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Author's Note of Sincere Apology, Which Involves a Lot of Bowing and Scraping: Gomen nasai, gomen nasai! I kept you episodeless for three weeks! I'm such an evil, evil being! *Bows until head touches floor* Well, for the record, I had this finished a 3 weeks ago and had every intention of posting it, and then... my internet died on me, out of nowhere. Then I went on vacation for a week, and the fic just sat around waiting to be posted. *More bowing and some scraping involved as well* I thought I'd make up for it by writing Episode 14 over the vacation week and posting it up, but I got as far as one scene and said to hell with it. THEN, to make matters worse, wouldn't let me log-in until June 24th! *A little more bowing and a few scrapings thrown in, just for a kick* Well, on the bright side, the extra week gave me time to finish Episode 14- which you still won't be able to see until next week- so I can take my time on Ep 15. With luck, this will never ever ever ever EVER happen again, but I can't promise much- summer is a busy time. *Bowing as she backs away from computer* So, to sum it all up: GOMEN MINNA!
And now, onto the fic ^_^;;;

~Episode Thirteen: Battle Tactics!~
Thoughts of Rebellion?

Keisuke smothered a yawn, eyes drooping sleepily. Yui giggled. "Keisuke, you know, it's almost one. Maybe you should take a quick nap."
"And miss the action!? No wa-" the college boy stopped midsentence, yawning wide.
Tetsuya grinned. "Don't worry, unlike you I wake people up when things get interesting. Nighty-night, pal, or do you want a lullaby first?"
Keisuke snuggled down into the couch, rolling his eyes at his friend. "You'd better wake me up if there's a fight, or a kiss, or... I dunno, something..."

Kaze bit his lip hard, listening as Tsuchi cried out feverishly in the room he now spent his painful hours in. "Kuso, I can't stand this."
Sora nodded sadly, watching as her friend paced the room unhappily. "I feel the same way, Kaze, but there is nothing we can do for Tsuchi-kun. He went against her Ladyship, and he must pay the price..."
"Hai, th' same as everyone who says one thing wrong t'her Royal Majesty. Hataku's prob'ly dead, when I walked by th' cells a few minutes ago I didn't hear no more grunts of pain, an' we heard them trackers screamin' from down here, when they came back earlier t'day," he remarked. "How's yer hand, anyway?" Sora flexed her hand, glancing at the healing lash-mark. "I'll be fine, which is more than I can say for Tsuchi, or the others."
"I tell ya, Sora, stayin' around this place is suicide, one way or another," Kaze said bitterly. "Poor Tsuchi, he's just a kid. Sometimes I wonder if them RAFT people don't have th' right idea..."
"Hush," Sora said quietly, eyes turning toward the curtain that covered the entrance toTsuchi's room. A small hand pulled the cover back, walking out with tear-filled eyes. "Mizu-chan, how is he?"
The young girl shook her head sadly, gripping her kesa tightly in her hands.

"Tsuchi! You're awake! Are you... are you okay?"
He gripped her hands tightly, voice quiet but firm. "Mizu-chan, you've got to get out of here. You, and Kaze, and Sora too... you have to get as far away from Setsuka as you can."
"We've been wrong... horribly wrong... Setsuka... she's not, she's evil... we've all been so blinded... you have to leave here, right away, before something horrible happens. Go to Konan, or even Kutou, anywhere but here. You can't keep fighting for the wrong side..." he dropped her hand, curling tighter and crying out.
"Tsuchi, iie!" Mizu hissed, crystals buzzing in distress. "Iie, you're wrong! Setsuka-sama is the right side, she said so."
"Why do you believe her? She's lied to us all... from day one... every- ugh..." he grunted again in agony, entire body going limp as he passed out, escaping the pain- for a while, anyway.~~

"The wrong side..." Mizu's eyes welled with tears. She shoved past Kaze and Sora, racing up to her private room. "Iie, it's not true! Gomen ne, Tsuchi, this is all my fault!"
Kaze raised an eyebrow, watching her disappear around the corner. "Her fault? How's it her fault Tsuchi went against th' Lady's orders?"
"We can only guess, friend." Sora sighed. "Poor Mizu-chan. She refuses to believe that we really aren't on the good side of things. Do you think, when she finds out, she'll go the way of Tsuchi?"
Kaze shrugged, snatching a glance of the curtained entrance; his eyes flashed angrily.
Sora actually smiled, a little. "It's a good thing the two of us don't worry so much about such trivial matters, don't you agree? As long as we can have a good fight, we'll battle anyone. Right?"
"Hai," Kaze agreed, knowing Sora was right. 'As long as Setsuka lives, I'll serve her. That's the way it's s'posed to be... isn't it?'

Koji waved to the guard who stood upon the north gate, shouting out final instructions. "As soon as y'see us comin' back, get ready t'open the gates." He flashed a reckless smile. "An' if there's an army at our feet, be ready t'close 'em fast, too. Do as I say an' there'll be five gold pieces in the deal."
The guard shifted nervously. "Er, yessir, Koji-sama."
The bandit leader kicked his horse into a trot; Akai followed suit. Aoi held on tightly to Akai, calling across to his older friend, "You did get the Emperess' permission before doing this, didn't you?"
Koji's chibi face was the picture of innocence. He turned his eyes skyward. "I guess it musta slipped my mind."
"NANI!?" Akai cried angrily. "Koji-san, I told you to run this by Houki-sama first!"
The bandit waved a hand at her. "Ah, relax Akai. If I'd-a told her Majesty, she'd have asked Chichiri 'r Tasuki if it was safe. Tasuki woulda wanted t'come, an' Chichiri woulda flat-out ferbid it. You do wanna find out what they're plannin', doncha?"
Aoi chuckled. "He's got you there."
The warrior girl sighed. "I guess so. But if we get into trouble for this I'll sic Ritsuka on you."
Koji held his hands up, laughing. "Oh please, anything but that!"

