohayou, ya know."
The monk was practically smothered as Kiori, Ritsuka and Tasuki grabbed him in a near bone-crushing hug.
"Oh Chichiri thank God you're all right!"
"Never thought I'd see you again in this world buddy!"
"You stupid suicidal seishi, I'm so, so, SO glad to see you awake!"
"Daaa..." Chichiri grabbed his ribcage. He winced, but managed to chuckle through it all. "Minna. It's good to see you, but a little unbelievable, ya know. How did I get here?"
Koji chuckled, waiting until the three had backed off their friend to answer. "Kinda a long story, but the just of it is Kiori saved ya."
"Kiori?" he turned his mahogany eye to the college girl, giving her a curious, grateful smile. "You've done that a lot recently, ya know."
The college girl blushed. "It was the least I could do, after you saved us both out in the woods." She turned serious suddenly, reprimanding her friend. "Why did you do that anyway? You knew you were too weak to try any spells, but you threw up that shield anyway! That almost killed you, you know that, don't you!? If I hadn't-"
Houki chuckled. "Kiori, please calm down. Our friend only just awoke. Perhaps we should get Chichiri some breakfast before we berate him about his selfless behavior."
"Oh, that's right, food!" Ritsuka drooled slightly. "I was so happy to see our ol' monk awake that I almost forgot how hungry I was."
"You musta been pretty damn happy if you almost fergot t'feed that black hole you call a stomach," Tasuki muttered good-naturedly.
"What was that Tasuki-chan!?"
Koji was waiting for the infamous, "Don't call me that," but it never came. The seishi chuckled, swinging his good arm around Ritsuka's shoulder. "I said, 'Lead me t'the meal, an' hurry, or Koji'll steal everythin' fer himself.'"
"Oi, th' only thing I ever stole from you was a bottle-a sake, an' you know it!"
Akai chuckled at the trio, who were pushing each other playfully. "Two thieves and a stomach-on-feet. I guess we should hurry then, Emperess, if we want anything." She nodded at Chichiri. "I'll bring you a tray, Chichiri-sama. And if Ritsuka-san tries to swipe your portion I'll defend it with my life."
Kiori laughed and waved her friend off. "That's all right, Akai, I'll do the tray-carrying. I need to bring my food back anyway so I can do a quick check-up on Chichiri."
Houki followed Akai out the door, turning around at the last second to speak to both seishi and college girl. "It is very good to have you both back with us. Konan seemed so very empty and desolate without you."
Chichiri smiled, bowing his head slightly. "It's good to be alive, Houki-sama ya know."
Houki's serene face broke into an unusually carefree smile. "Everything really is going to work out all right, isn't it?" She turned swiftly and trotted after Akai; it was the happiest both Chichiri and Kiori had seen her in a long time.
Kiori smiled. "Everyone's so happy that you're back. I'm glad I could play a part in it."
The monk caught her hand, looking at her with concern. "Kiori, how exactly did you save me, ya know? The last clear thing I remember is feeling like I didn't have any strength left to fight, and then... then suddenly I did, ya know. What happened?"
The college girl looked down, playing with the blanket. "Oh, that. Well, er, y'see... I sort of..." she sighed, murmuring in a barely audible voice. "Loaned you some of my ki."
"You did what!?" Kiori jumped at the note in his voice. "Kiori, you knew what could have happened! What if, what if you'd been killed? And after I practically ordered you not to, too..."
"Gomen," Kioi said, eyes still lowered. "I know it was risky, and I know I probably shouldn't have done it. But Chichiri... even if I hadn't been able to control it, and I'd known ahead of time..." her green eyes met his mahogany one defiantly. "I still would have done it. Because I promised myself and the others that I wouldn't let you die, and I was going to do everything I could to save you." Her look softened. "That's what you do for the people you care about."
Chichiri looked at her in curious wonder, seeing something in her eyes that he hadn't seen- at least, not directed at him- in a long time. "Kiori, I-"
The young woman stood. "I'll go get some breakfast. I'm starving. I'll be right back." She sighed. "And, I really am sorry that I went against your request. I won't do it again."
"I've heard that before, ya know," he snorted. As she reached the door, he called out gently. "Kiori?"
She turned. "Hai?"
Chichiri smiled, a smile that was meant all for her. "Arigatou."

Back at the Takkan Camp, the victorious General Hataku was relaxing in his tent. The wounds on his back were finally starting to heal up, and before the week was out he figured he'd be rid of the annoying ache for good. The general sipped lightly on a glass of alcohol, looking up at the roof of his tent and smiling secretly to himself. "Things are finally starting to go my way."
"Yes, things do seem good for Takkan."
The general jumped up, fumbling with his glass and spilling some of it on the floor. Setsuka stood across from him. "Eh, Setsuka-sama!" He recovered quickly from the surprise, touching his forehead to the ground respectfully. "What do I owe the pleasure of this visit?"
Setsuka kneeled down next to her general, smiling her sweetest. "A pleasure, you say? Then I suppose we are on decent terms again?"
Hataku tried not to chuckle. If she wanted to believe that, then all the better for him. "Were we ever on poor terms, my Lady?"
"Hm, I suppose not, if you do not think so," she agreed. Setsuka stood again, bading him to do so as well. "The war is going quite well. Our first victory, and the barrier is gone. You are doing splendidly, General- I assume you will take advantage of the lack of a force field?"
"Hai, my Lady!" he said with a small bow of his head. "Oh, how is that seishi you have held hostage?"
Setsuka avoided the question, not wanting to talk about the fact that the monk was safely back at the palace. "Hataku, I wish to speak with you privately, back at the palace. Away from this rabble that you have somehow managed to train into respectable soldiers. That would be all right, wouldn't it?"
"Er, I guess so, but should we really let them have another day to lick their wounds? Meaning no offense to your judgement," he added hastily, "but attacking quick and hard today when be in our best interests."
"No offense taken, I assure you," she said with a smile. "You are most likely right." Hataku was slightly taken aback that she was actually agreeing with him, but soon got over the shock. "Still, I would like to keep some of their men alive, so that after we win we will have more soldiers to recruit. Perhaps... perhaps you could send one of your captains, and a group of men out to parley, one more time."
"Do you think it'll work? Last time-"
"They have lost a lot, since last time," she reminded him. "Maybe they'll see reason. If not," she clenched her fist, "we will crush them!"
Hataku bowed. "Very well, my Lady. I'll go give Captain Utara his orders to parley. Won't be but a moment."
"Please hurry back, my dear general," Setsuka said sincerely, eyes glinting viciously behind his back. "We really must get back to the palace soon- there is much to talk about."

