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The Order of the Societas Electa

The Order of Societas Electa (OSE) is an order that serves the Circle of the Perfect Rose
& Staff as an Army of fighters. As war of any type is not a good thing, although necessary,
the Army of the Circle has a duty that is not a pleasant one. The OSE fights on the side of
GOOD and still serves the Goddess Enid and the God Mabon but takes it guidance in its
necessay warring ways from the Gods Despothes and Finvarra.

(NOTE: This is a military type Order and shall be operated pursuant to the Special Rules noted below.)

-=GODS of OSE=-


King of the six Realm Gods is the God who is lifting the mist
from the Realm. He is of netural alignment. His Temple is located
in the Wandering Woods - from Asgard 17 Right, 1 Down.


The God of War guides the OSE in battle to save the Realm.
His Temple can be found in Tourney Grove - from Kurz 6 UP, 1 Left.

The primary Gods of the OSE are Enid and Mabon and the OSE
serves them as does any other Order or member of the CPRS. The
OSE, thus, is an Order of GOOD and one seeking the Light.

The Commander of OSE is Sir Orso, Vice Chancellor of the Circle.


The Chain of Command in the OSE shall be established as follows:
(NOTE: Some exceptions to the Rules of membership may apply due to the nature
of this Order and the experience of certain members in the Chain of Command)

2nd in Command - Sir Phunam, LtCommander

3rd in Command - Sir Mudderlode, Col

Sir Ridic, Order of the Rangers

Sir Jollytime

Sir Kombal

OSE/AB (Female Arm of OSE) Amazon Brigade

Lady NightRider, Captain

Order Colors



The uniform shall be colored as follows:

HEADGEAR: Black ( any portion of the headgear that can be of another color,
ie plume, band ect shall be black, white or brown)(females gold plume)

COWL: Black
COWL: (females) Gold

SHIRT: Brown

PANTS: White

BELT: Black

WRISTBANDS: (females) Gold

BOOTS: Black (note: special boots such as glowies
may be worn with uniform)

ROBE: Brown



The Baldric of the OSE shall be the Baldric of Despothes -grey and light purple in color.
This baldie is of neutral alignment and represents that the wearers follow the God Despothes
in his mission to lift the Mist from the Realm freeing the Realm from the Evil that besets it.


Until such time as full membership in the OSE is granted those joining the OSE will
serve a period of training. Those in training shall wear a RED BALDRIC denoting
that they are in training with the OSE awaiting full membership.

Who may join?

The membership of the OSE shall consist of toons of all types and my be applied for
by sending a Magic Mail (MM) to Sir Orso, with copies to Sir Falco and Lady Dame Mica.
Full membership shall be granted upon the completion of a period of training and upon
the reaching of a lvl above that of 300.


The Council Staff shall be Automatic Members of the OSE but shall not
be required to wear the uniform of the OSE but shall, rather wear
the uniform as normally worn by Council members.

Commanders of other Orders within the Circle (CPRS) be they Circle Orders
or Guild Orders, shall be automatic members of the OSE.

The OSMSD, as the Royal Guards of the CPRS Council, shall be the reserve
component of the OSE. Although their primary duty is the protection of the CPRS Council
they shall serve in conjunction with the OSE in the protection of all during times of all out war and
come under the direct command of the OSE Commander or his 2nd.

RULES of the OSE

The primary rules of the OSE shall be those as established by the CPRS Council
governing the CPRS, however, Special Rules may, from time to time, be implemented to
insure that the OSE is prepared and able to perform its duties to the CPRS.


Serving as the Army of CPRS the OSE shall conduct its affairs in a military
fashion at all times. The Command structure of the OSE is absolute and shall be treated
as would any military officer in a normal military unit in RL. Orders are orders not request.
This is established in such manner so that those serving in the OSE can learn disipline and
in time of war be counted on to act not question, thus allowing the OSE to function as an
Elite unit. Any member or trainee who has dificulity with such a structure should find an
Order better suited to their character. Any member who if found to disobey orders on a
regular basis will be asked to fine another Order to serve in. The primary function of the
OSE is military in nature thus all functions of the OSE shall be strict and military oriented.

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