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Lady Dame Micaela, Arch Seeress of the Circle of the Perfect Rose & Staff

She holds the honor among the Circle of Arch Seeress,
matriarch in public affairs and messenger between the Gods.
Her former title, High Priestess, she retired, passing
on her duties as such to her peers.
She is a knight of the Circle Guild and second in command to Sir Falco.

Among her many duties, she is speaker to the people of the Realm
and conveyor of Lord of the Scepter's word, the God of Balance.
She also prays to all Realm Gods and acts as a messenger of their
words to the rest of the Circle Guild in accordance to the storyline.

She helps guide and nuture The Order of St. Patrick, under the command
of her second and left hand, Sir Bishop Sirmarcus. She also guides her right hand,
Priestess of Despothes, Kamaria in her duties serving and aiding in many
of the responsibilties of the Circle guild.

Lady Micaela also designs and updates the website for the guild.



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