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~Episode Fourteen: Arrows and Amore!~
The Failures of an Ambitious Nation!

Yui glanced up from the book. "All right, Keisuke... oh." The girl couldn't help but giggle; Keisuke was splayed out on the couch, fast asleep. "You think we should wake him up?"
Tetsuya took the book from his girlfriend. "Nah, he can afford to miss a chapter or two. Besides, have you ever woken Keisuke up?" Yui shook her head. "You don't want to."
The high school girl was about to asky why, then remembered how Miaka had the tendency to level anyone who woke her up during class with a desk. She winced. "Let's let him sleep."
Tetsuya chuckled and began to read. "'As the Konan Warriors and Takkan Elements alike slept fitfully, another group of people were making an unusual discovery beneath a waxing spring moon...'"

The RAFT member Kita stood in front of the Rebel Bar with a look of disgust clearing written on her face. She wrinkled her nose disdainfully. "Kuso, not this again!" She touched one of the battered, arrow-filled bodies of a Takkan soldier with her shoe. "Murders her own soldiers 'n' makes us clean 'em up!? An' she wonders why people hate her so much."
Aji put a hand across his heart and said solemnly:
"Rest in peace, scum
Killed by the Lady you served
Though t'was a grizzly fate
I'd say t'was all you deserved.
"C'mon, I hated 'em as much's you, but no one deserves this," Kita reprimanded her poetic friend.
The man smiled cheekily. "As you say, m'dear, but I can't help but be glad to see dead Takkan trackers."
Otoo-san nodded in agreement. "Mm, mm, at least we know Kiori got away safely, that we do. Four of the five are indeed trackers, you can tell by the uniforms, you see. Must have failed, hm, good for us but not quite so good for them, not at all."
"Right y'are, Otoo-san, but who's this last 'un?" Kita wondered. "I c'n hardly tell he's human, he's been beat up so bad. Almost feel sorry fer him, b'lieve it 'r not."
Aji crouched down to the man, studying a mark on his sleeve. "Save your pity for someone who deserves it," he gestured to the patch. "The mark of a general. Looks like that deadly game Hataku and Setsuka-"
"May she die a thousand deaths!"
"-Finally came to an end," Aji completed.
Otoo-san glanced at the almost indistinguishable figure. "Hm, can't say I'm sad to see him go. Still, still, terrible way to be finished off, most painful..." he trailed off, eyes widening slightly.
"Somethin' wrong?" Kita asked.
"Ah, well, yes and no, Kita-chan," he stammered. "Perhaps my eyes are playing tricks on me in the moonlight, that could be it, but I thought I saw Hataku breathe, hai hai."
The young man called Iya chuckled. "Yeah, an' I'm a frog's uncle. No 'un c'd survive what that 'un went through."
The other handful of RAFT members nodded in agreement, but Aji picked up the general's wrist and held it for a moment. "You'd better start hopping, Iya. Otoo-san's right: Hataku isn't dead yet!"
A murmur of surprise went up from the rebels. Iya snorted, drawing his dagger. "Some people jus' don't know when t'die. Well, I'll fix that..."
Kita stepped in front of him, hand on swordhilt. "An' who put you in charge, hm? I'll be th' one t'say who we kill 'n' who we don't." She waited while he sheathed his blade, then continued,. "We'd be no better'n Setsuka- er, may she die a thousand deaths a'course- if we killed him in cold blood. Jus' drag him with th' others t'the river. He won't live through the night, anyway."
"Ah, the lovely RAFT Queen has spoken," Aji said teasingly. "But I wonder if she'd mind horribly if her humble servant might add an idea or two?"
Kita turned on her comrade, hands on hips. "Call me Queen agin an' I'll toss you in th' river with these trackers. What's yer plan?"
Aji coughed importantly before speaking. "Kita, O Flower of Takkan, why should we send our repulsive enemy to his death? If we keep him alive, we'll be striking a nice blow, don't you think?"
Iya spat contemptuously. "How's keepin' a mangled gen'ral alive hurtin' her?"
Aji looked at the young man sadly. "Alas, and he wonders why we voted Kita leader and not he? Well, my thick-headed friend, Hataku happens to know every nook, crack and cranny in the Takkan Palace. He knows their strengths and weaknesses, and to top it off he hates Setsuka- may she die a thousand deaths- almost as much as we do. I'd say we'd be crazy NOT to save him."
Kita clapped a hand on Aji's back. "On second thought, y'can call me Queen as much as y'want as long as y'keep thinkin' ideas like that. All right, new plan: Iya, take four with you an' get rid o' these trackers."
His face was the picture of disgust. "But-" Kita silenced him with an icy glare. Muttering unhappily, the rebellious member chose four of his friends and began the unpleasant task.
The young RAFT leader nodded towards Otoo-san. "Aji an' I'll help ya get ol' Hataku back t'yer place."
Otoo-san looked repulsed at the idea of keeping the long-hated general in his home. "Er, no offense to your judement, Kita-chan, but why MY house?"
Kita motioned for Aji to help her lift the general; despite his height, he didn't weigh much. "Yer th' only one-a us with a nice enough place t'even count as a real home. B'sides, I don't have time t'play nurse t'a guy I don't even like."
Otoo-san sighed. "Oh, very well, very well." As he lifted the limp body of the former Takkan general, the older man couldn't help musing aloud, "Hm, I wonder who our despised Lady will hire on as general now?"
Aji chuckled. "Hataku's the only smart one in the whole group. Finding a replacement among those moronic captains will be a job and a half, no doubt about it."

Setsuka spent a good part of that night thinking over the very same question the RAFT members were wondering: who would lead the army now that Hataku was gone? Though she found it below her to associate with the captains and common soldiers, Mizu's all-seeing crystals had helped her to learn much about the men she had to choose from, and the choices were not promising.
Captain Furo was clever and sharp, but being so young it was unlikely that the other captains would take him seriously as a general. Captain Utara was a hardened veteran when it came to battles, but he was too ambitious for Setsuka's liking- the sort of person who might try to overthrow her if he got too cocky. Captain Yoru had the makings of a decent captain, but Setsuka didn't like the snotty way he treated the rest of the men- if he acted that way to her, she'd have to kill him immediately, and then she'd be out another man.
Captain Kawahito was as thick as mud, rarely speaking around campfires as his slow wit usually thought of things to say five minutes too late. Setsuka had to admit, though, that he was a tough fighter. He was obedient, loyal, and never questioned an order given to him. The man would never go against her orders- it was unlikely that he'd say much of anything except "Hai, m'Lady," and "Right away, m'Lady."
Setsuka was out of bed as soon as the sun peeked through her blinds. "No one ever said thick was necessarily bad."
The Lady of Takkan threw on one of her more comfortable- though no less lavish- dresses and teleported to the camp of her warriors immediately. It didn't take her long to find Kawahito's tent; she rapped officiously on the wooden pole that held one end up. "Captain Kawahito."
There was a shuffling sound, and a moment later a messy head of black hair poked around the tent flap. "Er, M'Lady! What can I, er, you..."
She managed a small smile. "May I come in? I wish to speak with you about some important matters."
"Uh..." he looked down at himself; he'd thrown on a shirt when he'd heard the female voice, but it was little more than an undershirt. "I s'pose so, M'Lady, but I..."
Setsuka pulled back the flap before he could say anything else, glancing at the unmade bed and dirty chairs. She decided to remain standing. Kawahito threw on his uniform jacket and bowed until his head touched the floor. "Er, what can I do for you, M'Lady?"
"I assume you have heard the rumors about Hataku, how he is no longer in service of the army?"
Kawahito shrugged his thin shoulders. "I'd heard rumors, but I try not t'listen t'silly campfire gossip, y'see, er, M'Lady." He brought his eyes up slightly. "They aren't true, are they?"
"Hataku is dead," Setsuka said flatly. "He chose to rebel against me, and I had to dispose of him." The captain didn't know what to say to this shocking bit of news, so he stayed quiet. "I don't want to keep you long, Kawahito, so I'll make this brief. I need a new general to lead my army, and I have chosen you."
His hazel eyes widened considerably. The captain stammered. "M-me, M'Lady? My own self?"
She nodded. "If you would stand, please, we'll get the ceremony over with quickly." Kawahito did as she said; Setsuka ripped the captain's patch of his uniform and swiftly replaced it with the shining three-starred pattern of a general. "Congratulations... General."
The man's chest swelled with pride at his unexpected promotion. "Arigatou! I'll do everythin' t'the best of my ability, M'Lady! I'll lead Takkan t'victory, I'll defeat those Konan Warriors, I'll, er..."
Setsuka inwardly sighed, wondering if she'd made a mistake in hiring this idiot. "You may do all of that, when the time comes, but first I have an important assignment for you."
"Ah, yes of course, M'Lady."
The Lady of Takkan quickly mapped out her new plan; she wanted to get out of the grimy quarters as soon as she could. "The barrier around Konan is down, as you may know. I want you to attack today, as quickly as possible. Keep your forces at the north wall, but once the battle has begun send Captain Yoru and his men out with grappler hooks. I want them to sneak around to the south wall, climb over and take the warriors by surprise. Get them to unlock the front gates, then you will come in. I want this done correctly, General- do not fail me."
Kawahito saluted officially. "Hai, M'Lady! Yer word is law!"