Chichiri spent a good part of the morning resting, knowing that he still needed to get some of his strength back. The monk had a hard time relaxing, though- he knew that the barrier around Konan was down, and he'd need to rebuild it as soon as possible.
The entire group of Konan Warriors arrived in his room at noon, each bearing their own tray of food. Kiori balanced two in her hand, commenting to Ritsuka that it was a good thing she'd worked as a waitress for a while.
The college girl handed Chichiri his plate with a flourish. "Your royal meal, Chichiri-sama."
The monk laughed, glancing over the food hungrily. "Arigatou, Kiori-kun ya know," he said, playing along with the royalty act. "If there was one thing I missed over the past four days besides you all, it was the Palace food."
Akai chuckled, shaking her head. "But the Palace staff didn't make this meal, Chichiri-sama. Ritsuka-san did the cooking all on her own."
"Really?" Chichiri looked at the food more carefully this time; he'd become wary of earth cooking since Miaka's disaster meals. "I didn't know Ritsuka could cook, ya know."
She shrugged in an off-hand manner, sitting down on the floor between Tasuki and Akai. "I'm a pretty decent chef, if I do say so myself. My four big brothers made me cook almost all the meals when Mom or Dad wasn't home, so I had to..." she trailed off.
Tasuki had grabbed her in a chibi hug, "Soul mate!"
Akai raised an eyebrow, scooting away from her friend. "Is Tasuki-sama feeling all right? What... exactly ARE you doing?"
Ritsuka sighed. "Does Tasuki-chan EVER feel all right? Everytime I mention my older brothers he gets like this."
Chichiri and Koji both chuckled. Everyone dove into the food with a will, chatting about the war, what had been going on the past few days, and whatever else came to mind.
Houki finished off the delicious lunch, sighing happily. "That was wonderful. Excellent job, Ritsuka."
The college girl wasn't one to turn down praise. She puffed out her chest a little bit. "Ah, all in a day's work! Nothing's too difficult for Ritsuka the Great, you know." She stretched luxuriously, popping her back. "Heh, I almost wish those Takkan boys would attack us. I'm ready to get back at 'em."
Kiori shook her head. "Not for a while, you won't. Dr. Yukeda told me he gave you and Koji strict orders to stay away from doing anything strenuous for a week, and that Tasuki's more-or-less forbidden to fight until his shoulder's healed."
Koji snorted. "I never had much respect fer high 'n' mighty doctors like that Yukeda guy."
"He knows what he is doing," Houki reminded the warrior. She hesitated, saying carefully, "Though I will admit he is a bit pompous..."
"Pompous is an understatement," Koji muttered. He raised his nose and did a passable impression of the head doctor. "No, no, you silly bandit, only ONE sip of sake, or it's off with your head! Blast it, you thief, you breathed without me telling you to!"
Chichiri chuckled at the bandit's exhaggerated impression. He set his tray on the table next to his bed; Kiori started to take it, but the monk stopped her. "That's all right, Kiori, I'll take it back to the kitchens, ya know." The monk started to stand.
"OH NO YOU WON'T!" He was literally tackled to the bed by Kiori and Tasuki, both of whom had jumped up as soon as he suggested getting out of bed.
Tasuki glared at his friend. "Less than a day ago you were at th' gates of death, an' you wanna start walkin' around!?"
Kiori nodded in agreement. "You're stuck in here for at least four days, Chichiri!"
The duo backed up, allowing Chichiri to sit and rub at a sore rib. "But I really don't feel that bad, ya know," the monk said, only partially lying. "And besides, I need to fix the barrier right away. If those Takkan soldiers decide to climb the walls..." He looked at both of his equally stubborn friends. "C'mon, ya know."
"Not a chance," both said simultaneously.
Houki stood, holding out her hands. "Now, calm down, the two of you. I am sure if Chichiri did not think he was up to it, he would say so." The others had a hard time not snorting at that. Houki turned to the injured monk. "Now, do you truly think you are ready to get up and work on the barrier?"
"Hai, ya know."
"HE'S LYING!" Kiori and Tasuki growled.
Akai stopped the two from tackling their friend to the bed again. She glanced over her shoulder at Chichiri. "Okay then, Chichiri-sama, let's see if you're telling the truth or not. Koji-san, give him a hand up."
The bandit did as he was asked. "C'mon, 'Chiri, up on yer feet an' try not t'collapse too fast."
Chichiri actually did manage to stay on weak legs for a second... but only for a second. He sat back down on the bed with a sigh, grabbing at his ribs as he did. "Daa... okay, so maybe I lied a little, ya know."
Ritsuka chuckled, patting him on his shoulder. "Too bad, we all get to play nursemaid for a while, then."
Chichiri was about to protest again, but the door to his room slid open with a slight bang. Aoi stood in the door, panting hard. "Houki-sama... minna... ordered to get you right away... ran from north wall..."
Houki glided across the floor to the tired boy. "All the way from the northern wall? Oh dear." She grabbed Akai's half-full glass from her tray and handed it to Aoi. "Here. Now, calm down. Has another battle begun?"
He shook his head, pouring half the water in his mouth and the rest on his face. "Phew, that's better. No, not to fight. To parley, Majesty."
"Again?" Akai snorted. "They just don't know when to give it up." She touched the hilt of her sword, sighing. "Well, I guess I ought to go and tell them no deal. You coming, Houki-sama?"
Houki nodded and followed Aoi and Akai out the door. Koji came shortly after, saying as he did, "Hey, I wanna come with you. These cocky guys need t'know that we ain't takin' any of their shit."
Chichiri watched them leave, giving a fake yawn. "Well, I guess you three will be wanting to go too, ya know. I'll just take a nap or something..." A chibi monk sat sweatdropping as Kiori and Tasuki pulled rope from virtually thin air and started to tie him down to the bed. "You really don't trust me to stay here, do you ya know!?"
Tasuki crossed his arms across his chest. "YOU tried to sacrifice yourself to help us-"
"Twice!" Kiori added.
"If we don't trust you, then we got plenty of good reasons," Tasuki finished.
Chichiri sighed, but couldn't help but chuckle. "I guess I ought to be grateful, ya know." He tried to move, but found it almost impossible. "Don't you think you could loosen this a little bit, ya know?"
Ritsuka looked at Kiori and Tasuki, who were both shaking their heads fiercely. She smiled helplessly at the monk. "I guess not, Chichiri. Oh, don't worry, we'll untie you for meals." She waved a hand at the lassoed monk, heading out the door. "Now, you just take a nice nap and wait for dinner, okay?"
"But what if..." Chichiri sighed as both Ritsuka and Tasuki exited the room. "Da."
Kiori chuckled, patting his arm. "We're just giving you a hard time. Here, let's see if I can get these knots out..."
"Arigatou, ya know," he said. Chichiri couldn't help but smile as Kiori let the ropes fall away. "You sure have odd ways of showing you care, ya know."
She smiled. "Some people send flowers to sick people. We strap them to their beds." She sat down in the chair by his bed. "Well, I don't have anything to do today, so I can keep you company if you want. Anything you need, or want? A book or something?"
"D'you think you can bring me all the scrolls for the legend?" Chichiri asked immediately. "Since I can't do much of anything for a while, I'd like to be of some help, ya know."
Kiori shook her head in amazement. "Saves all our butts and thinks he hasn't been of any help." She stood up, smoothing out her skirt. "I'll do that right now. You want me to help you with the riddles?"
"Hai, ya know. I get the feeling we're going to need as much help as we can get."

