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The Circle Chamber is a seated body of the Circle Council and a leader of each of
the Orders within the Circle. This body regulates the interactions between the Orders, and
those things as may be necessary to maintain a working relationship between the Circle,
and the Orders, ever maintaining a positive, friendly, and helpful relationship in the
community at large.

The Circle conducts Council Meetings every Thursday morning at 9:30am EST at the Castellan House.
If a member of Council can not attend, please MM Falco or Micaela 2 days prior to meeting.

Circle Membership conducts its meeting every Thursday evening at 8:00pm EST at the Castellan House.
If a member of the Circle can not attend, please MM Falco or Micaela 2 days prior to meeting.

***Meeting Protocal***

1) Call to Order
2) Attendance - (please show a sign of the sword when asked)
3) Welcoming of guests (if appropiate)
4) Recognition of promotions, new orders, alliances, knightings etc
5)Old Business
6)New Business
7)End of meeting

****Meeting Conduct*****

When in meeting, please conduct yourself in a respectful fashion.
No use of any spells! *members are encouraged to equip a ring of nourishment for all meetings*

To reply in meetings, type R for remark, ? for a question, > for a comment and @ for end of your text.
The person who has the floor will call on the next person wishing to respond.

Keep chatter in meeting room to the meeting, use guild channel 173 for idle chatter please.

All meetings will be scribed and posted to the CPRS /Orders/Alliances message boards.
Including council meetings (Council Message Board) where appropiate and other orders of guild business.


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