With their commander gone- possibly forever, according to the rumor travelling through the camp- the Takkan soldiers were in high disarray. They ignored chores and training, preferring to sit around private fires with bottles of ale and gossip. Captains Utara and Yoru had the good sense to post sentries here and there, but half of those had left their posts to join in on the fights that were breaking out all over the Takkan camp.
The remaining fifteen-odd guards who remained posed little threat to Koji-tachi. The job was done quickly and quietly- they were gagged and bound to trees before they had a chance to blink.
Koji patted the last guard's head roughly. "Now, don't look so scared, we ain't gonna kill ya, though somethin' tells me you wouldn't-a done the same if you'd caught us. You jus' relax here nice 'n' quiet-like while we take care-a some business in camp, okay?"
The bandit leader turned to his younger friends. "All right, split up. Aoi, Akai, you keep yerselves hidden an' find out as much infermation as y'can. I'll meet up with ya b'fore long."
"Where are you going, Koji-san?" Akai wanted to know.
He chuckled. "Don't worry about it- I c'n take care-a myself. If ya get caught, sprint fer the horses an' don't wait fer me. I'll find another way back. You got all that?"
They both saluted smartly. "Yessir!"
Koji watched the two head towards the edge of the camp, hoping that they kept themselves safe. He turned his back on the pair, trotting quietly through the trees towards the very heart of the Takkan camp. The bandit skirted the many campfires that dotted the area, ducking and weaving to keep himself hidden from sharp-eyed soldiers.
He hid himself behind a tree, taking a moment to catch his breath. His quick hazel eyes darted across a row of large tents that sat on the outskirts of the camp. "That's gotta be them, I'd bet my best throwin' knife on it."
The tents were guarded by two soldiers apiece, one facing towards and the other away from the camp. Koji slipped up quietly to one tent, chuckling at the snoozing sentry and ducked under the flap. It took his eyes a moment to get adjusted to the light; the bandit smiled as soon as he could see.
The room was littered with crates of food, drink and medicine supplies. Koji grabbed a bottle of some sort of alcohol out of one of the boxes, taking an experimental sip. The bandit leader spit the drink out almost immediately. "Damn, s'like dishwater! No wonder these Takkan boys're always fightin'- if I had t'drink slop like this I'd be pissed off at everyone too."
Koji found three apples that looked to be in decent condition, dusted them off on his shirt, and quietly left. He noted the location of the supply tents carefully for later purposes, then made his way in the direction Akai and Aoi had gone.
He found the young warriors hidden carefully in the underbrush near a campfire, watching a group of arguing soldiers intently. Koji snuck up on the two, handing them each an apple. "Look out fer worms- found one in mind." Aoi's face was the picture of disgust; Koji had a hard time smothering his laughter.
Akai put a finger to her lips, nodding silently at the group of thirty-odd soldiers. "We only got here a little while ago," she hissed, "keep quiet and we'll try to find out what's going on."
It didn't take long for the trio of spies to understand that the group was divided into two factions- one seemed to be loyal to General Hataku, and the other seemed indifferent. The drunk soldiers argued fiercely among themselves, waving swords and daggers around whenever they were making a point.
"I tell ye, Hataku's dead 'n' gone 'n' s'all that Lady's fault!"
"Hoi, he shouldn't-a pissed her off! An' besides, what d'we care if Setsuka-sama did him in?"
"Baka, Hataku mighta been tough at times but he 'as always fair, an' he led us t'plenty-a victories!"
"So? We'll jus' get another general who'll do the same. One general's jus' like the next, eh comrades?"
"Maybe t'you, but what if she promotes some 'un like that thickheaded Cap'n Kawahito?"
"Yew shut up, I work under that man, Naro! He's a good Cap'n, even if he ain't the brightest!"
"Heehee, Kawahito's thicker'n swamp mud an' you know it! He'd prob'ly have us attackin' the wrong nation if he were in cha- owowow!"
"Keep yer mouth shut, Tori, you young brat, or I'll find a way t'shut it permanently!"
"Anyways, I'd say Cap'n Furo'd be the best bet fer th' new general position. He's young, but he knows what he's doin'."
"Oi, what're we doin' anyway? Anyone heard th' battle plan?"
"Er, somethin' about scalin' the walls, leastways that's what Kawahito told me. Ah, s'pose we won't know 'till we get another general, right?"
"No one tells us anythin', that's a fact, so 'tis!"
"Does that mean we got some free days ahead-a us?"
"All we ever got is free days 'round here!"
Koji was getting tired of the conversation. "Now they're jus' gonna complain about their job fer a couple-a hours b'fore they remember they were even talkin' about important things," he said with a sigh. "We heard pretty much all we needed t'hear, anyway."
Akai nodded. "Back to the palace, then?"
The bandit leader wore a secretive smirk on his tanned face. "Got some other things t'do, actually. We better take care-a that now, b'fore one-a those guards we tied up manages t'get loose." He chuckled slightly as another fierce argument broke out in camp. "Hm, but b'fore we do that..."
"I tell ya, Cap'n Utara's made fer the job, an' you know it!"
Koji cleared his throat and raised his voice to the high, whiny pitch of one of the soldiers, throwing his voice into the camp. "Utara's got th' brains of an eel an' the look t'match!"
"Oi, Yatto, what sorta thing t'say is that?"
"Er, I didn't say it..."
Now the bandit dropped his voice to a huskier growl. "Oh shut yer mouth, Yatto, all that ever comes out is garbage!"
"Huh, yer one t'talk Naro!"
"Hold hard, I never said nothin' so don't go layin' the blame on me!"
Back to a whine. "Ah yer mother was a mountain goat!"
"Who said that!? C'mon coward, stand up and say it t'my face!"
"Haha, mountain goat! Not far from the truth I'd say, what with that face of yours- Eep!" the soldier Tori was grabbed by the collar by the one called Yatto.
"You the one makin' the comments, smartass?"
"Keep yer hands off m'pal Tori, or I'll-"
Akai and Aoi were leaning against each other, helplessly trying to cover snickers as a fistfight erupted among the Takkan soldiers. Koji grinned. "My work here is done." He plucked at Akai's sleeve. "C'mon Akai, yer comin' with me. We got somethin' else t'take care of."
"Uh, what do you want me to do, Koji-sama?" Aoi wanted to know.
The bandit frowned. "Well, fer one thing, enough with the '-sama' bit, all right? I ain't yer Master, Lord or nothin' else but a friend."
"Er, of course, Koji-sama. Is there anything I can do to help?"
Koji sweatdropped; he'd break Aoi of the habit later. "Hai, go back t'the horses an' bring 'em 'round t'the south side of camp. We're gonna need t'make a fast getaway if we expect t'get out of this unharmed."
Aoi nodded without another question and dashed off into the woods. Akai followed Koji, looking up at him. "Um, Koji-san, you said this was safe, didn't you?"
"Of course it's safe, Akai. I'd never put you 'n' Aoi in a situation where I thought you'd be in danger," he assured her. "It's jus' a little... risky."
"Risky?" Akai repeated. She sighed. "That's always reassuring."

Mizu was attempting to meditate, and failing miserably. There was just so much to think about, so many things to worry over. She held out a hand and let her blue crystal drop into it. "Tsuchi... Houjun... Setsuka-sama... I just don't know anything anymore."
The crystal glowed faintly, showing her anxiety. She squeezed a hand around it and tried once more to meditate.
"We've been wrong, horribly wrong..."
"Tsuchi's in so much pain... all because I let that girl get by... but I did it to save Houjun... I went against two of my allies to help my enemy... but he's not my enemy, or at least..." Mizu sighed, gripping her kesa tightly in her fists. "Houjun, why did you have to be a Suzaku shichi seishi!?"

Chichiri woke up in the middle of the night, wondering what had caused him to jump awake so quickly. He blinked slowly, the faint image of a young girl flashing in front of his eyes. "Mae-chan..."
The monk didn't like the feeling of worry that lay in his chest. He closed his eye again and did a quick ki-search of the palace, just to make sure everyone was where they were supposed to be and no one new was around. "Tasuki... Ritsuka and Kiori... Houki-sama and Boshin-chan..." he frowned slightly. "Where's Akai? And Koji?"
He sent his power out in all directions, searching for the familiar life forces, but they were nowhere within the Konan walls. "Aoi neither..." Farther he spread his power, out to the tips of the Takkan Camp...
Chichiri's eye snapped open. "Those idiots." He tried to stand, but fell straight back to the bed. The monk sighed and put a hand to his knee. "Tasuki?"
came the half-asleep reply a few seconds later. "'Chiri, what time's it?"
"Nevermind about that. You need to get the Emperess, and make your way over to the north wall, ya know."
"North wall... Emperess... doushite...?"
"Koji, Akai and Aoi are in the Takkan Camp, ya know."
"I don't have time to explain, ya know. I'm too weak to get there- you need to wake Houki-sama right away, ya know."
"And do what?"
"Hm... don't send out anyone unless I tell you to, ya know. They aren't in any danger right now, as far as I can tell, but if I sense anything and I contact you, have some soldiers ready to get out there and help them, ya know."
"Eh, gotcha... Over 'n' out."
Tasuki stifled a yawn and stumbled out of his bed, slipping on a pair of shoes. He fumbled with his shouldersling for a moment as he struggled to throw a shirt on, then trotted out of his room and towards the Emperess'.
Tasuki rapped twice on the door, yawning again. "Man, I hope Houki-sama doesn't send me t'the dungeons fer wakin' her... Koji better be all right..."
The door opened quickly, Houki's head poking out sleepily. Somehow, she managed to look like she always did, as if her head had never touched a pillow. "Tasuki? What is the matter?"
The seishi stretched. "Slip inta somethin' an' I'll tell ya on the way t'the north gate."
"The north gate? Oh, very well... is everything all right?"
"Er, yes 'n' no," Tasuki chuckled a little. "Everyone's alive 'n' all, but, ah-heh, Koji, Akai and Aoi are sorta in the Takkan Camp."
Houki's eyes snapped open in surprise. "They're what!?"