Captain Utara was an ambitious man with a cocky swagger and a sneer to match. He was quite proud of himself for striding up to the gates of the Konan Palace and demanding to speak to the Emperess. As he tapped his foot, impatiently waiting for the parley to begin, he thought over what Hataku had told him to say and tried out his own invented phrases. "Give us th' city're we'll give you an arrow through yer heads... heh, that's a good 'un..."
"Excuse me? Sir?"
Utara strained his head up, shading his eyes against the sunlight. Houki was standing upon the wall, flanked on either side by Akai and Aoi. Koji leaned against the ramparts as if he could care less about what the captain had to say, yawning wide. Utara puffed out his chest and tried to look official. "M'General Hataku has sent me out here t'deliver a message t'you an' yer people, Majesty."
"Very well..." she paused. "I am sorry, but I did not catch your name."
"Cap'n Utara," he explained with a small sneer. "Our general didn't find it worth his time t'come out here, so he sent me."
"Huh, General whatsisname's prob'ly gettin' over a hangover from celebratin' his only victory," Koji muttered. Akai and Aoi stifled giggles.
Thankfully, Utara didn't hear the remark. He cleared his throat a couple of times, then recited what he'd been told to say. "We know that yer recent position ain't th' best. Two days ago we attacked an' took at least two hundred lives. T'top that off, yer barrier's missin'. Our generous General-"
"Ha!" Akai and Koji cut in simultaneously.
Utara glared at them and continued. "Our generous General doesn't want t'waste any more lives over a war that's sure t'be won in a few days. Yer soldiers are disheartened, three of yer warriors is injured badly, one's missin' and another's been taken hostage. He'd like t'give you th' chance t'surrender, and prevent anyone else bein' killed needlessly."
Houki was about to speak, but Akai held up a hand. "Please Majesty, let me handle this moron." She stepped forward. "Well, Captain Utara, let me fill you in on a little bit of news that might interest you. Your hostage is safely back in the palace with us at this very minute, and so is our missing warrior. Just having them back has put new spirit into the soldiers. If you think you've won this war, then you're going to be sorely mistaken."
Utara scowled fiercely. "Is that a no, then?"
"That's a Hell No, baka!" Koji snapped. "Tell yer general to get a clue: the Konan Warriors don't plan on surrendin' or bein' defeated, an' if he thinks otherwise then he's stupider than you. I'd rather chew broken glass then turn myself over t'a rabble-a grimy soldiers like yerselves!"
Utara raised his nose in the air, deciding to treat the thief-like man with the disrespect he thought he deserved. "Then that's that. Y'didn't give us Konan, so now we're gonna give y'an arrow in yer- oof!"
Koji had gotten tired of the captain's pompous attitude. Picking up a good-sized stone from the battlements, he whipped off his headband and used it like a slingshot. The stone whizzed through the air and hit Utara in the head with such a force that he fell backwards, flat on his back.
A soldier by the name of Asakawa knelt down next to the unconscious Utara. He glared up at Koji. "Oi, this is a peaceful negotiation, Konan Warrior! Why'd'ja have t'hurt th' cap'n?"
"He was gettin' on my nerves," Koji explained cooly, putting his hands behind his head. He winked, giving a devil-may-care grin. "An' don't worry, he ain't hurt- it hit him on th' head, didn't it?"
The cheeky soldier Tori burst into fits of laughter. "Heehee, hit him on th' head! That's a good 'un, ol' lunkhead Utara-" a fellow soldier tweaked his insolent friend's ear. "Yow!"

Tasuki hadn't joined his friends on the walltop- he figured Houki and the others could handle "negotiations" on their own. Instead, the former bandit decided to take some well-deserved rest and relaxation hours out by the pond. He strolled over to the water, sitting down under a big tree and running a hand through the cool liquid. He didn't mind water, so long as he didn't have to get in it.
The seishi's golden eyes trailed upwards to the willow boughs; the form of a familiar friend caught his eye. Tasuki chuckled. "Hey, I think I just spotted a Red-bird."
He was expecting a classic Ritsuka comeback, but the college girl didn't even seem to hear him. She had her back against the tree, feet straddled precariously across a branch. Tasuki frowned, standing up and watching her. She had her eyes closed, and some kind of device over her ears. "Hey, Red! Red!?"
Ritsuka didn't respond. Tasuki frowned. "Hm, the silent treatment'r somethin'? What'd she think I do this time?" He grabbed the branch her feet were on and pulled it back slightly, giving it a small pluck. "Red!"
The college girl's eyes snapped open and she lost her balance on the branch, tumbling out of the tree with a squeak of alarm. Tasuki yawned, catching her in an outstretched arm.
Ritsuka pulled off her headphones, glaring at the bandit. "What's the big idea?"
"Got yer attention now, don't I?" the seishi asked smugly. A slow, teasing grin spread across his face. He leaned in so close to Ritsuka that she felt her cheeks flush. "Say Red, does this mean yer fallin' fer me?"
"I think you should worry less about making stupid puns and more about saving yourself from my wrath," she growled, wondering why she was blushing brighter. "I coulda cracked my head and fallen in the pond or something!"
Tasuki dropped her, rolling his shoulder. "Whew, fergot how heavy you were." Ritsuka was too worried about making sure the device in her hands was undamaged to smack him for the remark. "And anyway, it's yer own fault fer ignorin' me. I was tryin' go get yer attention y'know."
"Sorry," she muttered, pulling a flat disc from the machine in her hand and cleaning it on her blouse. "When I put my headphones on it's like I'm in another world."
Ritsuka raised an eyebrow, then sighed. "Right, I forgot. You've probably never even heard of a CD or a CD Player, have you?"
"A See-Dee what?"
"C. D. Player," Ritsuka said slowly. "Here." She popped the disc back in, looped the headphones around his ears and pushed play.
Tasuki yelped and pulled them off. "What th' hell!?" He stared at the small device curiously. "How... how'd they get a friggin' instrument inta that thing!?"
Ritsuka smothered a giggle. "They don't fit the band in there. The music comes from the CD, that disc I put in there. Hm- how to explain this?- the people who sing the song and play the instruments are recorded in a studio. Then, the music is copied onto CDs or cassettes and sold in stores. Get it now?"
He nodded seriously, then frowned and shook his head. "Not one little bit."
Ritsuka face-vaulted. "Like explaining a car to a caveman." She sweatdropped, sticking one of the small earphones into her own ear and the other into Tasuki's. "Well, you don't need to understand it. Hm, this is my Weiss Kreuz CD*, rock music. I bet that'd be right up your alley."

*A/N: If you didn't know, Weiss Kreuz is a Seiyuu Unit (and also a TV Show) that consists of Yuki Hiro, Koyasu Takehito (Hotohori), Miki Shin'ichirou (Keisuke), and Seki Tomokazu (Chichiri-chan AND Koji-chan!) It seems appropriate that animé characters would listen to animé music ^_^

"Rock music?" Tasuki held up a stone to make a point.
The redhead turned chibi, blue lines appearing under her eyes. "Sometimes I think your head's a rock."
"Nevermind Ancient China-boy, just have a listen," Ritsuka went to song two, and pushed play. Tasuki listened closely for a couple of minutes, tapping his foot along with the beat. Ritsuka grinned. "Well, whaddaya think?"
Tasuki grinned, showing his fangs. "Rock music kicks ass!"

Setsuka strolled down the halls of her palace slowly, Hataku following. The general wasn't quite sure where they were going, but wasn't too horribly concerned. Setsuka had been surprisingly civil and respectful to him- almost as if he were her equal, or even her better. Hataku nodded to a couple of servants who looked his way, enjoying a feeling of power that he hadn't felt in a long while.
"Now general, you have been doing a wonderful job at the battles," Setsuka said, straightening a faded tapestry delicately. "But I'm sure there is something you or your men need. Please, do not be afraid to tell me. Nothing is too much for the soldiers who will lead Takkan to victory."
Hataku rubbed the back of his head. "Well, your Ladyship, to be honest, we haven't gotten any of the boy Tsuchi's medicines in a few days. We're already running a bit low, and if it wouldn't be too much trouble..."
Setsuka smiled with her back to him; the general had said exactly what she'd wanted him to. She turned to Hataku, looking troubled. "Oh, dear." She put a hand to her cheek. "That's one request I'm afraid I can't grant, Hataku."
"Demo doushite, my Lady?"
Setsuka sighed, shaking her head sadly. "Tsuchi is... well, let me show you. Then I will explain all."
Hataku frowned behind her back. Some inner instinct warned that he didn't want to see the fate of the young boy. Curiousity won over, in the end; the general followed his Lady down the long hallways and to the boy's room.
Setsuka shooed Kaze and Sora out of the room they shared with Tsuchi. She led Hataku into a back room, the one that had been used at one time by Tsuki and Taiyou.
Hataku's eyes widened upon seeing the young boy. He was curled up in a tight ball, pale and shivering all over. "My Lady, what in the world happened to him?"

