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The Town Crier
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"BishopAlexander: We three

Herald: Speak as One

Virulent: As were you told:

BishopAlexander: Thou shall respect all other mortals, always; regardless of the god they follow, if any.

BishopAlexander: Thou shall respect all temples, at all times, regardless of provocation.

BishopAlexander: Thou shall respect all prophets, regardless of their path,

BishopAlexander: for truly it is they who guide you to the legends you yourselves create.

Herald: Without these things, there will be nothing.

Herald: Understand that clearly.

Herald: Without these things, there will be nothing.

Virulent: And so it has come to pass.

Virulent: All have not shown the respect you were asked to demonstrate.

Virulent: So, for now, until further notice

Virulent: there will be nothing.

BishopAlexander: As you were told.

Herald: We shall eventually return to you.

BishopAlexander: it is with our sincerest hope that we,

Herald: each and every one of us,

Virulent: can proceed in a manner that clearly demonstrates respect for all,

BishopAlexander: at all times.

Herald: Until then,

Virulent: we wish you the very best."

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