Koji nodded to the five supply tents. "There they are. Everythin' a soldier needs t'survive is in those tents. A warrior fights on their stomach, an' even if the food ain't great they'll keep goin' so long's they got something t'feed themselves with."
Akai nodded. "That would be Battle Tactic Number One, correct Sensei?"
"Right y'are, Akai. Now you tell me, whatta ya do t'hurt an army without shootin' a single arrow?"
"Destroy the food supply!" she replied immediately.
He patted her head again. "Two correct answers in a row. Now, how d'we destroy th' food supplies th' quickest an' easiest way?" She thought for a moment, then shrugged. "We burn 'em!"
"Burn them?"
"Hai," he agreed. "Th' wooden crates'll burn well, an' the alcohol'll help, heh. If we're lucky we'll destroy every last bit o' food they got."
Akai nodded her approval of the plan, but stopped. She wore a troubled look on her face. "Um, Koji-san... exactly where are we going to be getting this fire?"
The bandit leader winked dangerously. "That's th' part o' the plan that involves a speedy getaway an' the ability t'think on yer feet. That's why I brought you along- I haven't see ya lose yer head in a battle yet."
Akai blushed with pride. "Arigatou, Koji-san! But... what exactly is this plan?"
"Er... you leave that part t'me, okay? All you gotta do is watch my back and stick an arrow through anyone who tries t'do me in. Can y'do that?" A nod. "Knew ya could. Now follow me t'that nearby campfire, and stay quiet- with luck this'll go perfectly."
Akai decided not to ask what might happen without luck. She crept through the forest behind her bandit friend, making sure not to step on any leaves or twigs that might give away their location. Koji held out a hand, motioning for her to stay where she was, picked up a branch that had fallen from a nearby tree and strolled calmly into the camp. Akai held her breath. "That idiot... what's he doing?"
The soldiers around this particular campfire were all in high bad tempers, arguing amongst themselves about three missing bottles of alcohol. They were so far gone in their conversation that they didn't notice the stranger until he was among them.
Koji stuck the treebranch he was carrying into the fire as if he was supposed to be there, nodding to the nearby soldiers cordially. "Lovely night fer a bottle-a sake an' campfire stories, ain't it boys?"
One of the men glared at the bandit suspiciously. "Oi, you ain't a soldier..."
Koji winked at the man, making his way casually out of camp. "Right th' first time. Yer a smart 'un, they shoulda made you Cap'n a long time ago."
"Enough o' th' small talk, who th' hell are ya?" the same man queried. He peered at Koji carefully. "I seen you somewhere..." he stood up slightly. "Ain't you one-a them... Konan soldiers?"
"Might wanna try Konan Warrior- y'know, that group-a seven that's been kickin' yer ketsu," Koji said in an off-hand manner. He waved at the men. "Jaa, morons."
The bandit leader grabbed Akai's hand and broke into a sprint, dashing back through the forest the way they'd come. The Takkan soldiers gave chase immediately, causing such a ruckus that several other groups broke free of fights and arguments to see what the problem was.
"Koji-san... that was suicidal... stupid... reckless... no thought or procedure..." Akai panted at his side. "But..." her eyes shone with new respect for her friend. "Amazing!"
The bandit grinned. "Battle Tactic Number Two: When in doubt, improvise. You c'n gush over it later- right now we got work t'do."
By now, they had reached the supply tents. Koji had to kill a few soldiers who had woken up upon hearing the noise from camp, then set to work. He dashed into each tent one-by-one, setting fire to a couple of things in each and running on to the next one.
Akai glanced from side to side nervously. "Koji-san, please hurry, they're coming this way."
The bandit leader left the burning branch in the last of the tents, motioning for Akai to follow him. "C'mon, Aoi shouldn't be too far off. This is a race fer our lives now, though, so you better keep up."
"You wouldn't really leave me, would you?" Akai asked curiously.
Koji slowed his pace down to stay level with the warrior girl. "C'mon, you know me better'n that, doncha? I'd never-"
"Heads up Koji-san!" The bandit leader instinctively dropped to the ground. Akai pulled back her bow and fired at a soldier who had broken through the trees ahead of them, killing him instantly. The duo slid to a halt, seeing the green and white uniforms coming at them through the foliage. They'd been cut off!
Koji glanced around, swearing violently. In front of them were advancing soldiers, several stringing arrows to bows. "Kuso, if we go back th' way we came we'll be sure t'be caught, but goin' forward is suicide."
"Koji-san... is this what happens without luck?"
The bandit tried to radiate a confidence that he didn't feel. "Daijoubu, Akai, I told you I'd get you 'n' Aoi out alive an' I still plan on doin' that." He pulled out his daggers and faced the oncoming score or so of warriors. "Make a run fer the camp, duck 'n' weave yer way through the forest an' rendezvous with Aoi. I'll hold 'em off fer as long as I can."
Akai looked up at her friend, not quite believing what he was saying. "Koji-san... you'd never..."
"Listen, we don't have time t'argue. Get outta here, I'll be fine," he glanced at her, a light she had sometimes seen in Chichiri and Tasuki's eyes burning brightly. "Go, dammit!"
The warrior girl was about to say something, when a familiar voice cut through their conversation. "Koji-sama, Akai!"
Out from the trees burst Aoi, riding atop one horse while Koji's ran alongside. He grabbed Akai's hand, hoisting her up onto his mount and firing at the Takkan soldiers. "Came just in time, didn't I?"
"You have no idea," Akai muttered. She glanced up in time to see one of the warriors aim an arrow straight at her friend. "Aoi, watch out!"
Something whizzed through the air and buried itself deep into the man's throat; he fell with a strangled cry, dead before he hit the dirt.
"Kuso," Koji muttered, riding up alongside his companions. "That was one-a my fav'rite throwin' knives too- Hareya got a pair of 'em fer me for my birthday. Had a nice little design-a Suzaku on th' side an' everythin'."
Aoi laughed at the bandit. "Koji-sama, I'll buy you a hundred of those things if it'll even begin to repay you for saving my life."
Koji flashed a victory sign. "Hey, that's what y'do fer friends." He glanced over his shoulder at a small group of Takkan soldiers that had given chase. "Hm... hey Akai, this horse I'm ridin', she's pretty trustworthy, ain't she?"
Akai nodded. "That's why I picked her. Sadame's one of the best we've got."
"Good," Koji unslung his bow from his back. He leaned down next to the horse, whispering in her ear, "Follow th' others an' keep this pace up. I'll make sure y'get fed the best of everythin' when we get back if y'keep me alive."
"Koji-sama, what're you doing?" Aoi wanted to know.
The bandit rotated skillfully in his saddle, so that he was facing the oncoming soldiers. "Little trick they teach ya up on Reikaku." He fit arrow to bow, took aim, and fired a smooth shot straight at the dozen-odd warriors. "Ha! Got one!"
Akai let Aoi steer their horse back to Konan, watching Koji with awe-filled eyes. "Koji-san is... so cool!"
The bandit leader smirked perilessly, his shots rarely ever missing their targets. Akai couldn't help but chuckle as she heard him say above the pound of horse's hooves. "...Four... five... six! Ha! Genrou's gonna be buyin' me that sake yet! What, retreatin' already? I'm jus' startin' t'get th' hang of this!"