Kiori tossed a pile of scrolls down on Chichiri's bed, climbing on at the foot and looking at the mess. "So, where do we start?" The girl's hand strayed to one wrapped with a gold ribbon, but Chichiri picked it up before she had a chance.
"Gomen, that one's mine, ya know," he explained.
The college girl nodded, expecting him to tell her what it said. Nothing. She frowned slightly, digging through the pile until she found her own. She managed a small chuckle. "Can you believe it? I haven't even opened this thing yet. I just got so busy with the war and everything that I never even thought about it."
Kiori untied the light blue ribbon, skimming over the contents. She glanced over the document at Chichiri. "Wanna hear it?"
"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but I wouldn't mind hearing it, ya know," he said absentmindedly, glancing at another one of the scrolls.
"Well, it is a little odd, but I wouldn't mind telling it to you," she remarked. Kiori cleared her throat and read the lines out loud: "'Believe in your own strength and courage.' That's all. Huh, doesn't seem like much... wonder what strengths they could be talking about?"
She felt Chichiri's eye on her. The college girl's eyes trailed up the scroll, meeting his face. "You really don't know, ya know?" he asked. Kiori shrugged. The monk chuckled. "So naive, ya know." Chichiri cupped her chin, smiling. "Kiori, you saved my life. You faced an enemy city, soldiers, even Elements to get me back here. If that isn't bravery, I don't know what is."
Kiori blushed. "Guess you're right. Though I didn't feel very brave or strong when we were out in those woods, hiding from those trackers... felt more like a scared little kid than anything."
"Trust me, everyone does. It's what you do in the situation that determines whether you're a coward or not. You could've run, ya know," he reminded her.
"And leave you!?" Kiori shook her head fiercely. "Chichiri, I don't know about all that strength and bravery stuff, but abandoning someone that I... er, that is to say..."
Both their eyes trailed to where Chichiri's palm was still cupped around her chin. A very chibi monk jerked his hand free, turning bright red and stammering like a little kid. "Kiori, ah, hm, ya know..."
She smiled. "Maybe we should get back to those scrolls."
"Hai ya know!" he agreed immediately.
Kiori unrolled one of the documents, barely seeing the kanji symbols. She glanced up, watching Chichiri fondly. He still hadn't quite lost that flush to his cheeks. Kiori giggled quietly, turning her attention back to the scroll. Her eyes caught on the word Mizu. "Oh, I almost forgot!"
"Hm? Forgot what, ya know?" Chichiri asked.
"There was a girl in the Takkan Palace, one of the Elements, Mizu-chan. She seemed like a nice kid- even went against her Lady's orders and let me get by to rescue you," Kiori explained. "Seemed to know you personally."
"Really?" the monk asked, glad that the conversation had veered away from... whatever it had been leading. "I don't recognize the name Mizu, ya know."
"Hai, that's not her real name. She called you Houjun, and said her name was..." Kiori's eyes turned to the ceiling. "Oh, think Kiori, think, what was it...?" She snapped her fingers. "That's right! Mae Uta. Ring a bell?"
Chichiri's head snapped up. He leaned forward across the scrolls, ignoring the jarring pain in his ribcage that the movement caused. He was almost nose-to-nose with Kiori as he practically demanded, "Mae-chan's one of the Elements!?"

"Setsuka-sama, what in the world is wrong with him?"
The Lady of Takkan studied her nails, smiling secretively. "Do you remember that rogue Element Kaji? The one from Konan who would not come to our side?" Hataku nodded. "Tsuchi decided to follow the wayward path of that seishi. He turned against me, therefore he was no longer of any use to me."
Hataku looked at the boy, eyes wide with wonder. "But, but, what-"
Setsuka squeezed the green gem around her neck; Tsuchi curled in a tight ball, wimpering softly and biting his lip until it bled. "Perhaps I should have rephrased that. He is no longer of any use to me as a healer. He is, however, still a good source of power and extra strength." She chuckled darkly, squeezing the gem harder and watching him shout in pain. "It is also very entertaining, wouldn't you agree?"
Hataku shuddered, wondering how anyone could be so cruel. "My Lady, if you don't mind my asking, why do you use this child as a power source? Wouldn't the seishi, the real traitor, be of more use?"
Setsuka shook her head. "Alas, no, general. He is too far away, both in body and spirit. Had I been able to break him, even for a while, then perhaps he would be of some use..." she sighed. "Even if I were to smash this red gem between my fingers right now, I wouldn't be able to kill him. Hurt him, for a while, maybe, but that would be all."
"I see," was all Hataku could think of to say. "How did this boy break free of your power? And why?"
The Lady answered her general's question with a question. "Tell me, Hataku, do you know why I chose to begin this war while my Elements were only children? Why do you think I didn't wait for them to grow older?"
The general shrugged. "It wasn't my place to wonder about it, my Lady. I always assumed the legend simply told you that this was the right time."
She shook her head at his ignorance. "Ah, you are so intelligent, yet very naive about some things, my dear general." Hataku watched her back silently, listening as she explained her deadly motives to him, as if he were a comrade and not a subordinate.
"I chose this time in their lives because they are all old enough to defend themselves, but they are also still very young in many ways. They have not yet been molded into the people they will become. Their images of right and wrong are still bendable, their alliances and ideas still quite easily manipulated. Add that to my own power to force my will onto them, and my Elements are completely loyal in every way."
"Like slaves," Hataku murmured, voice filled with loathing.
Setsuka either didn't hear or didn't care. "Hataku, do you know why that seishi did not obey me?"
"His friend, that monk, called him back to their side," the general answered easily.
"Wrong. Or at least, not completely right," Setsuka corrected. "The seishi's friendship certainly helped, I agree with you on that case. But the simple fact of the matter is he is no longer a child. He's a young man now, and his loyalties were already strongly rooted with Konan and the seishi. In all honesty, I never really expected to make him a follower."
"But why the boy?" Hataku pressed, Setsuka's buddy-buddy act making him bold. "Why would Tsuchi ever consider suddenly turning on us?"
"Some could say he was shown the brutal truth, and it opened his eyes. But the answer is nothing quite that dramatic." She looked up, meeting the general's eyes. "A very simple reason, my dear general: he grew up. He grew up and he chose to follow his own path: one that did not follow mine. I have no use for someone like that."
"Your Elements seem like fickle fighters," Hataku remarked. "One incident and they change sides?"
Setsuka turned her back on the general, facing Tsuchi once more. "You are right about that, Hataku. That's the reason I called you here."
"Beg pardon?"
"Let us go to my room, shall we? I will explain everything there." Setsuka started to go, then had an afterthought. Her eyes went back to Tsuchi; she squeezed his gem again, chuckling viciously as he cried out in pain once more. "Very well, off we go, now."
Hataku followed his Lady silently, hatred-filled eyes burning a hole through her back. Setsuka smiled toothily, knowing the general couldn't see her. 'That's right, General, hate me, hate me for everything I have ever done to you and everyone else. Let it cloud your judgement... then, like the patient bird of prey, I will strike.'

"Kiori, tell me you've made a mistake! Mae-chan can't-" Chichiri grunted slightly in pain, grabbing his side.
Kiori leaned across the bed and gently pushed the monk back. "Calm down, Chichiri, you'll just hurt yourself if you jerk around like that." She straightened a crumpled scroll, green eyes watching the monk with concern. "Her name was Mae Uta, I'm sure of it. She told me to tell you that 'Mae-chan says to get out of Konan and stay out of the war,' or something like that."
Chichiri looked down at the bed, shaking his head. "Mae Uta... an Element? She was always an unusual girl, but still..."
"How do you know her?" Kiori wanted to know. "Er, I don't mean to pry, it's just, when I told her you were still alive she seemed awfully concerned."
The monk nodded. He took off his mask- something, Kiori noted, that he often did when reminiscing- and seemed to get that far-away look in his mahogany eye. "Mae-chan was a girl from my village. Extraordinary person, had these crystals that seemed to trail behind her, but the sweetest little girl you'd ever know." He chuckled. "I was always pretty fond of her- thought I'd have a kid a lot like her- and what with she being a bit unusual and I being a seishi, you could say we formed a sort of bond."
"Wait, your village?" Kiori asked. She thought of how Mizu's hair was a similar color to Chichiri's. "Any chance you're related?"
He shrugged. "Distantly, maybe. The village wasn't very large, so a lot of us were seventh or eigth cousins. But, no, I wouldn't say we were blood relatives."
"I thought you were the only one to survive that flood."
"So did I, at first..."