Chichiri's sleeping hours were plagued once more by dreams of the past, present, and future melded together. As sunlight crawled in through the window of his room, the monk came slowly awake. He sat up slightly, rubbing sleep out of his eye and remembering what had happened the previous evening, as well as the strange dreams he'd had. Faces and locations swirled together: Kouran, Kiori, Mae, the other Konan Warriors... even that general Hataku.
"What could it all mean?" he wondered quietly, trying to sort it out and finding the memories already fading. "Never fails, ya know."
"Sometimes the answer won't come until it is ready," a young, familiar voice advised. "Study it from a few angles. If it still doesn't make sense, than wait for another day."
Chichiri glanced around, but saw no one. "I must still be half-asleep... could've sworn I heard Chiriko, ya know..."
Someone rapped hard on his door. The monk slipped his mask on, smiling and preparing himself for what he'd tell Kiori. "Come in, ya know."
Chichiri was surprised when the head that poked around the door had a head of red hair, not brown. "Rise and shine Chichiri-chan!" Ritsuka called sweetly.
The monk's smile dropped noticeably. "Oh. It's you. Ohayou Ritsuka, ya know."
Ritsuka smiled through gritted teeth. "Ohayou..." She gave him with a quick whack to the head. "What do you mean 'It's you'!? Damn straight it's me, and you oughta be happy to see me, too!"
Chichiri rubbed his head, but had to chuckle at the redhead's attitude. "Gomen. I was just... expecting somebody else, who I needed to talk to, ya know."
"Kiori?" Ritsuka pried, knowing perfectly well that's who it was. He nodded a little; the college girl's smile turned into a devilish smirk. "What did you need to talk to her about, hm? Dinner and a movie, maybe? Or do people here skip straight to the 'home visit'?"
The monk sweatdropped and decided not to ask what a movie or a "home visit" was. "I don't know what you're talking about, ya know. I just... said something last night that I didn't mean, and I wanted to apologize. Is she coming along soon, ya know?"
Ritsuka shook her head. "Iie, she sent me in here to tell you that you can get out of bed now." She frowned thoughtfully. "She told me to come 'cause she said she had some medicine stuff to do with Dr. Yukeda, but maybe that was an excuse."
"You think she's avoiding me, ya know?" Chichiri wondered, not liking the idea at all.
"Could be," Ritsuka glared at the monk. "What'd you do to my friend, anyway? Cheat on her, break her heart, tell her you were gay? C'mon 'fess up!"
The monk got out of bed, standing a bit shakily on his two feet and using his staff as something of a crutch. "Ritsuka, do you always make this little sense in the mornings, ya know? It really isn't anything you need to worry about, and it's nothing that can't be fixed, ya know."
'At least, I hope it isn't,' he added silently, looking troubled. 'She looked so hurt... like I'd said something a lot worse, ya know...'
Ritsuka grinned at the concerned look on the monk's face. She rubbed her chin and did an impression of the monk, as if she were voicing his thoughts. "I sure hope Kiori'll forgive me, I just couldn't live without her, ya know!"
Chichiri raised his staff as if to hit Ritsuka over the head, but stopped suddenly. Both looked towards the door to the room in time to see one of the many servants run by, off to the soldier's barracks. "Attack!" he bellowed loudly. "Every able warrior on the north wall! Attack!"
Ritsuka sighed. "And just when we thought there might be a little break in the fighting..." she looped an arm over her friend's shoulder. "Ah, well, nothin' I can do about it. Koji, Tasuki and I are still forbidden to fight. Mm, I wonder what's for breakfast, I'm absolutely starving."
"Aren't you always, ya know?" Chichiri asked with a chuckle. "Ritsuka, do you think Kiori will be at breakfast, ya know?"
"Probably not, she said she had a lot of work," Ritsuka giggled. "I think she and Tasuki-chan plan on following you this afternoon, to make sure you don't strain yourself, so you'll probably see her sometime today."
"They're going to stalk me forever, ya know," he said with only a touch of real exhasperation. There was nothing wrong with having friends who cared about you, even if that concern got a little irritating at times. "What're you doing today?"
Ritsuka shrugged. "Oh, might torture Tasuki-chan a little, might find Koji and teach him a couple E.M.U.* songs. Sky's the limit." She frowned slightly. "I wonder if Koji listened to Dr. Yukeda's orders about staying off the wall? He doesn't really care for that guy too much, and yesterday he made some remark about being ready to fight no matter when the call was made..."

A/N: And now, A Dee's Useless Japanese Seiyuu Unit Dictonary Moment: *Ah-hem* E.M.U, a seiyuu unit that did the animé "Sotsugyou M," consisting of Hikaru Midorikawa (Tamahome), Nobutoshi Canna (Tasuki), and, ano... some other people that I don't know ^_^;;; They aren't horribly popular- truth be told I've only been able to find one of their songs- but I like their style nonetheless! (Even if one of the guys sounds like an evil Hikaru... ^^;)

Chichiri shook his head, hobbling along at a decent pace and keeping up fairly easily with his friend. "Koji's a little headstrong at times, but I'm sure he'd listen to someone like Dr. Yukeda, ya know."

"Koji-san, what in the world are you doing up here!?" Akai demanded, standing and putting her hands on her hips. "Dr. Yukeda gave strict orders that you and the others couldn't fight for at least a week!"
The bandit leader rubbed the back of his head and leaned against the North wall. "Y'know, that's the funny thing about orders an' rules an' all... I only listen to 'em when I agree with 'em."
The warrior girl pursed her lips and pointed. "Off, now!" She sweatdropped, realizing that she'd more-or-less just ordered one of her unofficial idols. "Er, with all due respect, of course."
Koji ignored her and took the bow that another soldier had handed him. "Hey, thanks." He chose an arrow from the piles around the wall and tested it on the string experimentally. "Nice craftsmenship, this'll fly far, hopefully kill me my first Takkan t'day."
Akai's eyebrow twitched slightly. "Koji-san..."
The bandit leader turned to his friend. "Listen, Akai, I understand yer concern an' all, but I ain't lyin' when I tell ya that I'm perfectly fine. Little sore, maybe, but nothin' that'll kill me. Trust me on this one."
Aoi sweatdropped. "The last time you said that, you almost got us all killed."
"But I got you out alive, didn't I?" Koji asked, winking at the younger fighter.
"Actually, I think Aoi was the one who..." Akai trailed off, realizing that Koji had turned his attention back to the advancing soldiers. "Houki-sama, Chichiri-sama and Kiori-san will kill me AND you when they find out..."
Koji chuckled. "If Ritsuka an' Genrou don't get me first fer me not askin' them to come along." The bandit leader turned his attention to the soldiers on the wall. "Okay boys, get yerselves ready. Everyone down- oi, you, what's-yer-name, you wanna get shot? Get down already! Okay, don't let an arrow loose 'till y'can see a couple-a details on their ugly mugs. Snipe, up 'n' down, don't let 'em get a clean shot at ya! We got the advantage of cover, so we'd better use it.
"All right, now a basic hit 'n' hide tactic is all well 'n' good, but strategy is what'll win a battle. So here's the idea: form lines two deep, everyone fit an arrow t'yer bow. When I give th' signal th' first row'll fire, then duck t'reload. While they're reloadin', the second row fires, and we keep goin' like that. Pass th' word down, I can't yell loud enough!"
An older Konan soldier stared at his friends in disbelief as they did what was ordered of them. "C'mon, you aren't really gonna listen t'this wet-behind-the-ears country bumpkin, are you?"
"For your information, Koji-san happens to be one of the Konan Warriors!" Akai said hotly. "He's probably seen more battles this year than you have your entire life, so you'd do well to listen to him and quit judging people by appearances."
The same soldier opened his mouth to argue, but was silenced by the teasing voice of another. "Aw, give it a rest Durin, your just mad 'cause Akai-san can whip you in a swordfight with one hand tied behind her back!"
A ripple of laughter raced through the ranks. The man sat down unhappily, muttering something rude about being ordered around by kids. Koji chuckled a little and turned his eyes forward again. "Oops, here they come. Get ready men... arrows up... watch it... and... okay, first rank fire! Drop 'n' reload! Second rank, fire! Drop 'n' reload!"
Akai fired with the second rank. As she glanced over, she saw Koji pop up and send an arrow flying down into the soldiers below; the bandit leader smiled grimly, muttering under his breath. "Nineteen."
The warrior girl watched him with awe-filled eyes. "Koji-san is... so cool!"