Tasuki and Houki were standing at the northern gate, questioning the guard on duty.
"So you mean t'tell me that they promised you five gold pieces an' you let 'em just ride off t'the Takkan Camp?" Tasuki questioned angrily.
The guard rubbed the back of his head unhappily. "Er, they were Konan Warriors and all. I assumed your Highness had ordered them to go out there... wasn't sure why, but it wasn't my place to ask, y'see..."
Houki sighed. "Understood. How long have they been gone, do you know an exact time?"
"Er, I dunno, was right around ten, I guess, Houki-sama."
Tasuki frowned. "They've been gone fer way too long... maybe Chichiri just can't sense 'em, what with him still bein' weak 'n' all... Majesty, d'you think I could-"
"Not a chance, Tasuki," she said firmly. "You are still injured... come to think of it, so was Koji. I honestly cannot understand what would possess them to do something so irresponsible. Akai and Aoi have never done anything like this..."
Tasuki sighed. "I'd bet my tessen that this was Koji's idea, Houki-sama, and I'm sure those two jumped at th' chance t'help. They're fighters born, an' a fighter never turns down a good battle."
"Majesty..." the guard pointed out to the plain; the forms of two horses could be seen dimly, coming across the plains at a fast canter. "That's them, I'm sure of it."
Tasuki cracked his knuckles angrily. "Houki-sama, would y'mind horribly if I teach Koji a lesson fer doin' somethin' like this... and leavin' me behind!?"

As soon as the trio of tired Konan Warriors entered the gates they were marched straight to Chichiri's room for "judgement," as Koji carelessly called it. The monk, Tasuki and Houki took turns berating their friends for their actions, Houki and Tasuki pacing unhappily.
"I can't believe you'd just run out there without telling anyone, ya know."
"An' you didn't invite ME!"
"Akai, Aoi I really cannot believe you would do something like this! And you, Koji, you are supposed to be a good example to the younger ones!"
"Th' least you coulda done was invite ME, I'm yer best friend after all!"
"Not only was the general idea reckless, but what if you'd gotten into trouble ya know!? No one would've even known you were gone until..."
"If you'd invited ME you no one woulda had t'worry one bit!"
"I hope you understand how disappointed we all are in you- yes, you too, Koji. Koji!? Are you even listening to me?"
Akai and Aoi had their heads hung in shame, but the bandit leader was paying hardly any attention to the reprimanding he was getting. Rather, he seemed to be tallying up a number, scratching out invisible marks with his finger. Koji chuckled happily. "Hah, I got nine t'day! Add that t'my nine before and that's eighteen- I'm beatin' Genrou by eight!"
Tasuki knew exactly what his friend was talking about. "Hey, wait a second! I killed an Element- that should at least count for ten points!"
"Nani!?" Koji glanced at Tasuki's shattered shoulder and burnt hands. "Damn. Oh, fine, fine, then I'm still down by two. But I'm gonna get you, see if I don't."
Chichiri sweatdropped. "Koji doesn't seem to realize how serious this is, ya know."
A small anger-vein was popping out on Houki's forehead. "Koji, please at least pretend you are listening to me! What happened this evening is not something to be taken lightly."
The bandit leader turned to Houki, spreading his hands wide. "I hear ya, Houki-sama, but there ain't much I can do about it. What happened, happened, so what's th' point-a rehashing it? We killed at least fifteen-a their men all t'gether, found out what they're plannin', AND destroyed a good part-a their supplies. Maybe it wasn't smart, but it was a job well done."
"That's still no-" Chichiri stopped. "You did all that, ya know?" Koji nodded. A chibi monk grinned. "Well, Houki-sama, they did a nice job, and no harm done, ya know. I'd say we can let 'em off with a warning this time."
Houki frowned. "Chichiri, do not tell me you are taking their side in this matter?"
Akai spoke up. "Houki-sama, please, don't be so hard on Koji-san. It was his idea to go to the camp, but Aoi and I agreed to come of our own free will. And besides, when things got tough... Koji-san was going to sacrifice himself to save us."
Houki opened her mouth, but stopped short. "Oh, my." She glanced at Koji. "You were?"
He rubbed the back of his head and shrugged. "Eh, I wouldn't make it sound so dramatic, but if y'wanna call it that..."
Houki smiled slightly. "Hm, perhaps I am being a bit harsh. After all, everyone did return without so much as a scratch, and it definitely counts as a Konan victory. Good work, I suppose."
Aoi breathed a sigh of relief; for a moment, he actually thought they'd been in a lot of trouble. "Arigatou, Houki-sama."
"Be that as it may," Houki said officiously, "what you did was very dangerous, and I will not see any of my fellow warriors walking straight into the lion's den, so to speak. Therefore, as of now, any and all outside attacks are strictly forbidden. We will play their waiting game- it is much safer within the walls, anyway."
Chichiri nodded in agreement. "That seems like the best idea, ya know."
"That goes for everyone," Houki said whirling on the two seishi. "Even when the two of you have healed, I do not want you wandering about outside when there is a battle, like you did before. Perhaps you can take care of yourselves, but there are a good many more Takkan soldiers than there are seishi. One well-aimed arrow is all it would take. I want everyone to be as safe as possible- that means no suicide attacks."
Now it was Koji's turn to nod, grinning at his seishi friends. "That seems like the best idea, ya know."
Tasuki frowned. "Yeah, okay, that works fer me. But I think we've been skippin' the most important factor of this little mission."
"What's that, Tasuki-sama?" Akai wondered.
"Why didn't you invite ME along!?"