~~Houjun had spent the past couple of hours alternating between searching for survivors, sobbing out his misery, and contemplating suicide. Now, as he plodded tiredly away from the flooded riverbanks, he felt his heart sink still lower in his chest.
"I'm the last one... mother, father... Kouran... Hikou, dammit, Hikou..."
His ears perked up. Dimly he thought he heard the sound of someone sobbing. Following the sound through the woods, Houjun came upon a young girl, four or so, leaning against a tree and wailing pitifully.
He blinked his single eye in disbelief. "Mae-chan!?"
She looked up, rubbing hard at her eyes. She gasped slightly, surprised to see a friend and slightly taken aback by his appearance. "Houjun?"
Houkun collapsed to his knees. "Oh, thank Suzaku."
The little girl raced across the clearing and buried her face in his wet shirt, crying unhappily. "They're gone, everyone! Mama, Papa..."
He hugged her tightly, afraid to let go lest she be taken away too. "I know, Mae-chan." He was surprised to find tears in his own eyes. "Daijoubu." Funny, that he'd say that when it was the last thing he felt.
Houjun pulled the young girl away for a moment, drying her eyes on a clean patch of his shirt. "Mae-chan, how in the world did you survive? The flood came so fast."
She sniffed, touching her green crystal fondly. "They saved me. I got scared, and they started makin' funny noises an' then I was here." She managed a small, sad smile. "I'm okay, though, so don't worry."
He did his best to return the smile, but it fell just short. "I'm very glad to hear that."
Mae touched her friend's disfigured eye with a chubby hand. "Kimi no hitomi..."
Houjun sighed heavily; he'd cleaned out the wound, and it didn't hurt with the same painfulness that it had for the first few hours, but his heart still ached fiercely. "A long story, Mae-chan. I'll tell you later, when I can stand it."~~

Chichiri put his chin in his hands, drifting slowly back to the present. "The two of us travelled together for a while, trying to find peace of mind and someplace to call home. We were both tortured by our own experiences, and I think it was really a blessing that we had each other. Mae-chan gave me a reason to live, and I did my best to keep her cheered up."
"No wonder she was so worried about you," Kiori commented. "Why isn't she still with you, though?"
He sighed. "Kiori, maybe you find this hard to believe, but I wasn't the most warmly welcomed stranger in new villages. I couldn't force Mae-chan to live the life of a nomad that I was cursed to- she needed a home, with someone who would care for her the way she deserved. One day, we found refuge at an old farmhouse. The people there were very kind, and didn't seem to mind my..." he gestured to his scar. "We stayed for almost a month, and when the month was over, I asked Mae-chan if she liked the couple."
"She did, and you left her," Kiori finished.
A nod. "Funny. I think she always thought that I'd been the one to keep her alive for those two years, but it was really the other way around. It wasn't too long after that that I tried... something, which led up to my meeting Taiitsukun, and starting my training as a seishi."
"Have you seen her since?"
"When I was travelling with Nyan-Nyan, we stopped by the farm a couple of times," Chichiri chuckled at the memory. "Mae-chan was always so happy to see me, and she sulked for hours after I left, according to the couple. By then, I was pretty in touch with my own seishi powers, and I helped her come to terms with her own magical abilities. She was so powerful, even back then, I'm sure she could do some damage if she continued to follow the training routines I taught her."
Kiori smiled darkly. "I'd say she has. She paralyzed me to the spot without breaking a sweat." She looked at her friend. "I see why you didn't want to believe it when I told you. Sounds like the two of you were pretty close."
Chichiri shook his head. "It wasn't just that. Mae-chan..."

~~"Mae-chan, there's someone here to see you."
The young girl, now almost eight years old, turned her golden eyes upwards. She looked into the face of a cheerful-looking young man. He tipped a staff at her, the rings on the end of it jingling slightly. "Mae-chan, ogenki desu ka ya know?"
She blinked, cocking her head curiously. He frowned. "Don't you remember me, ya know?" The man nodded. "Oh, right, the mask and all." He slid the material off his face, revealing a sad mahogany eye. "C'mon Mae-chan, you didn't forget about Houjun, did you?"
Her young face lit up. She leapt to her feet and threw herself into his arms. "Houjun! I didn't recognize you with the funny mask and the high voice! How are you I missed you soooooo much don't ever leave again okay Houjun?"
He chuckled, kissing her forehead. "I almost didn't recognize you, you've grown a lot. I'm doing all right, and I missed you too." He sat down, allowing the girl to sit in his lap. "Good news- I'm a monk, and I've started my seishi training, now. Everyone's starting to call me Chichiri, ya know."
"Wow, seishi training," she said, not completely understanding what that meant. "Must be funny gettin' your name changed."
He chuckled. "I'm getting used to it." He started to put his mask back on, but Mae's hand stopped him.
"I like you better without it," she told him in a straight-forward manner. "You'll always be Houjun, to me. And you're more like Houjun without the mask."
He touched his scar reflectively. "You really don't mind that I-?"
She looked up at him with innocent eyes, smiling. "Why should I?"
He smiled, grabbing her in another tight hug. "Hm. I don't know. Arigatou, Mae-chan."~~

Chichiri couldn't help but smile. "Mae-chan was the first person to ever really accept me for who I was. I guess she never really thought of me as anything but Houjun. Even after I told her the story of what happened that night during the flood, she never thought anything different. She still loved me as much as she ever did. Mae-chan's such a sweet, wonderful little girl- well, not little anymore, she must be about thirteen- dakedo... why would she be on that woman's side?"
Kiori could see that her friend was troubled. She put her hand lightly on top of his. "We'll find some way to save her. Just because the rhyme said 'an Element for each' doesn't mean it has to happen."
The monk said nothing. Kiori frowned unhappily; there was so much pain in that eye of his, even though he said he'd come to terms with it all... if only there was some way she could erase that look; she wanted to so badly... Kiori cleared her throat. "And for what it's worth... I love you, with or without the mask."
Chichiri met her eyes, touched by her heartfelt words. "Kiori..."
She grabbed a scroll, pulling it up in front of her face to cover her blush. "Er, but we won't be able to save her if we don't figure these things out, right? So, er-hem, back to work an' all..."
Now it was Chichiri's turn to look at her from behind his ever-cheerful mask and smile fondly. "Of course, ya know."

"Hey Koji-san, any sign of those Takkan soldiers?" Akai called from the ground by the north wall.
Koji shaded his eyes and made a big show of scanning every inch of the horizon. He turned, saluting smartly. "All quiet on the northern front, Cap'n Akai."
She giggled, putting her hands on her hips. "Then what in the world are you still doing up there, soldier? It's almost dinnertime. Off the wall and down to the dining room this instant, and that's a direct order."
"Permission t'stuff my face?"
"Granted, so long as you leave enough for me."
Koji took the stairs two at a time, falling into step with his shorter-legged friend. The bandit leader put his hands behind his head, whistling an old bandit song quietly. Akai looked at him. "How do the words to that go? I've never heard it."
He chuckled. "Too many naughty words fer young ears. Maybe I'll tell ya in a few years."
As they were heading up the steps to Konan Palace, Aoi joined the duo, jogging slightly to keep up. "Everything's still quiet on all sides. D'you think they're planning something?"
Koji shrugged. "Who knows what goes through th' heads of complete idiots?" He frowned slightly. "I wouldn't mind knowin', this waitin' game is a real drag..." the bandit leader got a slow, crafty smile on his face. "Say Akai, Aoi-kun, how d'you two feel about guerilla attacks and reconaissance missions?"
The warrior girl had a feeling where this was going. "As long as they're done safely, I find both to be good ideas- of course, any plans have to be run by the Emperess. What do you have in mind?"
"Now, don't go tellin' half the palace an' the other Konan Warriors- 'specially Chichiri, I know he'd try t'stop us- but listen closely an' I'll tell ya about it..."

