LilMica, Human Warrior Sir MudderLode, Dwarf
Sir Zinon, Human Warrior
Sir Igathan, Giant Warrior
Lady Niteeyes, Giant Warrior
Sir LeperMessiah, Elf Warrior Sir Phunam, Giant Warrior Sir Phobus, Human Warrior
Sir Jollytime, Human Warrior
Sir Edrick, Human Warrior Sir Decado, Giant Warrior Sir Shakur, Human Warrior
Sir SouthernThunder, Giant Warrior
Priestess ShannaLee, Elf Wizard
Father NoorwoodReturns, Elf Wizard
Lady Micaela, Elf Wizard Sir Iorek, Elf Wizard
Sir N0RWolverine, Elf Wizard
Lady Kelci, Elf Wizard
Sir Szidgar, Giant Wizard Sir Vipiro, Elf Wizard
Lady Cixelsyd, Elf Wizard
Sir Ogley, Giant Wizard
Sir FullMetal, Human Adventurer Lady Dame TheLady, Elf Adventurer
Lady TpyoQuene, Human Adventurer
Sir Estela, Human Adventurer
Sir Zaero, Elf Thief
Lady Gem, Lady GemCastles, Lady Selara, Lady PineappleTart, Sir Xycromx
Sir Mermidon, Sir KillerDiller, Sir MrNobody,
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