Ritsuka, blissfully unaware of the events that had happened the night before, awoke feeling refreshed and ready for anything. She hopped out of bed- it had been Kiori's night to sleep on the floor- and tugged on her friend's pajama sleeve. "Kiori? Kiori? Wake up, Kiori-chan!"
"Please don't make me bang a gong in your ear, because you know I'll do it."
The brunette opened her green eyes sleepily. "Ritsuka, what's going on? It must be the crack of dawn."
"Brilliant deduction!" Ritsuka told her sweetly. She dragged her friend out of bed, practically dressed her herself, and tugged her outside and to the kitchens.
Kiori blinked several times, trying to figure out how in the world she'd gotten from her room to the kitchen so fast. "What're we doing here, and so early?"
"Well, we HAD to get here early if you want to cook Chichiri a masterpiece breakfast."
"Oh..." Kiori's eyes snapped open. "Hey, when did I ever say I wanted to!?"
"Heh, I guess you didn't," Ritsuka muttered, throwing an apron around her friend. "It was sort of my idea. Didn't you know the quickest way to a man's heart is through his stomach?"
"It is?" the college girl asked, still only half-awake. She yawned wide as Ritsuka started a fire. "Who said that?"
"Everyone knows it's true. In the War of Love, it's Battle Tactic Number Five... or is it Four...?" the redhead pinched her friend's ear, forcing her to wake up completely. "Well, no matter! C'mon, don't stand there like a sleepwalker. I'm going to help you make a class-A breakfast! I'm thinking biscuits and gravy, I bet the people around here have never had anything like that! Hey, look for the pepper for me, will ya?"
Kiori glanced around the huge kitchen helplessly. "Uh, Ritsuka... have I mentioned that I burn salads? I can't cook. I hate it, so I never bother."
"Oh, don't be silly, anyone can cook," Ritsuka told her with a wave of a hand. "And besides, you've got me, the Superchef to give you a hand."
"Ritsuka..." Kiori sighed. "I have trouble with instant ramen!"*

*A/N: I feel her pain. To give you an idea of how bad of a cook I am: I screwed up Easy Mac the first time I tried to make it ^_^;;;

The redhead stared at her friend, blinking in disbelief at her last statement. "Kiori?"
"Shut up and get me the pepper. You're going to cook Chichiri the best damn meal in the world, and you're gonna like it."
"Don't I have say in this?"
Ritsuka rubbed her chin, as if she as thinking very hard. "Hm..." she grinned devilishly. "Iie! Grab a bowl and some spices, I'm gonna give you a crash course in gravy-making."

Mizu hadn't slept well all night. Her conscience was screaming at her for being the cause of Tsuchi's pain, and her heart was beginning to wonder if Setsuka was really the "good guy" in this scenario. As the sun peeked through her window, the young girl sighed heavily.
"I can't do this anymore," she said to no one in particular. "I have to tell Setsuka-sama everything... about me... and Houjun... how Tsuchi wouldn't even BE in his position if I'd just stopped Kiori... and..." Mizu shuddered slightly, thinking about what Setsuka might do to her when she told her when she found out...

Chichiri stretched his good arm lazily, blinking against the trickle of sunlight that filtered through the windows in his room. He couldn't help but sigh a little; today was a perfect day to go outside, but like as not he'd be bedridden again. The monk tested his weak legs, knowing that he still wasn't quite strong enough to be walking around. "Maybe in a day or so, ya know."
Two quick knocks on his door. Chichiri smiled, knowing that to be Kiori's knock, and put on his mask. "Come in, ya know."
The door slid open with a flourish as Ritsuka and Kiori entered, bearing a tray between them. "Chichiri, O Injured Hero, between us we carry the breakfast of champions," Ritsuka said dramatically.
Kiori giggled. "I thought that was Wheaties."
Ritsuka popped her over the head. "Not just any breakfast, oh no- this meal was created from the caring, gentle hands of our resident healer- Kiori Sakamoto!"
The brunette bowed slightly. "It took me nearly five tries, but I finally managed to make something Ritsuka considered presentable."
Ritsuka lowered the tray, grinning. She leaned in next to Chichiri, whispering slyly, "You know, if someone who hates cooking as much as Kiori does gets up at the crack of dawn to make a meal for someone, I'd say they must like that certain someone an awful lot."
Chichiri raised an eyebrow at Ritsuka. Not sure what else to say, he muttered the first thing that came to mind: "Da...?"
Kiori grabbed her friend by the shirt collar and dragged her away from the monk. "Ignore her, she's an idiot." As Chichiri took a bite of breakfast, Kiori smacked the back of her friend's head, hissing as she did, "I thought I told you to let me handle all of this."
"I am," Ritsuka insisted just as quietly. "You handle it, and I'll give it a gentle push in the right direction."
"Mm, that's really good ya know!" a chibi Chichiri remarked a moment later. "I've never had anything like it- you'll have to give the cooks the recipe, ya know. Nice job Kiori."
The college girl blushed a little, rubbing the back of her head. "Arigatou. Ritsuka said anyone could cook, I guess she was right."
Chichiri was about to take a sip of tea, but stopped suddenly, yawning wide. "Mm, late night yesterday, ya know."
"Hm? Late night? Did you have trouble sleeping?" Kiori asked curiously, a hint of concern in her voice.
Ritsuka made little "aw" noises in Kiori's ear, but Chichiri either didn't seem to notice. "Oh, right, you weren't there, ya know. Koji, Akai and Aoi went on a little spy mission last night, nearly got themselves killed in the process, but managed to make it back all right, ya know."
Ritsuka frowned. "And why weren't we informed!?"
Chichiri held up his hands protectively. "Tasuki and I decided that it wasn't anything the two of you needed to lose sleep over, ya know. After all, you've both been through a lot these past couple weeks- we thought you could use the rest."
Ritsuka merely humphed. "Thanks for the concern, but I'd rather have been there to yell at Koji for not taking me along."
Kiori and Chichiri both chuckled. Ritsuka glanced at the two, deciding that this would be a good time to make her grand exit. "Well, I'll leave the two of you alone- I'm sure you've got plenty to talk about. I'm gonna go find Koji, smack him on the head, then find Tasuki-chan and smack him on the head."
"Why're you gonna smack Tasuki on the head, ya know?"
Ritsuka shrugged, flashing a toothy smile. "Because it's fun. Jaa, lovebirds," she said the last word in English, so Chichiri wouldn't understand. Ritsuka winked at her friend, ducking quickly out of the room before Kiori could retaliate.
The monk looked at a very red Kiori. "What does lovebirds mean, ya know?"
The brunette turned a slightly brighter red- if that were possible- at the question. "Hm? Oh, it's, well, it's hard to explain exactly..." she coughed. "So, you really like the food?"
"Hai, ya know. I'm surprised you took the time to make it- I know how much you hate cooking, ya know."
Kiori shrugged. "Oh, it was nothing. If you want, I can try my hand at dinner tomorrow- of course, I'll need a lot of help from Ritsuka, heh..."
Chichiri's face clouded over at the mention of "tomorrow." He remembered what he had told Tasuki he'd talk to Kiori about, and he wasn't enjoying the idea at all. "Kiori... there's something I wanted to talk to you about."
Kiori didn't miss the fact that Chichiri had neglected to use his usual "ya know"- this was serious. She frowned thoughtfully. "What's the matter?"

The Lady of Takkan looked up from a legal document she was going over. In the doorway to her throne room stood Mizu, hands gripped tightly around her kesa. The young girl's bangs created a shadow over her eyes, and she wore a look of inner pain on her face. Setsuka didn't need the faint glowing of her light blue gem to tell her something was wrong with the young girl. "Mizu-chan, whatever is the matter?"
"Gomen ne... I can't keep this up anymore..."
Setsuka stood, striding across the room to the Element and crouching down next to her. "Mizu-chan, please, tell me what is wrong. What can't you keep up anymore?"
"It's my fault... Tsuchi... Houjun... " Mizu brought her golden eyes up so she could look Setsuka in the face. "I just can't be a part of this war any longer!"

