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Tips for Hunting the New NPCS:

None of the following NPC's should be fought solo (atleast two people that can hit well),
and I recommend that you and your groupies be at bare minimum a level of 500.

Before you set out to fight one of the new NPC's you should make
sure that you are the proper alignment.

For Champions - Saintly

For Protectors - Neutral

For EvilMinions - Pure Evil

For EvilMages - Pure Evil

First round one person should freeze the opponent, the other
people should do rust or mass rust. Rust the
opponent until you cannot anymore (usually when his shirt disappears).
Once their shirt disappears you can begin to hit him.

If you need to heal, invuln, etc make sure you shift, because
if you let them hit you too much without
retaliating they will gain a lot of their health back.


See Also:
||| Order of the Rangers ||| Ranger Places of Interest |||


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