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The Lyrical Jester's

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Village idiots, commonly known as jesters were known for their
amusing and usually biting commentary, which eventually led to
numerous condemnations by the church in Medieval times.

The jester would start as a person who would be a bit displaced,
such as a blacksmith who joked while forming horseshoes or a
monk thrown out for frolicking with a nun, or someone with immense
physical strength. The more popular also had skills such as juggling
to entertain with. Usually, though, jesters were actors just trying to
entertain, and since rulers would occasionally take offense to actors
and have the entire acting community banned, they would wander
and entertain while waiting for the next big opportunity. Court jesters
were usually spotted during these bits of entertaining the masses and
were brought before the court by noblemen who found them to be

As a jester, you would be seated at an event beside your master
(the nobleman who discovered you) and say whatever came into your
head at the moment. This of course gave a running commentary to the
evenings events. Jesters were also usually chosen from the older and
less attractive people simply because they were considered a bit more
jaded and their commentary would be a bit more biting.

Regardless the way they got here, they became a part of the courts folly
for most of the middle ages and in some form remain with us today. So
the next time you feel a remark coming on, remember, the jester in you
is trying to break free. Laugh with them!!

We dedicate this page to the many humorous shinanigans of the countless
comedians and toons on the Realm.

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