Chichiri had given up on trying to stump around the palace looking for Kiori- he didn't have the energy, and he figured her "doctor instincts" would force her to come search for him eventually. The monk decided to go back to his room and get the fishing pole out of his kesa- fishing had always helped him to clear his mind, almost better than meditating did.
Chichiri flopped down in the spring grass, stretching his unbroken arm leisurely and casting a line. He smiled slightly, realizing he'd never caught a thing in the palace pond; chances were there weren't even any fish, he thought with a chuckle. "Oh well, it's a nice way to pass the time, ya know."
The monk watched the water shimmer slightly in the morning light, keeping his hand on the pole and letting his mind wander. There was an awful lot to think over, too- the war, his friends, the future of Konan, Mae... Kiori. Funny, how his thoughts kept turning back to the cheerful college girl with the darkened past...
Chichiri sat up straight with a start. He'd been so immersed in his own thoughts that he hadn't noticed the two life forces until they were practically standing next to him. The monk smiled a little, recognizing Kiori and Tasuki's ki right away. Just like Ritsuka had promised, the two had come to make sure he spent the day relaxing. "True friends, if not a little weird, ya know."
Kiori and Tasuki poked their chibi heads around the bush they were hiding in, watching Chichiri carefully. "He doesn't seem to be doing anything much," Kiori remarked.
"That's what he wants you t'think," Tasuki hissed back. "But then you turn yer back for a second an' he's buildin' barriers and ki blastin' every enemy in sight-" both had to duck down swiftly as Chichiri glanced over his shoulder. "Whew, that was close."
The monk turned back to the water, chuckling slightly. "Don't they realize that I can sense them like they're standing right here, ya know?" He glanced over his shoulder again, trying not to laugh as their chibi heads ducked back down. "No reason to spoil their fun. They'll come out when they want to, ya know."

Kawahito was surprised at how organized and fierce the Konan Warriors fought- the last time they'd had a battle, the enemy had seemed on the verge of collapsing. The newly inducted general decided that this was as good a time as any to send off the grappling group; better to do it now, before his soldiers started to get disheartened. "Er, Cap'n Yoru! Now's the time t'take your men over t'the South wall. Go through the trees, make sure you aren't seen by anybody. You got all that?"
Yoru had not taken kindly to Kawahito's new position of power, the position he was convinced he himself should hold. The man was also not one to hold back his sharp tongue. "Hai, I got it all Yer Royal Thickheadedness. I ain't as stupid as you, y'know."
"Er, talk like that t'me again and I'll show you who's stupid, Yoru!" he snapped officiously. "Just follow your orders, or I'll report this t'Setsuka."
The captain waved a hand dismissively. "Sure, sure, I'm outta here, anything to stop yer snivelin'. Oi, c'mon men, we got us a job t'do!"
Kawahito bristled, not quite sure what to do about the cheeky captain. Hataku had never been treated like that before. "Er, er, see that y'do the job right, er, ah-hem, soldier!"
Yoru chuckled viciously to himself. "What with the battle'n all, I won't have t'worry about anyone seein' me leave. Those Konan Warriors won't know what hit 'em..."
He snuck off quietly through the trees with a group of one hundred soldiers- just enough to get over the wall with and sneak through town to the front gates. The captain had disappeared into the woods in an instant, a grappling hook looped over one shoulder, confident that no one had seen him leave.
Someone had.
Despite being practically everywhere at once- constantly moving through the ranks, providing moral support, helping the wounded off the ledge, and taking out the occasional Takkan soldier- Koji's sharp hazel eyes didn't miss the small group moving off through the trees, headed east. "Nande...?"
The bandit leader ducked a hail of arrows, making his way over to where Aoi and Akai were stationed. The warrior girl smiled at her friend. "Koji-san, there you are! I can't thank you enough for helping with leading this bunch- you're much better at it than I could ever be! D'you know, I think we're actually winning, believe it or not..."
"Uh, thanks," he said distractedly, eyes flitting in the direction the men had gone. "Hey, did either of you notice that group-a soldiers headin' east?" he asked quietly. Two headshakes. "Hm. It's got trap written all over it... Aoi, you come with me. We're gonna see what they're up to. Akai, you better stay here an' keep these guys in order- someone's gotta do it, an' yer the best one fer the job."
The girl beamed with pride; coming from a skill compaigner, it meant a lot. "Arigatou, Koji-san, I won't let you down!"
He smiled fondly. "When have you ever? Okay Aoi, let's find out where those Takkan bastards are headed."