The monk hadn't prepared his speech, and wasn't quite sure how to get the message across to Kiori without hurting her feelings. "...It's not that we don't want you around, ya know. In fact, having the two of you here has been a blessing several times, ya know. It's just..."
"Chichiri, what exactly are you trying to tell me?" Kiori asked, though she had a pretty good idea.
The monk rubbed the back of his head. "I know someone, my old teacher Taiitsukun, who probably knows a way to get you and Ritsuka back to your own world, ya know. What with the Elements and all-"
"You're getting rid of us," Kiori finished bluntly, looking like she'd just got slapped in the face.
Chichiri turned chibi and waved his good arm wildly. "No it's nothing like that ya know!" He paused thoughtfully. "Oh, how to explain this...? This war is dangerous, ya know. The two of you could probably hold your own, but we- Tasuki and I- don't want to take the risk of seeing you hurt. I just think it would be for the best, ya know."
"For the best..." Kiori sighed. "You're probably right. If the riddles are true, and I have to take on an Element, chances are I probably won't do too hot. Huh, I can barely handle a sword, much less kill someone with one."
Chichiri frowned. "Kiori, it isn't that you haven't been any help, ya know. I know from day one you thought you wouldn't much help, but you've done just as much as anyone else, maybe even more, ya know." Off went the mask. "This has nothing to do with you being able to handle yourself or not. If I had the chance, I'd figure out a way to get Houki-sama, Akai and Koji out of this war, too. The thing is, we don't have that choice with them- they were born here, they'll live here, and they'll die here. Same with Tasuki and I. But we have the option of keeping you and Ritsuka safe from all this bloodshed, and we'd like to do what we can."
Kiori nodded unhappily. "I understand you're reasoning. It makes a lot of sense, that way, and I'm touched that you'd be that worried about us." She chuckled a little. "To be honest, as hard and tough as things have been, I don't want to leave. I really love it here. I love..." she trailed off a little. "But it'd be selfish of me to make you worry just 'cause I'm enjoying myself. If that's what you want, I'll go back home."
Chichiri frowned. As relieved as he knew he should have been, he couldn't make himself happy about the thought of Kiori leaving Konan. Never seeing she, or even the out-spoken Ritsuka again...
"But do I want that, ya know?" he said quietly. "It's funny, when Tasuki mentioned getting the two of you to go home yesterday, I said 'okay' almost immediately. Truth is, I didn't think you'd ever agree- maybe that's why I went along with Tasuki's plan.
"Only now, when you actually do agree to it, I don't like the idea at all. I don't want you to go back home, ya know." He chuckled. "I guess that was a useless conversation, ne?"
Kiori smiled. "Maybe so, but I'm glad it ended the way it did. I would've missed you-" he smiled a little; the college girl turned chibi and blushed, "er, I would've missed everyone way too much."
Chichiri smiled, putting his mask back on. "Glad that's settled, ya know. I wonder if Tasuki's having the same sort of talk with Ritsuka, ya know."
Kiori chuckled. "I get the feeling theirs will involve a bit more cursing and hitting." The college girl grabbed Chichiri's tray. "Well, I'll just take this in, then go search out Akai and get her to tell me the details of last night. Maybe I'll come in around noon, to keep you company?"
"Okay, ya know." Chichiri waited until Kiori was at the door before speaking. "Oh, Kiori?"
"I..." oh, what the hell. "I would've missed you, too ya know."
Kiori blushed to her eartips; she couldn't stop the wide smile of pleasure at his words. "Ah... thanks, er, good to hear, er... jaa."

Mizu told Setsuka everything, from her travels with Chichiri, to her meetings with him at the same farmhouse the Lady had discovered her at, and finally to her confrontation with Kiori.
Setsuka had listened to Mizu's story without a word, only nodding every once in a while to show she was listening. Though outwardly she remained the perfect picture of calm and security, inwardly her mind raced frantically. 'I can't lose Mizu! Not Mizu, she's the answer to everything... think, Setsuka!'
The girl hung her head unhappily. "Gomen ne, Setsuka-sama. You may as well just kill me, or send me to the same fate as Tsuchi. I can't be a part of war where my enemy is Houjun... and if I can't, then I'm of no use to you."
Setsuka's voice was smooth as honey; she worked out her words as she went. "Oh, Mizu-chan. Why didn't you tell me about your friend, before all of this had happened?"
Mizu's sniffled, tears welling up in her eyes. "I thought... I thought maybe I could just pretend that I wasn't really part of the war. But I can't deny it any longer, I can't keep acting like I want us to win. You say we're on the right of things, but Houjun... Houjun could never be evil, I know him too well."
"Of course not," Setsuka agreed, putting a hand on the girl's shoulder. "It's obvious to me that those other Konan Warriors have tricked your friend, manipulated him into thinking we are the real enemies." She frowned, putting a finger to her lips. "Oh, dear, this is most unfortunate."
Mizu's head came up. "What is?"
"When we captured Chichiri- er, Houjun, I suppose- we did keep him for hostage purposes- it is a part of war, after all. But I assure you that I was going to give him the finest medical care, and one of the best palace rooms. He was only down in that dungeon for a short time, you see, while I had the servants prepare another place for him."
"Hontou?" looking into those silver eyes, Mizu couldn't help but trust her every word.
Setsuka nodded, sighing as she did. "I am sorry, part of this is my fault. If I'd only told you that we were keeping him down there, you never would have let that Kiori girl escape. We could have nursed him back to health, and saved him from those Konan Warriors."
Mizu sniffled, wiping a hand across her eyes. "Oh, Setsuka-sama..."
The Lady of Takkan patted Mizu's head fondly. "Now, don't you worry, my dear. We'll find a way to save your friend, I am sure of it." Her eyes turned hard for a moment. "But the only way to do that is to continue fighting Konan, and defeat them. I will need your help in that task, you know that."
The Element nodded. "You promise that Houjun won't get hurt?"
Setsuka nodded; she had gotten so good at lying that it was now as easy as breathing. "Your friend will not be harmed- at least, as long as I have any say in the matter. We will defeat Konan, and you will be reunited with this Houjun. How does that sound?"
Mizu managed a small smile. Though her heart and mind both told her that Setsuka couldn't be trusted, that there was a vicious spark behind that gentle gaze, some inner force shoved against all her common sense and won the battle. "It sounds wonderful, my Lady."
"I am very happy to hear that. Please, do not worry, Mizu-chan. We will work everything out to the best we can," Setsuka assured her. "You look tired. Why don't you go get some rest? I'm allowing you and the others a couple weeks off- I think it will do you all good."
Setsuka waited until Mizu had trotted out of the room to drop her sweet front. She smiled wickedly, eyes flashing their usual coldness. "You managed that quite well, Setsuka. Hm, children really are very easily manipulated."