"Please, General, have a seat," Setsuka bade for Hataku to sit down in a chair across from her own. A bottle of the finest wine sat next to her chair on a small table, two cups ready. The general took everything in in an instant- either something very good was about to happen, or this whole thing was a set-up.
"If I may be so bold, my Lady, what is the point of the wine and this meeting?" Hataku wondered carefully.
Setsuka smiled. "Always right to the point. You were never one for needless words, even when you were young and just beginning your service under my father." She sighed wistfully. "Those were quite the wonderful days, weren't they? Real soldiers, then, and the conquering of this very kingdom... if I recall correctly, you and I were much closer in that time."
"Times change," Hataku remarked. "I'm a general now, and you're the Lady of Takkan. It's only natural that there would be some level of seperation."
Her smile was a sad one. "Such a shame, that it had to happen." She sat down with a ruffle of skirts, looking her general straight in the eye. "Very well then, I'll make this brief. As you have already noticed, my Elements are not the trustworthy warriors I once thought they were. I have been failed twice and rebelled against twice. There is only one person I know I can trust anymore- you."
"Me, my Lady?"
"Hai," she agreed. "I see now that all those times I was so hard on you, why, you didn't deserve it at all. You were always working in the best interests of Takkan, and you have followed my orders just as you did my father's. You have toiled long and hard, turning a rabble of men into soldiers, leading my army to victory... I must apologize, Hataku."
His eyes widened. "Apologize!?"
She nodded, looking thoroughly ashamed. "How have I rewarded you for your work? With hard words and hard whips! How could I have ever been so... I even took away your position as my right-hand man... it's a wonder you even bother to serve me, after how terrible I've been..." Setsuka looked almost to the point of tears. "I wish I could make it all up to you, but I'm afraid all I can ask for is your return as my strong right-hand, and your forgiveness. That isn't too much, is it?"
Hataku was surprised at Setsuka's offer and equally surprised that he almost felt sorry for her. He touched her hand lightly. "Setsuka-sama, that isn't too much at all. I thank you for the offer, and my forgiveness has already been given."
The Lady perked up considerably, trying hard to keep the look of malice out of her silver eyes. "Oh, splendid! Though I should be the one giving the thanks- you really are a good person, you know."
"It's nothing, my Lady."
Setsuka reached for the bottle of wine, filling each cup full to the top. She handed the gold-gilded one to her general, taking the silver-gilded one for herself. "It is good to have you back where you belong, Hataku. Let us toast our renewed partnership and seal the deal with the finest of the palace wines."
Hataku took the chalice, suddenly wary again. Setsuka seemed much too pleased- almost eager- to have gained his forgiveness. He watched her eyes, trying to detect some hint of sadistic excitement. The general put the cup to his lips, sniffing the wine and trying to catch the whiffs of the many different poisons he knew of.
Setsuka looked at his, taking a sip from her own cup. "Oh, general, has it really come to this? You expect me of poisoning your drink? Do you really think I would do something so dirty, so underhanded as killing you with poison? I'm shocked- I thought we were on good terms again."
The hurt look in her eyes was enough to destroy any suspicions had Hataku had previously had. "To our partnership, my Lady!" The general took a deep draught of the sweet-tasting wine...
Nothing happened for several seconds, so he took another sip, enjoying the taste. It wasn't until he'd swallowed for the third time that something happened. He froze, face paling. Hataku's arms went limp at his sides, and the chalice crashed to the floor with a loud clang. His eyes watched Setsuka's face change quickly from that friendly look to the one he'd come to recognize- malice, vicious excitement. "Y-you..."
"One of Tsuchi's potions, a sort of drug that prevents a person from moving, though they can still feel quite well. I spread it around the rim of the cup, as I'm sure you know. It was originally meant to calm down an unorderly patient, however I... discovered my own uses for it," Setsuka leaned across so her nose was touching her general's. "You stupid, pathetic fool! To think that I would really offer you such a high position when you so obviously hate me?"
"Kisama," he managed to gasp out, trying to reach his sword and finding it impossible.
Setsuka clucked her tongue. "Such language in front of your Lady. You really were a very good general, you know, and I must say it will be sad to see you go. That's life, I suppose... or, in your case, death." "If you wanted to kill me why didn't you just poison the drink!?" he demanded.
The Lady's eyes flashed with sadistic pleasure. "I told you, dear general, that I would never do anything that underhanded. I would have preferred to simply kill you outright, without the use of any sort of potion, but I knew you would put up a good struggle if you suspected a trap." She cupped his chin in her hands, and Hataku felt the icy claw of fear grip his normally brave heart. "Besides, it wouldn't be much fun that way, would it?"

"Hey Kiori, tell me what you think of this..."
The college girl leaned in so she and the monk's heads were almost touching, reading where his finger was pointing. "Mm-hm, that might have a lot to do with the pattern and all. Better underline it just in case..."
The door to the room slid open. Kiori and Chichiri both looked up, knocking heads as they did. "OW!"
Ritsuka and Tasuki stood in the doorway, both trying to stifle giggles. Ritsuka grinned teasingly. "When Kiori told me you were going to put your heads together to figure out the riddle, I didn't think she meant literally."
A chibi Kiori glared at her friend. "Haha." She stood up, rubbing her head. "What are you two doing here, anyway?"
Tasuki held out his hand. "What, I can't check up on my poor ailing buddy and his nurse?" The bandit grinned. "Actually, we came t'tell you it was dinnertime. If you don't hurry, yer bound t'go hungry."
The redheaded college girl smiled dangerously. "I haven't had a bite since that very small lunch."
Kiori nodded. "In that case, I better bring a sword with me." She turned to the monk, gathering the scrolls in her hands and dumping them onto the nearby table. "We can work on these later, all right? I'll come back with your dinner-"
"Nah, I'll take care of it," Tasuki told her. "I wanna talk t'Chichiri fer a while anyway. You don't mind, do ya?"
Kiori shook her head. "Why would I?" She followed Ritsuka and Tasuki out the door, giving one last backwards look at Chichiri.
Ritsuka elbowed her sharply. "Mother said if you stare at someone for too long your eyes'll get stuck there."
"No mother ever said that," Kiori retorted, blushing brightly and closing the door as quick as she could. Ritsuka gave her a knowing look, but said nothing. The trio walked down the pathway in silence, which was broken only by Tasuki as he started to sing lightly.
"Tada itoshiki mono, dakishime... chii saki mono, mamoru tabe..."
Kiori looked over at Ritsuka, raising an eyebrow. "Am I hearing things, or did Tasuki just sing part of 'Velvet Underworld'?"
The redhead sighed, putting a hand to her cheek. "I had him listen to my Weiss Kreuz CD today. Big mistake. He's learned all the words to about half the songs and won't stop singing the bloody things."
"Well, it's better than having to listen to something fruity like, 'Pokémon Harahara Relay.'"
Ritsuka giggled. "Good point."
Kiori pulled the doors to the dining room open fast, rubbing her hands together happily. "Okay, lead me to the gormet!"
Koji, Akai, Aoi and Houki waved to the trio as they began to pile their plates. Akai smiled slightly, watching Kiori shovel food down. "I'm surprised you left Chichiri-sama's room at all. I never thought you'd come out of there."
Ritsuka swallowed fast and smiled at her friend slyly. "Kiori's having a nice time playing doctor, aren't you?" The brunette didn't understand Ritsuka double-meaning; she nodded. Ritsuka snickered. "And tomorrow, I hear they're gonna play police..."
Kiori blushed bright red, finally getting the joke, and wacked her friend over the head with a chibi fist. "It isn't like that!"
Aoi chuckled. "What is it like then, Kiori-sama?"
The college girl blushed slightly brighter- if that was possible- and poked her index fingers together in embarassment. "I don't think I really know what you mean, Aoi. It isn't- I mean, it's not like it's really anything, yet-"
"Yet!?" Akai, Aoi, Koji and Ritsuka all cried.
Akai clapped her hands together under her chin and her eyes got big. "Kiori-san, and Chichiri-sama..."
"Aww..." Koji fluttered his eyelashes teasingly. "I shoulda seen it comin'. That is so-"
"KAWAII!" All four squealed, loving the reddish color a chibi Kiori turned.
The college girl shoved a bite of noodles into her mouth, saying around it, "Are you going to teashe me about thish for the resht of my life?"
"Maybe just for the rest of the evening," Akai assured her with a devilish grin. "I assume you got Tasuki-sama's blessing?"
Tasuki scratched his head, hearing his name in the odd conversation. "My blessin' fer what?"
"Why, Kiori and Chichiri, of course," Houki replied with a small smile.
"Eh, what about 'em?"
Everyone face-vaulted. Koji sweatdropped. "I shoulda known Genrou'd be clueless about all this."
"Hai, he wouldn't know the romance if it bit him in the ketsu, would he?" Ritsuka asked with a sigh. She cleared her throat, scribbling a word on a sign. She held it up. "Tasuki-chan, what does this kanji mean?"
He looked at it. "Oh, that's easy. Ai."
"And Kiori is what with Chichiri?"
The seishi gave her a blank look, blinking twice. "Um..." his eyes grew to about twice their original size. "She's in LOVE with him!?" A chibi Tasuki whirled on Kiori. "Seriously!?"
Kiori blushed, rubbing the back of her head. "Well I wouldn't say..."
Tasuki closed his eyes shut, shaking his head. "Iie, nevermind, I don't wanna know. I'm just, I'm just gonna stay out of all this love crap. Geez, this better not turn into another one-a those Miaka love triangles..."
"It was really more like a quadrangle," Houki remarked innocently.*
"Hai, hai, whatever," Tasuki balanced the two trays of food he had on his good arm, walking quickly to the door. "I'm gonna pretend that whole conversation didn't happen... jus' gonna keep my nose outta everyone else's business, that's what I'm gonna do..."