After a while, Chichiri decided to ignore his spying friends, and was soon lost in his own world once again. Kiori sighed. "Tasuki, maybe we should just go out and visit. He looks like he could use the company."
The bandit seishi glared at his monk friend. "No way, I'm gonna catch him in th' act of... er... somethin'."
Kiori giggled; so did someone else. The two whirled around, stifling yelps of surprise. "Red?" Tasuki hissed, looking at the college girl.
Ritsuka gave a chibi victory sign. "Wow, he knows my name! Smart boy Tasuki-ch- mph!" the seishi clapped a hand over her loud mouth, shushing the redhead. "Mrn, nr rrt er nnd mph..."
"Whazzat?" Tasuki asked.
"Mrn... er..." Ritsuka snapped her teeth down hard on his hand, causing the seishi to pull back with muttered curses of pain. She smiled sweetly. "I said, 'Gomen, now get your hand off.' Shoulda done what I asked."
Kiori smothered a chuckle at Tasuki's expression. "Ritsuka, what're you doing here, anyway?"
The redhead pointed accusingly at her friend. "I think I should be the one asking that question, Little Spy! Here I am, heading to the pond for a little rest, and who do I come across snooping on our resident monk?"
"Not snooping," Kiori mumbled in minor embarassment. "Just... checking in."
"Uh-huh," Ritsuka said in obvious disbelief. She winked devilishly at her friend. "Why don't you just go out there and ask him how he's feeling? And, if something hurts, you can give it a little kiss to make it feel better..."
Tasuki's eyes grew to the size of dinner plates. "You guys're already that far in the relationship?"
"No we are not, because there IS no relationship!" Kiori hissed angrily, blushing bright red. She sighed a little. "C'mon Tasuki, you were there last night. If there was anything between us, do you think he would have..."
"If I say I'm fine, then I'm fine, dammit!"
"...Anyway, Ritsuka's just being stupid, so don't start thinking there's something going on."
Tasuki frowned; he didn't like seeing the college girl troubled. Ritsuka reflected the opinion, and in her usual outgoing way decided there was only one way to fix the problem. "Well, whatever happened last night must have been big, which is why you need to go out there and work it out!"
"Ritsuka, I-"
The redhead shoved her friend out of the bushes and into the clearing, whispering. "Off ya go!"
Kiori stumbled out of the underbrush, caught off-balance by Ritsuka's unexpected shove. She sprawled head-first, coming to a rest splayed rather uncomfortably across a surprised Chichiri's lap. "And Kiori makes a beautiful entrance," she muttered, looking up at her friend. "Kon'nichi wa."
"Um, hi, ya know."
Kiori sweatdropped and scrambled out of the compromising position, dusting off her skirt and sitting next to the monk. "Er, that was sorta, I guess I lost my balance..."
Chichiri chuckled a little. "Hai, that's easy to do when a certain redhead shoves you, ya know." Kiori stared with wide eyes. "I can sense life forces, remember?"
She blushed. "Oh! Guess so. So you knew Tasuki and I...?"
"Hai, ya know. But I didn't mind- it's good to have friends that are concerned, ya know," he said with a small smile. The monk closed his eye, mentally going over what he'd planned to tell Kiori- along with her possible responses- and decided this was doomed to be an awkward moment. 'Here goes nothing, ya know.' Chichiri took of his mask. "Ano... Actually, Kiori, I'm glad you did come out of hiding, ya know. I needed to talk to you. About yesterday..."
"Oh, that," Kiori forced an obviously fake smile. "I wanted to apologize for that."
Chichiri nearly dropped his fishing pole. Of all the things he'd expected her to say, that had never been on the list. "You apologize!?"
She nodded. "We haven't even known each other that long... and I was prying into your personal business when you obviously didn't want me to, like I was some old friend or something," Kiori looked down at the ground, playing with a small wildflower.
"It's natural, for a person to be worried about someone they care about," Chichiri told her. "You were only trying to help, I had no right to snap at you for that. It's just... there's a lot going on right now. Maybe I'm a little high-strung about it all. I should be the one apologizing."
Kiori couldn't help but smile. "Chichiri, a person is allowed to be grumpy when they're broken and beat up in a million places. I'm partially to blame, I guess is what I'm trying to say."
"Anyway, I'm sorry," they said simultaneously.
The pair chuckled slightly. Chichiri turned his eye back to the water, relieved that the issue had been resolved and put in the past, but knowing that he'd have to be a lot more secretive with his confidante. There was no reason to get her pulled into his own confused emotions, after all.
Kiori frowned thoughtfully. There was that look, again, that look of pain in his single mahogany eye that always seemed to strike a nerve in her own heart. That dream must have been the cause of it, this time. It was so tempting to ask him what that dream had been about, why he'd woken up shaking like that...
'Chichiri, what's bothering you? I wish I knew, then maybe there'd be some way I could erase that look...' she sighed slightly. 'Sometimes I wish I were as straight-forward as Ritsuka, than I wouldn't have this problem.'
From her hiding place, Ritsuka leaned as far over the water as she could without toppling in, trying to figure out what was going on. Tasuki crouched next to her. "Er, what's happenin'? They looked okay a minute ago but now both look kinda depressed."
Ritsuka glanced at her friend, a dry smile on her lips. "I thought you said you were gonna stay out of all this."
A chibi Tasuki poked his index fingers together. "Well, I was, it's jus'... well, 'Chiri is my pal an' all..."
"Lucky for us curiousity only killed the cat, ne?" Ritsuka said with a wink. "Okay, Tasuki-chan, come up here next to me, lean in and tell me if you can figure out what's going on."

Koji and Aoi had followed the movement of the Takkan soldiers through the trees and all the way around the East wall, making sure to stay out of sight. They rounded the South wall just in time to see one of the wallguards go down with an arrow through his throat. Aoi sucked in air quietly. "Suzaku save him."
The bandit leader's face was grim as he skirted the body. "Nothin' t'do fer this one. Poor guy, never knew what hit him." He glanced at the soldiers; they were now in plain sight, some of the archers heading further down the wall to dispose of any other wallguards. Koji wasn't focusing so much on the soldiers, though, as he was on the ropes looped across several of their backs. "Damn, shoulda seen this comin'."
"What is it, Koji-sama?"
"Grapplers- they're gonna scale th' wall while th' barrier's down," Koji's mind worked fast; he counted ten hooks altogether- too many for he and Aoi to handle alone. The bandit shot an unhappy glance in the direction of the North wall; they were too far away to get help from that direction. "C'mon, think Koji..."
His eyes trailed across the nearby Konan Palace. Of course! "Aoi," he hissed quickly. "You a fast runner?"
"Uh, hai. Doushite?"
"I want you t'run as fast as y'can down t'the Palace. Get Tasuki, Ritsuka an' Kiori- instinct tells me they'll be out by th' pond, they usually are. Bring 'em back here, an' don't stop fer nothin'. We're gonna have t'work fast if we wanna hold these guys off. Go!"
Aoi had learned long ago never to question your elders, especially ones who knew what they were doing. He dashed down the steps without a second thought, taking off towards the palace.
Koji counted up his throwing knives- four; counting his twin daggers there'd be enough weapons to pass around. The bandit leader chose one of his knives with an ornate carving of Suzaku on it- the match to the one he'd lost the other night. "This thing's brought me plenty-a luck in the past- let's hope fer Konan's sake it'll do th' same t'day."