Tasuki had deliberately avoided trying to find Ritsuka that day- he knew she'd seek him out eventually, once she got bored of torturing Koji or teasing Kiori. The seishi bandit made his way down to the palace pond- a place he'd become fond of in the past couple weeks.
He dropped down to the soft grass that surrounded the area, sighing heavily and deciding to let his lunch digest before he tried any physical activity that day. The seishi had just closed his eyes against the bit of sunlight that managed to seep through the tree brances, when...
A heavy something dropped like a stone onto the seishi's stomach, knocking the air out of him almost completely. Tasuki's gold eyes snapped open in surprise, staring into a pair of cheerful blue ones. "Red!" he managed to gasp out.
The college girl smiled, flashing a victory sign. "That's right! I've been looking for you for almost an hour now," her eyes narrowed; she pointed a finger at him accusingly. "You haven't been avoiding me, have you?"
"Even if I'd wanted to, it'd be an impossible job," he muttered once he'd gotten his breath back. "I think I liked it better when you hopped on my back instead-a my stomach."
Ritsuka snickered. "Kinky."
Tasuki pushed her off with his good arm. "I didn't mean it like THAT! Pervert..." he dusted himself off, straightening his sling and getting into a comfortable sitting position. "Well, I'm glad ya showed up anyway. I had somethin' I wanted t'talk t'you about."
Ritsuka leaned over the water, trailing a hand in it lazily. "If it's about my going back home," she said bluntly, "then don't bother because my answer will always be no."
A chibi Tasuki stared at her. "D'you have ESP or somethin'!? How did ya know that's what I was gonna ask you!?"
The redhead chuckled, turning her eyes skyward innocently. "Chichiri and Kiori had a little chat earlier this morning- doors are funny things, sometimes if you put your ear up to them you can hear every little thing from inside."
The seishi rolled his eyes, but couldn't help but smile a little. "I take it she didn't agree, either." A nod. "Well, in that case I won't waste yer time talkin' about it."
"Good," Ritsuka said, "you're stuck with me, and you're gonna have to deal with it." The redhead jumped up, grabbing Tasuki in a chibi hug. "And besides, I know you'd miss me terribly Tasuki-chan!"
"Huh. Maybe I would..." his face turned an odd shade of blue. "Red, let go, yer killin' me!" He managed to wriggle out of the hold, rubbing his injured shoulder. "Damn, I'm already enough of an invalid without you squeezin' the life outta me."
Ritsuka giggled. "Gomen."
"What did you want to talk to me about, anyway?"
The college girl lay back in the grass next to her seishi companion, tracing a pattern in the sky with her finger. "Oh, I was just curious about a couple of things." She waited a couple of seconds before asking her question as carefully and casually as she could. "Chichiri's a monk, right?"
"Hai, and if it took y'that long t'figure it out then yer thicker'n I thought." Tasuki earned a swift fist to the head for his remark.
Ritsuka smothered a laugh as the seishi rubbed the bump on his head unhappily. "You deserved that and you know it. Out of curiousity, how does the monk thing work around here? I mean, is it illegal for him to settle down with someone, or, you know, get some, or anything like that?"
Tasuki shrugged. "How the hell should I know? Chichiri ain't exactly the type-a guy who goes around tryin' t'get laid by every pretty girl he sees. From what I know, he's basically a nomad, sworn t'help keep peace and all that monk spiel. An' anyway, he's faithful t'that late fiancee of his- oh, I never told ya about that, did I?"
"No, but Kiori did so don't worry about it," Ritsuka decided to go the extra mile and pry further into Chichiri's unofficial job. "But let's say a monk falls in love or something... they can stop being a monk, right?"
"Red, yer askin' the wrong person. Now, if y'wanted t'know things on a bandit life, then I could help ya," he opened one eye, looking at her suspiciously. "Why d'you care, anyway?"
The redhead grinned slyly, moving into a sitting position. "Is it that hard to figure out, Tasuki-chan?"
The seishi sat up, thinking hard for a couple seconds. His eyes got huge. "Ah, you don't mean t'tell me yer in love with Chichiri too, do ya!?"
Ritsuka face-vaulted. "Baka."
Tasuki didn't seem to hear her. He sighed. "Oh, this is just great! Another one-a them Miaka things... b'fore y'know it someone's drinkin' kodoku an' there's a fight and people're cryin' an' I'm gettin' my ass kicked..."
Ritsuka popped her friend hard across the back of his head. "Tasuki-chan, calm down! I'm not in love with Chichiri- nothing against him, but he's not my type. I'm asking for Kiori, because she happens to have some pretty strong feelings for our resident monk."
"I knew that," Tasuki growled, surprised to find how relieved he was that Ritsuka wasn't in love with Chichiri. The seishi frowned a little, wondering why the thought of his redheaded terror having feelings for someone made him feel so funny...
Ritsuka slapped him hard across the back, nearly knocking him into the pond. "I don't have time for all that romance mush, you know that- I'd rather just torture you instead!"
Tasuki waved his arm frantically to get his balance, panting in relief as he managed to stay on dry land. "Glad to hear... I guess."
Ritsuka lay back in the grass, closing her eyes and saying that she was just going to take a little nap. A few minutes later she was sleeping peacefully, murmuring something about chocolate bars in her sleep.
The seishi couldn't help but chuckle a little as she growled at Kiori for stealing a meal. Tasuki had to admit that he was glad neither she nor Kiori were going home- somewhere between getting annoyed by her and getting beaten up by her, Tasuki had become rather attached of the redheaded college girl. "She really ain't all that bad, anyway..."
Ritsuka rolled over and grabbed Tasuki's sleeve in her teeth, muttering as she did, "Ch, thish fish tashtesh funny..."

"You know, I bet there's a pattern to these riddles, but I'll be damned if I can figure it out..." Kiori turned the scroll she was holding upside-down, forehead wrinkling unhappily. The brunette glanced up at her monk friend, whose face was buried in another scroll. "Chichiri? Chichiri, are you listening to me?"
He sat up with a start. "Hm? Oh, right, scroll, Elements, ya know..."
Kiori chuckled. "You didn't get a whole lot of sleep last night, did you?"
Chichiri rubbed the back of his head. "I had a couple of odd dreams, plus that whole Koji and Akai thing, ya know. I just can't concentrate today, ya know."
"You should get some rest," Kiori advised. "Just sit back and relax, I'll read over a couple of things and tell you a theory or two, all right?"
He nodded in agreement and lay back on a couple of pillows, closing his eyes and listening to the sound of Kiori's voice. "Okay, well the Element's names seem to be in the order they're killed off- Taiyou, Tsuki, Kaze, etc., and if you look at the hints the first two match perfectly... but then this thing about freezing a river doesn't sound like it has anything to do with the wind..."
"Mm," Chichiri muttered, already half-asleep. In all honesty, he wasn't concentrating too much on her words; Kiori had a nice voice, one that he liked listening to. The monk smiled slightly, wondering if he really was falling in love with the college girl. 'Mm, strange, how these earth girls attract people, ya know...'
"Anyway, I'm thinking that Kaze is the next Element that'll be coming, though I wish we had a clue as to when or how... well, I guess he couldn't come into the palace, otherwise you'd sense it..." Kiori trailed off; judging by the steady breathing of her friend, he was asleep. She smiled a little. "And I'll bring this up again later."
Kiori set the scroll down in the pile that occupied a good part of Chichiri's dresser, then quietly stood up and left the room. She put her hands behind her head, breathing in the cool spring air and deciding that tomorrow she'd let Chichiri try his hand at getting around the palace. "It's too beautiful of a season to be stuck inside," she remarked to herself. "I don't know how this day could get much better..."
Wham! The brunette turned a corner and ran straight into Tasuki. "Ow!" both cried, jumping back and touching sore heads.
The seishi rubbed at a bump on his forehead. "Damn, first Red gives me a couple lumps, now you. What is it, National Tasuki Beat-Down Day?"
Kiori smothered a giggle at the idea. "Sure, didn't you know? And I'm pretty sure tomorrow is National Temperance Day, which means no alcohol for anybody..." Tasuki looked absolutely horrified at the idea. "Just kidding, of course. What's up? Have you talked to Ritsuka?"
"Hai, hai," he leaned against the palace rail, unbandaging a hand and flexing it experimentally. "She's stayin' 'till the end, jus' like you 'n' everyone else. Girls're so stubborn..."
"Don't lie, you'd miss us as much as Chichiri would," Kiori remarked.
Tasuki rubbed the back of his head and coughed a couple of times. "Ah-hem, well, I... how's that monk doin' anyway? I was jus' on my way t'see him."
"Out like a light," the college girl said with a small chuckle. "He's looking a lot better too, even if it has been just a couple days. I think I might be nice and let him get out of bed tomorrow."
"Sleepin' the day away, eh? Sounds like Red- last I saw of her she was snoozin' over by the pond," Tasuki smirked devilishly. "Wanna go wake her up? Say, by tossin' her into the pond?"
Kiori chuckled. "As promising as the idea sounds, chances are she'd take us in with her." Tasuki shuddered at the thought. "Hey Tasuki, are you very good at solving riddles?"
He rubbed the back of his head. "Uh, not really, but I could always give it a try if y'wanted me to..."
"You don't have to, I just thought I'd ask. Chichiri and I need a lot of help with all these scrolls..." Kiori slapped a fist into her open palm, remembering something. "Oops, I left my scroll in Chichiri's room! I better go get it now, before I forget."
Tasuki followed her back the way she had come. "I'll come with ya. Got nothin' better t'do t'day."