*Random Author Rant: Did anyone else think that it was a little strange that the only Suzaku seishi who DIDN'T fall in love with Miaka at one time or another (and yes, Tasuki really was in love with Miaka, despite what some people think- Hikou took away his reason, he didn't make him fall in love) were the two who's fiancee/girlfriends had died and the little kid? I mean, no offense to the Miko or anything, but she wasn't THAT great... *Shrug* Just felt the need to shove that in here.

Ritsuka giggled as Tasuki trotted out the door. "I should have figured he wouldn't want to touch romance with a thirty-foot pole." She took a sip of tea, looking to Akai. "So, how's the war going? When's the next battle?"
The warrior girl shrugged. "I can't really say, Ritsuka-san. Sometime this week, I'd guess."
"It is a shame that there is no way we can no their plans ahead of time," Houki said, thinking out loud.
"Yeah, 's a real shame Majesty." Neither Ritsuka, Kiori or Houki noticed the look that passed between Koji, Akai and Aoi.
Houki stood, saying goodnight to the others and going back to her room. A few minutes later Koji stood too, stretching and nodding to Akai and Aoi. "Hey, you two, I got something I wanted t'look at over by the north gate. D'you think you can meet me there in, say, twenty minutes?"
The two understood immediately. "Hai, Koji-san/sama."
Ritsuka watched the three leave susiciously, having a pretty good idea that they were up to something that the Emperess wouldn't approve of. She looked back at her friend, who had relaxed visibly once everyone had left. Ritsuka smiled mischievously, and started humming "Here Comes the Bride."
Kiori's eyebrow twitched as her chopsticks cracked slightly in her hand. "Ritsuka..."
"But you do love him, don't you?" No answer. Ritsuka squealed happily. "YOU DO! Haha, I knew it I knew it I knew it!" She looked at her friend curiously. "What, no delighted cheering? You're in love and you look like your dog just got ran over. What's the problem?"
Kiori shrugged. "It's embarassing... I mean, I've never been in... whatever... how do I know I really am in love? Maybe it's just a passing thing."
Ritsuka went chibi and said in a sage-like voice. "What is love?"
Kiori shoved her friend playfully. "I'm being serious. And besides, Chichiri still seems pretty attached to his old fiancee and... oh I just don't know... I mean let's be serious Rits' we don't even live in this world."
"So? Miaka got her man- you'll get yours."
"He's not my man!" Kiori snapped. She sighed. "It's just not that easy- I mean, he's a monk. Don't they have some sacred law that they can't fall in love or something?"
Ritsuka went into her sage mode again. "Ah hai, Thou Shalt Not Getteth Any." She dodged Kiori's flying plate, catching it before it crashed against the wall. "Well, if Chichiri feels the same way you do- and he sure does seem to like you a lot, y'know- then what's the problem with not being a monk anymore?"
"Well, he might not feel like that..." Kiori reminded her.
"Ask him."
"Just go right up to him and say: 'I've really gotten to like you, wanna get it on?'- or something like that. If he says yes, you have a celebration; if he says no, you move on. What's the problem?"
"You've never been in love before, have you?" Ritsuka shook her head. "Why am I talking to you about this, then? Maybe I should go talk to Houki, she and Hotohori seemed to be pretty close..."
The redhead clapped her friend on the back. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry. You know I just have to tease you. How about this: I'll talk to Tasuki-chan tomorrow about Chichiri. See if he's the kind of monk who can't get tied down, find out what his feelings regarding you are, you know, the whole bit."
"Doesn't that seem a little, I don't know, Junior High?" Ritsuka shrugged; Kiori sighed. "Let me handle it, all right? I just don't want to go diving into it stupidly and then have to deal with the consequences. I'd like to at least retain a friendship with Chichiri, after all. I appreciate the offer, but I'm a big girl, I'll be fine."
Kiori handed her plate to a servant, leaving the dining room. Ritsuka followed shortly, a smile on her lips. 'If I let Kiori handle it she'll hem and haw for a year and a half before she gets up the nerve to say anything, and by then we'll probably be back home and she'll REALLY be screwed.'
The redhead cracked her knuckles, giving a chibi victory sign to no one in particular. "Just call me Cupid, ya know!" Ritsuka's chibi eyes blinked. "Kuso, now Chichiri's got me saying it..."