Chichiri wanted to ask Kiori what was wrong, why she looked so troubled by something, but decided against it. Far be it for him, the king of secrecy, to ask so much of a friend. He slipped his mask back on, glancing across the water at the rustling bushes and finding a good topic to change the subject to. "Do Ritsuka and Tasuki really think they're fooling anyone, ya know?"
Kiori glanced up; she couldn't help but giggle. "Even without ki-sensing abilities I can tell they're there."
Chichiri sweatdropped as Ritsuka's chibi head popped out for a moment, but ducked immediately back in. "What are they expecting to see, ya know?"
"Who knows?" The college girl felt a devious little idea forming in her mind. Mentally, she scolded herself for hanging out with Ritsuka too long. "Wanna give them something worth spying on?"
"Mm?" Chichiri's cheeks flushed slightly. "What do you have in mind?"
"I think I've got something planned to give them some heart attacks and teach them not to spy on other people," Kiori said with a small chuckle. She leaned in next to Chichiri. "Just play along, okay?"
"Ano... hai, ya know..." he said somewhat nervously, wondering why his heart started pounding when she'd leaned in like that. 'Calm down Chichiri, what're you getting worked up over, ya know?' he wondered, trying to tell his brain to get his heart to slow down.
Tasuki glared at Ritsuka. "What is Kiori doin'!? Tryin' t'seduce Chichiri!? Little temptress..."
Ritsuka smacked him with his own tessen. "Chichiri certainly doesn't seem to be resisting it, does he now? Now shut up, I wanna find out what they're saying..."
Ritsuka leaned out a bit too far. "Oh crap!" She lost her balance on the shoreline and grabbed onto anything she could find- Tasuki, in this case- before plunging head-first into the water.
Kiori and Chichiri broke apart, watching as college girl and seishi alike came up from the pond, coughing out water and panting heavily. Tasuki flailed unhappily in the fairly deep pond. "Curiousity only killed the cat, huh Red? Well I sure as hell feel like a drowned one right about now!"
Chichiri glared at the duo in mock irritation. "What are you two doing here, ya know?"
Ritsuka glanced up, looking like a little kid who'd just gotten caught stealing cookies. "Us? Um, we..." she giggled innocently. "I was just teachin' Tasuki-chan how to, um, swim. Hai, that's right."
Kiori nodded at the seishi, who had managed to grab ahold of an overhanging treebranch. "Lovely job you're doing, too." She put her hands on her hips. "You were spying on us, admit it!"
"An' with good reason! You tried t'get Chichiri in bed, don't deny it!" Tasuki cried, pulling himself out of the water and glaring at Kiori. "We saw th' whole thing, you were all up on him, like somethin' outta a porno book! My poor virgin eyes..."
"Tasuki, we knew you were there the whole time," Kiori said, dropping her annoyed attitude and grinning wide. "I decided to teach you and Ritsuka a lesson for spying by scaring you." She laughed. "Actually, you falling into the pond wasn't part of the plan, but it was a nice touch. Made it even better."
Tasuki spluttered, trying to find exactly the right swear words to use on Kiori. Ritsuka chuckled as she hauled herself out of the pond, wringing her hair out right over the already-soaked seishi bandit. "Okay, okay, you got us." She smiled devilishly at her friend. "Nice work, I must say, on both sides. I would've thought you were actually enjoying that. Good acting, I guess?"
Kiori blushed slightly, forcing a laugh. "Hai, guess so ya know."
Tasuki dragged himself out of the water and back onto dry land, sighing unhappily as he glanced from Kiori, the schemer, to Ritsuka, who had pulled him into this to begin with. "I hate girls."
Ritsuka clapped him on the back, causing him to fall right back into the pond. "Oh, you just say that! We all know you could never live without me!"
A chibi Tasuki jumped out of the water, waving his tessen angrily. "DAMMIT RED! REKKA SHIN'EN!"
"Ow! Tasuki-chan, that wasn't very nice, especially since I let you borrow my CD Player!"
Kiori chuckled at the scuffling duo. "The sky may fall, and the sun may burn out, but Ritsuka and Tasuki will always be fighting about something. Don't you think so, Chichiri?"
Chichiri never got to answer, because at that moment Aoi burst through the bushes, panting heavily. "Ritsuka-sama, Kiori-sama, Tasuki-sama..." he took a couple gulps of air, trying to catch his breath. "South wall... Takkan scaling... Koji need your help... Now!"
The broken message was all the Konan Warriors needed. Tasuki nodded. "Thanks, Aoi, I better go goin' then. I'll see you guys there." Before anyone could blink, the seishi had sprinted off towards the South wall.
Ritsuka smiled at the tired boy. "Nice job. You better rest here with Chichiri for a while- we can handle things."
Aoi shook his head hard. "Koji... need as much help... can get. Just... give me second... catch breath..." he kneeled next to the pond and drank just enough water to wet his throat. "Okay. Ready?"
The redhead shook her head in disbelief. "Sprints from the South wall and asks if I'm ready. C'mon Kiori, let's go before Tasuki and Koji take all the glory for themselves. Kiori, you coming?"
"Hai," she told her, secretly wondering what use she could possibly be. She turned to Chichiri. "I probably won't see you until dinner. Don't do anything tiring, or I'll kill what's left of you after Tasuki gets finished, okay?"
"Hai..." Chichiri said absent-mindedly. His mask smiled as always, but his true face was troubled. He kept turning over what had happened just then... but had anything happened, really? After all, he'd made a promise to himself that he wasn't going to stir those untouched emotions- not that there was anything to find, he told himself... but if that was the case, then why had he felt his heart skip a beat when Kiori had leaned her face in so close to his own?
"Chichiri? You still with me?" Kiori waved a hand in front of his face, blissfully unaware of his inner struggle.
He snapped back to reality with a start. "Gomen. Just... thinking. See you at dinner, ya know."

Ritsuka, Aoi and Kiori arrived panting on the walltop just as ten grappling hooks came swinging through the air and hit the rampart with a clunk. Koji and Tasuki looked up from where they were sharpening weapons. The bandit leader waved cheerfully. "Oh good, yer here. Have a seat and pick a weapon of choice- I recommend th' daggers, they're th' sharpest things I got."
Ritsuka and Kiori took a dagger apiece; Aoi unsheathed his own sword. Tasuki held up his tessen, winking at his friends. "Barbecued Takkan, anyone?"
Koji wrinkled his nose. "It'd be damn chewy, if ya ask me. They'd prob'ly taste as bad as th' food they eat- huh, did 'em a favor, really, destroyin' their supplies like that."
Aoi held up his weapon nervously, glancing at the grappling hooks. "Shouldn't we, you know, start cutting the ropes or something?"
The bandit leader closed his eyes to the sunlight above. "Ah, let 'em climb a little. Excercise never hurt no one," he opened one eye, flashing a dangerous smile. "Wait'll they get t'the top. That way more of 'em get sent back down, y'see."
Kiori shuddered slightly at the grizzly idea, but knew it was a smart plan nonetheless. She held up the deadly dagger, not liking the feel of the blade in her hand. "Koji, I'm a healer, not a fighter. If this turns into a hand-to-hand combat, I don't know if I'll be much help."
He chuckled. "Don't worry, Kiori, I wouldn't've sent fer ya if I didn't think y'could handle yerself. I doubt this'll turn into anythin' bloody- scalin' the wall is th' oldest trick in the book, an' pretty easy t'retaliate against, too."
Ritsuka grinned at her friend. "C'mon Kiori, you faced Takkan trackers, two Elements and brought a suicidal monk home in time for dinner. A little rope-cutting should be a breeze, ne?"

Captain Yoru had been one of the first people to start up the rope- in his mind he envisioned himself bravely scaling the wall and taking on several Konan soldiers at once. It would be a feat that would be sure to impress Setsuka, and maybe get him a general badge before the day was out.
The captain felt a smile cross his face as he placed a hand on top of the rampart, calling down to his men below. "Oi, hurry along boys, we're almost there! Ha, this wasn't so hard, was it now?"
"Not yet, anyway, but I think things're gonna start... heating up, if you'll pardon the pun."
Yoru turned his eyes upwards, staring straight into a pair of dangerous golden ones. "Omae wa..."
Tasuki didn't both trading words with his enemy- well, no more than two. "REKKA SHIN'EN!"
The captain was dead before he knew it, followed quickly by several other men as the rope caught on fire. The other soldiers realized what was happening too late- before they knew it the different lines were being cut free from their hooks, sending Takkan soldiers plunging to the ground with surprised shrieks of dismay.
Koji slashed three ropes in quick succession, counting the number of soldiers that had made miniature craters in the ground- it was a long way down, after all. "Five... fifteen... twenty-five... ha! Got thirty of the little bastards!"
Tasuki quickly torched the last rope, counting up the scorched bodies below. "Hm, forty- no, wait, forty-one, that baka caught his friend on fire too, haha!"
The bandit leader muttered to himself about only being down by four, turning to face the handful of retreating soldiers. "Jaa, an' tell yer slimy general that he can come back fer more anytime!"
Kiori, despite the gruesome job she'd just been given, managed to chuckle a little at the enthusiastic bandit. 'He always seems to treat every battle like it's a game of cops and robbers, though it's obvious from that deadly spark in his eye that when it comes right down to it, he's all business. A good attitude to have, really.' "Well, that went well, didn't it Ko-" she stopped, noticing a dark streak of red across his back. "Koji, daijoubu ka? You're back..."
"Huh?" the bandit leader glanced over his shoulder, touching the sticky cloth. "Oh, that. The cut I got from that battle with th' Elements musta opened again- does that every once 'n' a while. Can't sit still long enough fer it t'heal right, though, so whatcha gonna do?"
The healer glared at him. "You're going to go see Dr. Yukeda and get that fixed up right away. The worst thing you can do is ignore an injury-" she sweatdropped, "geez, I sound like one of those silly nurses in the infirmary. Anyway, just go get that checked out, all right?"
Koji kicked a rock unhappily, heading down the steps and Kiori's bidding. "Okay, fine, but fer the record I can't stand that pompous doctor. Hope he doesn't try pourin' alcohol on it again, or else I'll pour the stuff on his scratches 'n' see how he likes it..."
Aoi chuckled, glancing over his shoulder towards the North wall. "Well, I'd better get back to the big battle- not much to do over here, watching some defeated soldiers turn tail and run. Sayonara, minna."
Tasuki shook his head at the boy. "That's dedication, right there."
Ritsuka stretched her arms over her head. "Hai, I'll let him be dedicated to battle, and I'll keep myself busy being dedicated to fine cuisine." She grabbed Kiori and Tasuki by the arms. "I haven't eaten lunch yet, and I'm starved! Come on, you two, let's raid the pantry and see what we can find!"