Chichiri had gone to sleep with thoughts of Kiori on his mind, though Kouran must've been lodged into his subconscious as well. His dream had started off normal enough, but soon took a disturbing turn for the worse. He and Tasuki were out by some stream, catching a fish for Koji's wedding feast...
"C'mon Tasuki, pull it in carefully ya know."
"I'm doin' the best I can! If you think it's so easy than you do it!"
"Here, lemme give you a hand, ya know..."
"Haha, I think we almost got the slimy little bastard!"
Chichiri's head snapped up; he thought he'd heard the sound of rushing water coming their way. "Do you hear that?"
"Hear wha-"
The scene changed. No longer were they by the stream that ran past the Reikaku hideout; now they were at a place Chichiri knew very well... way too well... "Tasuki, kore wa..." Looking around, Chichiri realized he was by himself. "Tasuki? Tasuki, Koji... Kiori?"
The water that he had been hearing grew louder; a huge wave of it came pouring down, flooding the banks and turning the stream into a churning, deadly river. The monk took a cautious step back, bumping into a soft something behind him.
A pair of arms wrapped around his neck from behind. Chichiri's breath caught in his throat. He hadn't dreamed about HER in so long...
"Houjun, have you forgotten about me?"
He pulled away, turning around so he could look his old fiancee in the eye. She was just like he remembered her, down to that small glitter in her eyes and the modest but lovely engagement ring. "Kouran... what do you mean? How could I ever forget...?"
She looked hurt, betrayed almost. "That girl, Kiori. You love her, don't you?"
"Nani? Kiori? I don't know, I mean-"
"You do love her, I can see it in your eye... Oh, Houjun, you HAVE forgotten me!" she whirled, sprinting back the way she had come.
"Wait, Kouran! I still love you, I always will! Kouran... Oira..."
He tried to follow her, but someone was tugging hard at his sleeve, pulling him back towards the flooding river. "Chichiri! Chichiri...!?"

"...Chichiri! Chichiri are you okay!?" The monk opened his eye, staring into a concerned pair of green ones. "Chichiri, daijoubu ka? You're white as a ghost..."
He sat up quickly, hugging his arms to his chest. 'Kouran, aishiteru zutto... demo...'
Kiori frowned unhappily; he still looked half-asleep. "What's wrong?"
The monk snapped back to reality with a start, he shook his head hard. "It's nothing... I'm fine ya know. I was just, I'm worried about Mae-chan, that's all."
The brunette didn't look convinced. She put a hand on each of his shoulders, realizing that he was shaking slightly. "You don't LOOK fine. Did you have a nightmare? You were calling out to someone-"
"You do love her... Oh, Houjun, you HAVE forgotten me!" Chichiri pushed her roughly away, snapping in an unusually harsh voice. "If I say I'm fine, then I'm fine, dammit!"
Kiori looked like she'd just got slapped in the face. "Oh... Okay. G-gomen nasai, Chichiri. I just... gomen." She took several steps back from the bed; the monk's heart wrenched at the hurt in her eyes. The college girl picked up her scroll. "I came for this... I'll leave you alone, now... I... gomen."
Chichiri didn't have a chance to think of anything to say- Kiori was out of the room in half a second. The monk looked towards Tasuki, who had stood unnoticed by the door. The golden orbs of his friend pierced into his own mahogany eye, almost as if they were trying to penetrate to his soul.
Tasuki frowned, but didn't say anything for a long moment. Finally he shook his head slowly. "I never seen you get like that. Kiori was jus' tryin' t'be nice, an' you go 'n' bite her head off." He paused for a minute, but Chichiri didn't know what to say. "You were shoutin' out t'Kouran, right before we got in here. That's what this is about, ain't it?"
Tasuki closed his eyes, rubbing at his temple with one hand. "On second thought, don't answer. I told myself I was gonna stay outta all this." He stopped in the doorway for a moment. "You feel the same as she does, don't you?"
Chichiri sighed. "Tasuki, I don't even know what I feel these days."
"Huh, an' I thought I was th' romantically challenged one," he remarked with a disbelieving shake of his head. The seishi waved a hand. "Well, I'm out. Jaa ne."
The seishi monk sat for a long time, staring at the closed door that both Tasuki and Kiori had exited from. As he tried to sort out his emotions, he kept coming back to the way Kiori had looked at him after he'd snapped at her- that look was worse than any slap to the face.
He suddenly wanted to go find her, if only to apologize for acting like such an idiot... but how could he explain his actions? It wasn't like you could just go up to someone and say, 'I was dreaming about my late fiancee because I think I'm in love with you.'
Chichiri took off his mask, staring at the material reflectively. "But do I love her? ...And even if I did, what chance would we have? We don't live in the same world, and she isn't a Miko... Soshite, what about Kouran? She's dead, but... am I still in love with her, even after everything?"
The piece of cloth offered no answer to his questions.
Chichiri sighed heavily. "I can't worry about it. I'm a monk, anyway, I swore off that sort of love a long time ago..." he stared at his reflection in the mirror, particularly at the jagged scar that ran from eyebrow to nose. "Dakedo..."
She knew everything, all the evil he kept hidden... and she loved him nonetheless. How often did a person like that come around?
He shook his head hard. He didn't want to touch those emotions that were still buried in his heart. If he did, it would only hurt Kiori- and himself, though he refused to admit it- more... wouldn't it?

"'The seishi monk slipped the magical piece of cloth back onto his face, touching the edge of his golden-ribboned scroll unhappily. He made a promise to himself that he'd sort everything out with Kiori the next day, so their relationship wouldn't be damaged. He also promised himself that he would remain nothing more than friends with Kiori... no matter how painful it was.'" Yui whistled. "End Chapter Thirteen."

Akai: Well, would you look at that? Chichiri-sama and Kiori-san are having their first lover's spat, and they aren't even officially a couple yet! Ah! Kiori-san, I didn't mean it, I was only teasing... Phew, I'm glad Palace Warriors don't have to play the role of matchmaker too- sounds scarier than arrows to me!
Hey, speaking of the war, my job as unofficial captain sure has gotten a lot easier since Koji-san arrived! He really knows what he's doing! Helping us with the battles even though he's still hurt... Suteki!
On the Next Episode of Fushigi Yuugi: The Next Chapter: "Arrows and Amore! The Failures of an Ambitious Nation!"
Hey, if things keep going our way maybe we can have some free-time for once...