Tasuki looked at Chichiri's door and just couldn't help himself. "Knock knock! Who's there? The best guy in the world? The best guy in the world who?" He threw open the door. "The best guy in the world named Tasuki, plus he's carryin' a tray of food fer his fav'rite monk!"
Chichiri looked up from his own scroll, smiling at his friend. "Konban wa, Tasuki ya know. Took you long enough to bring the food."
"We had a little chat in the dining room. Gomen," Tasuki decided not to mention what the chat was about.
Chichiri rolled the scroll up and took the tray, diving into the food with a will. Tasuki watched him for a moment, eating his own meal slowly and thoughtfully. The seishi's unusually thoughtful mood wasn't missed by the monk. "What's up, ya know?"
"Well, I was just thinkin' I guess."
"About what ya know?"
"About..." oh, what the hell, "well, it's just, I was thinkin' about the girls. About how shook up they both were after the first battle, and about everythin' they been through... it just seems like an awful lot, I guess."
"Soo," Chichiri agreed, sipping at his tea. "But they seem to be adjusting pretty well, an' as far as I can tell they're happy here, ya know."
Tasuki rubbed the back of his head. "Hai, hai, I know... I guess I was just thinkin' that, those Elements're pretty tough 'n' all... I mean, they nearly did the two of us in, an' I don't mean t'brag but we're no easy targets."
Chichiri chuckled. "You're worried about them, ya know. Don't worry, I am too, a little. The rhyme says an Element for each, and it warns of repercussions, ya know."
"Exactly. What if one-a them gets repercussioned... eh, that didn't come out quite right, but y'know what I mean..." he shrugged. "I know they ain't Miko or nothin', but I honestly think I'd prob'ly die fer 'em anyway. I really don't wanna see either of 'em hurt- Akai or Koji neither, but there ain't much we can do about them stayin' or goin'..."
"Tasuki, quit taking the long path from point A to point B and tell me what you're planning, ya know."
The seishi let it out in one quick sentence, "I think we oughta try t'send 'em back home. I mean, Taiitsukun prob'ly knows how t'get 'em back, an' if we put our ki into it I bet we could break th' barrier, or whatever divides our worlds..."
Chichiri smiled at his friend. "I understand what you mean, ya know. There probably is a way. But I think the real question is: will the girls want to go back, ya know?"
"Miaka did, but these two aren't Miaka ya know. Kiori doesn't have much of anything to go back to, and Ritsuka has four evil brothers-"
Tasuki's eyes got big and he muttered dreamily. "Soul mate."
Chichiri sweatdropped, realizing how much alike Kiori and Ritsuka were to he and Tasuki- at least, family-wise. "How do you expect us to talk them into going back, ya know?"
Tasuki frowned thoughtfully. "If I talk t'Ritsuka, I think I could get her t'see it from my view. She's pretty sensible, when ya get right down to it. I don't know about Kiori, though. She's got a stubborn streak, even if she is kinda quiet about it."
Chichiri nodded. "I think I could probably talk her into it, ya know."
"I dunno, Chichiri. Like you said, she don't have anything to go back to, and she's got an awful lot to stick around here for," he looked closely at his friend. "She loves you. You know that, doncha?"
The monk sighed, looking down at one of the scrolls. "Hai. I know."
Tasuki waited for him to say more, but Chichiri remained silent. The seishi stared at his friend impatiently, but couldn't tell what the monk was thinking with that mask of his. Tasuki reached up and peeled the edge of, squinting up below it.
A chibi Chichiri pulled back, almost knocking his tray off the table. "What are you doing, ya know!?"
Tasuki frowned. "I'm tryin' t'understand what's goin' on behind that mask of yers. I'm yer best friend an' I still can't figure you out at all. If you love her, say so. If not, say so."
Chichiri's mask smiled, but underneath it he was troubled. "Don't worry about it, Tasuki. It's... it's not even really important, if we're going to send them back, ya know."
The seishi nodded, still watching his friend closely for the smallest hint as to what he was really feeling. "Yeah, I guess so. So... you'll talk t'Kiori t'morrow?" Chichiri nodded. Tasuki grabbed both their trays and started to head for the door. As he reached the frame, he stopped, looking back at his friend. "Y'know, maybe Ritsuka's right. It ain't healthy t'hide everythin' behind a smilin' face. You shouldn't be afraid t'just, I dunno, be open fer once."
Chichiri chuckled. "Tasuki, daijoubu ya know. I appreciate your concern, but..."
"Jus' think about it, okay? Y'don't have t'do it, jus' think about it," Tasuki told him, and was gone before his friend could think of a decent comeback.
Once the door shut behind him, Chichiri took of his mask. "Maybe..." He looked into the mirror that stood on the desk across from him, touching his scar. Before the monk's eyes flashed the image of Kouran, the kiss, and the heartbreak. He shook his head, putting the mask back on. "Iie. It's better this way. Besides, if we send her back then it'd all be for nothing..." he blew out the lamp by his bedside, saying more as an afterthought than anything else, "ya know."

Setsuka stifled a yawn, watching as the head prison guard flogged her former general mercilessly. "Isn't he dead yet?"
The guard, a loyal man who had once served under Hataku, shook his head sadly. "'Fraid not, m'Lady. If y'd like, I c'n jus' snap 'is neck. It'd be easier, that way."
Setsuka sighed, standing and taking a sip of wine from her chalice. "Hai, get it over with as soon as I leave. It's isn't any fun after they pass out."
The guard tried not to shudder. "Hai, m'Lady."
"Once you've killed him send a servant out to dump his body in front of that RAFT bar, along with those trackers who failed to capture the seishi. Let those slimy rebels deal with my dead."
"Hai, m'Lady."
Once Setsuka had left, the guard spat contemptuously on the floor. "Sick, evil woman. If I wasn't so scared-a her 'n' her Elements I might go ahead an' join them RAFT members t'stop Setsuka... aw, hell, may's well say it- may she die a thousand deaths. Heh."
He looked down at the general he had once served, feeling several stabs of pity. He raised the staff he'd been ordered to beat the man with, preparing to deliver a killing blow... and stopped an inch from Hataku's neck. "Fergive me sir, but I can't kill ya. I know it'd be easier, put y'out of whatever pain y'may be feelin' in whatever world yer in, but I can't do it."
He ordered several servants to dispose of the bodies, telling them that Hataku was to be delivered as well. He shuddered, dropping the staff and sinking to the wall after they had left. "M'Lady'll never find out, anyway... he was almost dead, I'm sure after that beating he'll be dead b'fore mornin'... couldn't jus' kill him flat-out, not m'ol' General... rest in peace, sir. Someday I'll help avenge ye, I promise that."

Meanwhile, Koji, Akai and Aoi met just inside the north gates, all carrying bows and arrows. Aoi brought two horses with him, while Koji handed a dagger to each of his friends. "Hopefully there won't be too much fightin' t'night, comrades, but jus' in case y'better take these."
"This is safe, isn't it Koji-sama?" Aoi asked nervously.
The bandit winked, flashing a thumbs-up. "Safe as swimmin' in the palace pond- unless yer Genrou, o' course, then that ain't so safe, heh... don't worry, I never do anythin' without the full intention of comin' out alive. We'll be fine."
His younger friends nodded, preparing to mount and head out to the enemy camp...

Inside her room, Ritsuka listened to Kiori murmuring slightly in her sleep. It sounded a little like she was talking to Chichiri, but it was hard to tell. Ritsuka smiled a little, closing her blue eyes and thinking about her new self-appointed job as match-maker...

Tasuki stared up at the ceiling of his own room, listening contentedly to Chichiri's snores next door. Things were finally going the way they should- but would the Konan Warriors be split up before sunset the next day? He thought about how he'd explain it to Ritsuka, and was surprised to find that he didn't want to see her go, even if it was in her best interests...

Setsuka paced her bedroom chamber, thinking about her past defeats. Even so, she couldn't help smiling a little. Her rival for rule of Takkan was dead, the barrier was down, and several of the Konan Fighters were hurt. "Perhaps this entire ordeal was a blessing in disguise. Hm, just perhaps..."

"'Only the lonely moon and the stars that surrounded it were witness to all four of the separate plans; one for information, one for love, one for the safety of others, and the last for victory.'" Yui snatched the book neatly out of Tetsuya's hands; he sighed, wishing he could have continued reading and muttered unhappily: "End Chapter Twelve."

Houki: There is so much happening among my fellow Warriors these days, I just cannot seem to keep up with it all! Is Kiori really in love with Chichiri? It certainly seems so, but no one tells me anything these days...
Koji, Akai, Aoi! What in the world are you doing, sneaking out at night, and without even asking my consent!? This is just too much...
Tasuki, you have something planned too? Well, whatever it is, Ritsuka does not seem thrilled by the idea... now where are you running off to? Playing matchmaker!? Oh, dear...
The Next Episode of Fushigi Yuugi: The Next Chapter: "Battle Tactics! Thoughts of Rebellion?" I wish someone would explain everything to me, for a change...