Chichiri hadn't been very hungry, so he'd decided to skip lunch and head straight to the afternoon nap. The monk sat with his eye half-closed, trying to clear his mind and finding it nearly impossible. He wanted to stop thinking about everything, just for half a second, but his mind wouldn't let him. He sighed slightly. "Things were a lot easier when it was just Tasuki and me travelling around Konan and helping people out, ya know."
"Oh, I do hope you do not really mean that."
Chichiri opened his eye at the sound of the familiar, gentle voice. He moved into a sitting position, watching as Houki took a delicate seat on the grass with Boshin in tow. "Ah, Houki-sama. I didn't know you were there. Gomen, I was just thinking out loud, ya know."
She smiled serenely. "That is quite all right. Sometimes it is the only way to sort out your feelings about events... and people," she added knowingly.
Chichiri wondered how everyone in the palace seemed to know about his feelings for Kiori except for himself. "What do I owe the pleasure of this visit, ya know?" he asked, changing the subject.
The woman shrugged slightly. "I had heard you were feeling well enough to be moving about, and I thought I would see that for myself. You seem to be in excellent condition, considering the circumstances."
The monk nodded in agreement, wincing as Boshin threw himself into the monk's lap and caused his broken ribs to move around painfully. "It's not so bad, as long as I don't move too much, ya know."
She looked up at him hopefully. "Then, is it safe to say that I will see you and all the other Konan Warriors tonight at dinner?" A nod. Houki clapped her hands happily. "Excellent news! I will need to start making the preparations right away."
"Preparations for what, ya know?"
The Emperess stood, smiling secretively at the monk. "A surprise, that is all I will say about it for the time being. I really must get everything set up. Boshin-chan, come with..." she trailed off; the child had made himself quite comfortable in the folds of the monk's kesa, and looked almost half-asleep.
"Mama... tired... lemme stay here, kay?" he muttered sleepily.
Chichiri chuckled, ruffling Boshin's hair fondly. "I'll look after him, ya know."
Houki flashed a grateful smile. "In that case, I will be off. I shall see you tonight at dinner- oh, and Chichiri? Please inform the others that we will be eating in the main dining area this evening."
The monk nodded in puzzlement. "Okay, Houki-sama. But why there, ya know?"
She wagged a finger, winking. "That is a secret!"* Before Chichiri could ask another question, Houki had trotted off with a swish of skirts, leaving him once more alone. Well, almost alone.

*A/N: *Gets attacked by every Slayers fan in the nation* Gomen, gomen, I just couldn't resist! That catchphrase of Xellos' is just too damn... uh... catchy ^_^;

Boshin tugged on Chichiri's robe; though he had looked half-asleep a moment before, he now seemed completely awake. "Uncle Chichiri, tell me story, one with you 'n' Papa 'n' Uncle Scaryface, please?"
The monk laughed, momentarily forgetting his own problems as he tickled Boshin, causing him to giggle happily. "You fraud, pretending to be tired so you could get out of helping your mother! I'll give you a story, the one where your dad threw a little boy into the pond for lying to his parents, ya know!"

The scaling failure and Captain Yoru's death had left Kawahito at an absolute loss on what to do. Setsuka hadn't given him any alternate plans, after all. The general wracked his brain for a solution, and finally decided that a tactful retreat would be the best answer.
The Konan Warriors upon the wall had let out a cheer of victory, then left their stations to check on injured allies and have a much-needed meal.
Akai and Aoi were on their way to get some food in their stomachs, Aoi relating the battle with slightly exhaggerated detail. "...So then Kiori-sama, Ritsuka-sama and I arrive on the wall, just as fifteen grappling hooks come flying up-"
"Hm, I thought you said earlier it was only ten."
"Ano, something like that. I won't lie to you, I was a little nervous, but Koji-sama and Tasuki-sama treated the whole thing in such an offhand way that I knew I didn't have anything to worry about! So we waited until they'd gotten to the top of the wall- scores of soldiers, on those twenty ropes, it was a tough fight I tell you-"
"Twenty, now?"
"Ah-heh, I lose track, y'see. Tasuki-sama was everywhere, flaming those Takkan soldiers with his tessen, and Koji-sama was hacking at every rope and enemy in sight- Kiori-sama and Ritsuka-sama held their own, too, of course. There were so many of 'em on those twenty-five ropes that it was hard not to get some action..."
Akai stifled a giggle. "Mm-hm, and how'd you do Aoi?"
"Me? Ha, Takkan soldiers don't scare me, you know that. Wham! Pow! I took a couple of 'em out with some quick swordswipes, a few more with a little slash, a few ropes down, saved Koji-sama's life once or twice, I think..."
The warrior girl was trying very hard not to laugh at her friend, who was obviously trying to impress her with the tale. "Sugoi. I'd say you definitely deserve some good palace food right about now."
"Arigatou, Akai. You do too, you look like you could eat half a table full-"
They were just passing the infirmaries when a loud, somewhat familiar shout came from inside. The duo shot each other looks, saying simultaneously. "Koji-sama/san?"
To confirm their guess, the bandit leader came scrambling out of the building with an angry yell. "Yah, get away from me you quack!" He glanced up and saw his two friends. "Akai, Aoi, you know any good hidin' places?"
Akai, eyes wide, blinked at the shirtless bandit. "Ano... not really. Why d'you...?"
He gulped in air, glancing back of his shoulder. "That... that... doctor! Kiori sends me in t'get this scratch on my back looked at, an' as soon as I take off the bandaging Yukeda comes at me with a friggin' spear!"
"A spear?" Aoi asked, scratching his head. "Why in the world would he do that?"
"How the hell should I know!?" Koji snapped. "He's a crazy, arrogant son of a-"
At that moment Yukeda came out of the infirmary, glaring at the bandit irritably. "Would you stop that screeching and come here for one second? I tell you, I'm only trying to help."
"By tryin' t'kill me!?" Koji demanded roughly, hiding behind his friends- quite a feat, since they were over a foot shorter than him.
Yukeda sighed. "If you had remained out of these battles and such, the wound would have healed on it's own. Unfortunately, you're too stubborn for your own good. The only way we'll ever fix it up properly now is to stitch the thing up." He held up a needle with a strand of thread on it.
Akai narrowed her eyes and glanced over her shoulder at her friend. "A spear, Koji-san?"
"...A little spear," he muttered under his breath, blushing slightly.
Aoi pointed at the young man. "Don't tell me your afraid of needles."
Koji frowned. "I ain't afraid of nothin'. An' don't you know it ain't polite to point?" Yukeda advanced on the unlucky bandit; Koji immediately went against his own words as he pointed chibily* at the doctor. "You keep the hell away from me, dammit!"

*A/N: Ano... 'tis a new adjective I made up recently. It's when you do something in a chibi fashion. Hey, if George Bush can make up the word "dignitude," then why can't I add something new to the dictionary?

Yukeda looked to the younger fighters. "Akai, Aoi-kun, do you think you could...?"
They sweatdropped, grabbing Koji's arms just as he tried to make a break for it. The bandit leader was dragged forcefully into the infirmary, shouting curses- many that were completely new to Akai, Aoi AND Yukeda- all the way. "I thought you were my friends, dammit!"
"Gomen nasai, Koji-san, but this is for your own good."
"You'll thank us later, Koji-sama."
"The hell I will! Put me down, dammit! Kuso, this sucks! Murderers, traitors! Agh, lemme go!"

Kaze hadn't been in a good mood since Tsuchi's painful fate had been announced, and it kept getting worse as time went on. He kicked the wall angrily as another wimper sounded from the nearby room- sometimes he wished his hearing wasn't so good. "Setsuka... kisama!"
"Kaze, that is no way to speak of the Lady who we are bound by fate to serve," Sora reprimanded quietly.
"I'll say whatever I want about her, you got that Sora!?" he snapped, spitting contemptuously. "It's her fault Tsuchi's like this, that Mizu-chan's become so secretive 'n' depressed..."
Sora's hand trailed along one of the intricate draperies that hung on the wall of their room. "Perhaps your anger is misplaced. You would do well to direct it at the Konan Warriors- if it were not for them, none of this would have happened."
"Hai, an' if Setsuka hadn't declared war on Konan there never woulda been no Konan Warriors!" Kaze shot back angrily. "I tell ya, Sora, th' more I think on it, th' more I can't stand sittin' around bein' used like a puppet t'that woman!"
Sora calmly sat down on her bed; she had a feeling Kaze was only voicing his anger. He wasn't foolish enough to try to overthrow Setsuka... was he? "What do you plan on doing?"
The boy glared at the curtain that covered the door to Tsuchi's new room, golden eyes flashing dangerously. "I'll think-a somethin'. Jus' gimme some time, and I'll figure somethin' out."

Houki had specifically forbid any of the Konan Warriors- and Aoi, though she skillfully avoided the question on why she wanted him there- to come into the Dining Hall until her order. The seven fighters hung about the outside of the room, each speculating on what she could possibly have planned.
"I saw some people heading in there earlier- you think this is a party of some kind?" Akai wondered.
"Seems too formal for a party, ya know," Chichiri remarked.
Tasuki tugged at the collar on his somewhat uncomfortable outfit- Houki had told them to dress their best. "Y'got that right. It better be important, this thing itches."
Ritsuka's eyes got big and gooey. "D'you think she's planning a huge feast, just for us?"
Kiori joined her friend in drooling. "Mm, piles of the finest Chinese delicacies..."
They scrabbled anxiously at the door, until they were pulled roughly away by the sweatdropping Tasuki and Chichiri. "Calm down, it's just food, ya know."
Ritsuka was about to give the monk a stern lecture on "just food," but was interrupted by Aoi's musings. "A feast, or a party, would make some sense, but why in the world did she ask me to come along? I'm not exactly a Konan Warrior, or much of anything, come to think of it..."
Akai threw an arm around his shoulder. "Don't lie, Aoi, you've helped out plenty and you know it. How many Takkan did you kill today, hm? 100, 120?" The boy blushed and stammered incoherently.
Koji rubbed at his back, glaring at the two youths. "I kinda hope it's a public punishment fer you two, makin' me endure that torture this afternoon. Kuso, my back still stings."
Tasuki looked at his friend curiously; Akai giggled. "Koji-san's afraid of needles."
"I AM NO-!" Koji stopped, watching with the others as the doors to the Dining Hall opened slowly.
Houki stood in the doorway, dressed in her finest. Boshin stood next to her, clutching at her skirt with one hand and his teddy bear with the other. He waved cheerfully at the seven. "Hiya, welcome to the 'wards syrupy."
Houki chuckled fondly. "He means ceremony, of course. Please, come in."
Still completely lost, they entered the room slowly, blinking to adjust their eyes to the slightly dimmer light. Chichiri glanced around at the many faces- some he knew to be pretty high-up on the social ladder- and swallowed hard. "Houki-sama, what exactly is this 'awards ceremony' all about, ya know?"
She smiled slightly. "Exactly what it sounds like, Chichiri. I was originally going to hold this all off until the end of the war, but after so many... let us say, endeavors performed by you and your companions, I decided you needed to be recognized for your bravery and strength. But that will come later." She turned to the others, gesturing to seats near the head of the table. "Sit down and help yourselves. The cooks have been working hard all day to prepare only the finest meals."
Kiori and Ritsuka needed no second bidding. Not realizing that the others there were important men and women of the city, they tore at the food ravenously, though somehow remembering table manners as everything in sight disappeared down their mouths.
The others joined their friends in eating, though not quite as passionately. Houki acted as if the entire thing were perfectly normal, chatting with the other Konan Warriors amiably.
"I hear you had quite the battle this morning."
"We did, Houki-sama, but Koji-san took care of it all! He's really good at battle tactics and such!"
"Oh, Koji fought today? Strange, I thought he was banned."
"Ha, you thought right, but my pal never was one t'turn down a good fight. Woulda been there myself if I'd been able to fire an arrow, but this damned shoulder- er, pardon, Majesty..."
"That is quite all right, Tasuki, you have done so much for Konan that a little language is easily overlooked."
"A little language? You shoulda heard the things he was callin' me this morning, Houki-sama! He said-"
"Can it, Red!"
"Don't look so shocked, Houki-sama, they act like that all the time, ya know."
"The language of love is an odd one, isn't it?"
"Language of WHAT, Kiori!?"
"You deserve it after all the teasing you've been giving me! Mm, this is good!"
"Teasing? About what, ya know?"
"Because Kiori loves-"
The Konan Warriors and Aoi glanced over, realizing the other guests were looking at them strangely. They sweatdropped and waved nervously. Houki smothered a laugh and stood. "Well, if everyone is near the end of their meal, I shall begin." Kiori and Ritsuka hastily shoved a couple eggrolls in their mouths, nodding for Houki to continue. "Anything else?" Two headshakes. "Very well, then..."
The Emperess smiled at her comrades. "Legend had it for centuries that the seven stars of Suzaku would one day be gathered, and the people of Konan would be granted years of peace. As you know, this legend was fulfilled three years ago- with the help of two of the very people who sit here, I might add," Houki stopped for applause; Chichiri hid his face behind his cup in embarassment, but Tasuki waved to the crowd happily.
"The legend has come to an end, and yet our people have once more been gripped by the hand of war. In times of need, perhaps what a city calls for are not the aid of the gods, but the aid of brave souls and strong hearts." She paused slightly for emphasis, then continued. "The people who sit before me today were brought together by a strange twist of fate, and a riddle that had all but been considered rubbish. Though not as widely known as the Suzaku legend, I believe that they have more than proven their worth to be recorded within the annals of Konan's history as true heroes."
Still more applause, and scattered whistles. Ritsuka took the moment to cram some fried noodles into her mouth, nodding politely at the audience.
Houki waited until the cheers had died down to continue. "Though this war is not over- in fact, I fear that the worst may very well be before us- already great things have been accomplished by the seven people who sit before me," Aoi's eyes widened at the comment; Akai flashed a smile in his direction. "Because of this, I have chosen this time to reward these warriors with the recognition they deserve."
Tasuki grinned at the Emperess. "You've had this planned since Chichiri and Kiori got back, haven't you?"
She smiled. "How astute of you, though I decided to wait until everyone was in fit enough condition to attend. Well, I will not waste anymore of your time with speeches- let us get on with the important part."
Houki cleared her throat and began. "The first person I would like to speak for was an unlikely addition to our group- not even a part of the legend, in fact. Even so, he has proved his worth in many ways: by being a strong fighter, a spirited soldier, and a champion sprinter," scattered chuckles. "Aoi Kitokara."
The young warrior stood sheepishly, twisting his hands nervously as the group of people cheered enthusiastically. Houki reached into her robes and pulled out a shining medallion; Aoi took it, looking at the design curiously. It had the kanji for his name in the background; in the foreground was the design of a bow.
"Arigatou, Houki-sama." He muttered in embarassment. He sat back down, not caring for the attention.
Houki cleared her throat and moved on. "My next introduction..." she chuckled slightly. "Oh dear, what in the world to say? The last member of our Seven, and easily the most, ah-hem, unpredictable. He disobeys orders, dives into dangerous missions head-first, swears like a sailor... and yet, he has shown himself to be a tough, courageous fighter and a valuable ally in the short time he has been here. I do not think I could wish anything more of this man. Koji... er..."
"Manato," he hissed.
"Koji Manato!"
The bandit stood up without hesitation, waving casually in the direction of the guests. Houki tossed him another medallion- his name in the background with a pair of daggers criss-crossing each other in the foreground. He nodded towards the Emperess. "Thanks, Majesty... I think, anyway."
She chuckled slightly, waiting for the applause and snickers to die down. "This next one is a person I have watched grow and mature phenomonally over the past year. She is one of the hardest workers I know, a person who truly never stops trying to get better. A level-headed fighter who has saved her allies time and again with her quick thinking, I would say this is a time where age truly does not matter. Akai Yamato."
The girl stood slowly, bowing to the Emperess as she was handed a medallion similiar to her friends', except with the Holy Sword engraved in the front. "Houki-sama, this is such an honor... arigatou gozaimasu!"
Ritsuka clapped her young friend on the back as she sat down, snatching some chicken off her plate in the same movement. "Nishe job Akai, you desherve zhat medal... mm, thish ish great."
Houki shot a glance at the redhead; she blushed slightly and chewed in silence. "Ah, yes... the next person I would like to speak of, certainly one of our more colorful warriors. She came to our world fighting, and has not changed tunes since. Full of surprises, she amazed us all with her quick swordskills- and even quicker tongue- and bravery in the face of dangers that were all very new to her. A true fighter and a true friend, my only wish is that she were part of our world, so that I would not have to say good-bye as quickly as I believe I may: Ritsuka Ikido."
The redhead had not being paying much attention to the speech; she glanced up with half an eggroll in her mouth, blinking in surprise. "Oh, me?" She swallowed the food quickly and stood, flashing a victory sign and a smile. "I'd like to thank all the little people, unfortunately I'm so short that there aren't many to thank." A ripple of laughter; at five foot, she wasn't far from the truth. "Arigatou 'n' all that."
She was handed a medal with a inticately carved arrow, along with her name in the background.
After Kiori had pulled the attention-loving girl down, Houki continued to her next warrior. "Our next fighter is one that I do not think I could even begin to introduce properly. He proved himself years ago, and I do not believe he has stopped gaining the trust and admiration of his comrades- and the fear of his enemies- since. If there was only one thing I could say about him, I believe it would be this: this man has shown more heart than anyone I know. He battles- and does almost everything else- with a passion that few possess, and I truly believe it is that sort of spirit which can defeat anything. Tasuki..." She paused slightly. "Hm... Kou, I suppose."
The seishi stood, showing his fangs in a brilliantly white smile. He scratched at his cast nervously; he didn't mind getting praised, but Houki's words had been something else. As she handed him his medal- "Tasuki" in the background with his tessen in the front, naturally- he mumbled an embarassed thanks and quickly sat back down.
Kiori and Chichiri glanced at each other. Ritsuka elbowed her friend. "Save the best for last, huh?"
The cheering for Tasuki took a bit longer to settle down. Once it had, Houki took a breath and went on. "The next warrior I introduce, should not be called a warrior so much as a healer. She does not seek battle, but rather peace, though she has shown that should the need arise she will take up the sword, if only to save friends. Indeed, I wish there were more people in the world who fought so hard to help friends- that, I must tell you, and her, is the greatest gift a person can acquire. Kiori Sakamoto."
The college girl blushed bright crimson, managing a small, embarassed smile. She took the medal without a word, staring at the design. Other than her name, there was a small picture of a heart wrapped in a silk bandage.
"The perfect design," Chichiri whispered in her ear, "for you, ya know."
Kiori turned her face to the front so the monk wouldn't see her flush with pleasure. "A... arigatou."
Though everyone knew perfectly well who the last introduction would be given to, they all sat in anxious silence, wanting to see what Houki said. She put on a stern face. "Our last member... what in the world to say? This man has been charged with so many acts, I do not know where to begin." She glared at Chichiri. "Helping others, putting on a smile for those who need it, keeping our spirits up, being the very heart and soul of the Konan Warriors, always being ready with an understanding ear to hear us pour our worries upon him, nearly sacrificing his own life in order to save the people he cares for..." she shook her head, still looking angry at the monk. "Tell me, what is the punishment for these selfless acts?"
Boshin spoke up, even though it wasn't part of Houki's original speech. "Tree cheers an' a shiny medal, Mama!"
Houki's face cracked into a smile; the others all laughed at the young boy. "I could not have said it better myself. Chichiri Ri, dear friend, I cannot thank you enough for everything you have done. If someone would help our hero to stand...?"
The monk didn't wish to get up in front of the crowd, but was hoisted to his feet by Tasuki and Kiori anyway. He blushed so brightly it showed through his mask, as everyone in the room erupted in loud cheers. The monk took the medal Houki handed him, tucking the staff, kasa and mask-designed item into his robe.
. "Da..." he managed to mumble. "It- it was nothing, ya know."
No one could hear his words over the shouts that continued to echo through the room. Kiori smiled at her red-faced friend, knowing that he deserved every minute of recognition but also knowing it was painfully embarassing for the former "lead-from-the-background" monk. She shouted over the crowd. "Houki-sama, I think you forgot somebody!"
She glanced up; the room quieted down immediately. "Oh? Who?"
Kiori pointed straight at the Emperess. "You're a Konan Warrior too, aren't you?"
The rest of the group immediately added in their own bits, creating an impromptu speech for Houki.
"Hai, and the best Emperess that could ever lead a city, ya know!"
"A leader that can't be misjudged, that's fer sure!"
"Always doing everything for the good of Konan!"
"Helpin' us rebellious bandit-types when we start leapin' inta battles head-first, ha!"
"Thinking ahead, staying on task, handling all that boring political stuff while we get the fun!"
"Hai, an' a great Mama too!"
Now that Houki had been given a taste of her own medicine, she found she didn't enjoy the clapping and cheering quite as much. She hid her face slightly behind her sleeve, trying to hide the small blush that had crept onto her cheeks. "Ah-hem, yes, well... domo arigatou, minna. Watashi... arigatou."
Ritsuka decided that the Emperess had had enough; she gestured to the food on the table, of which there was still plenty. "Well, glad we got all that out of the way. Now that we've had a little time to digest, anyone up for seconds?"
The Konan Warriors and guests tore into the food with a will, laughing, chatting and basically having a wonderful evening. Jokes were traded, stories swapped, and more than a few punches exchanged between Ritsuka, Tasuki and Koji. Though the threat of battle lurked dangerously close by, for one night at least they all forgot about their troubles and enjoyed themselves. After all, the peace couldn't last forever...

Setsuka paced her bedroom chamber restlessly. Things had been going terribly for the Lady ever since that seishi had been taken from the palace. She had Mizu back in the palm of her hand, but Kaze was pulling farther away from her and Sora was starting to veer in that same direction. Tsuchi was as good as dead, her new general was a complete waste of space, and her scaling scheme had ended in disaster.
The Lady strode to her window, looking out to the south, where Konan lay. "Minor mishaps!" she cried to the night sky angrily. "You Konan Warriors can't keep up this streak of luck for long! I'll bide my time laying out my next plan, carefully, down to the last detail! And when I put it into action, you will die! Heed my words, Konan Warriors! I, Setsuka-sama of Takkan, swear that I will send each of you to the gates of Hell before this war is over, see if I don't!"

"'The enraged Lady of Takkan turned from the window angrily, slamming her shutters tight and sitting on the edge of her bed. Even as the flames of anger started to slowly die down, her mind began thinking up another skillful move- one that would, if performed properly, spell death for her enemies- Konan and Element alike.'" Tetsuya shivered slightly; Setsuka's maddened words had seemed too ominous for his liking. "End Chapter Fourteen."

Ritsuka: Things have quieted down here at Konan- well, if you count every other day attacks by some third-rate soldiers and their new half-wit general quieting down. Still, I guess I can't complain too much: I'm back out fighting with Tasuki-chan and Koji, and those pesky Elements haven't turned up for a while, so things're going pretty well in my book.
It looks like our break isn't going to last much longer, though. The Lady's taken her time cooking up another scheme, and the time seems to be well-spent. Another Element's on the loose and looking for blood, and... Oh... Oh my God, no! No, it just can't be!
On the Next Episode of Fushigi Yuugi: The Next Chapter: "Friendship Eternal! When the Bitter Wind Strikes!"
Oh, God, anything but this...

*A/N: *Crazy Tomo laugh* I'm such an evil person, leaving you with an episode preview like that! Suffer, my desperately hooked readers, suffer! ^^; Just kidding, of course. I had to do SOMETHING to keep you interested after a slow chapter like this, didn't I? Well, see you in a week- I'll be bringing some mace with me the next time I show up, just in case, ah-heh...