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It is the duty of all knights to oversee the rooms of the realm,
and only the knights shall respond to any visitor or guest
about their way of dress or manner of speech.
No resident shall take it upon themselves to tell any guest
of the realm how to dress in the open room.
All residents will ignore an unruly or unwanted visitor.
There will be no exceptions to this and if an unwanted guest
will not respond to a knight's request to alter their
avatar or manner of speech then the knight will announce
to the room to "ignore" the guest.
Also there will be no tolerance of public squabbles,
arguments, or fighting so if there is a problem with
another resident then it should be taken it to a
"private room" or handled in "IM" but not in the public room
as other guests and residents do not want to see
this type of conversation.


1) Always use "IM's" when talking to an intruder or
improperly dressed guest. Be polite, and remember that
when someone comes into a room they need time to load the room.
If, after a couple minutes, they don't change an improper avatar,
ask them no more then twice in "IM's" to change,
and give them the reason why
(i.e.: "There are ladies and children present.
Please dress accordingly.")
Thank them, and wait a couple of minutes.
If they don't change or respond, then "IM" them once more.
If they do not respond again, follow step 2.

2) Encourage all to use "ignore."
Announce in the room for all too place that person on "ignore."

3) Never use vulgar language.
Always check "observe" to see who is there
and check their profile to see what they are wearing,
so it is known what to expect before they enter the room.
"IM" them, and welcome them to join,
but to please wear a proper avatar as we have
women and children present.

4) Be Courteous to all.
No exceptions.
If a lady is unattended and someone of questionable
ways enters the room, link with her avatar,
and then "IM" her and explain it is for her protection only.
When the intruder leaves unlink again.

5) Be ever watchful.

6) Do not retaliate against verbal abuse with same.
It will not be tolerated by anyone.
Always be polite and talk in "IM's" to those who
are improper avatars. Ask them to change to a proper
avatar, and offer to give them one if they do not have one.
If they do not respond then place on "ignore"
and tell all room guests to do the same.

7) If a person does not change their avatar,
then cover them with your avatar
and ask all to place on "ignore"

8) Remember to show by example.
Be polite and courteous and respond to all
with title due
(i.e.: M'lady , M'lord, Sir, Your Majesty,
Your Grace, Your Highness, King, Queen, or Sire,
as these are honored titles and should be treated
as such always.

9) To receive respect, one must first give respect.

10) Tags of Familes to be Observant of.

Keep your Friends close, but your Enemies closer

Realm of Eternal Light and Offsprings


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Password is

Knights Training Room
Password is *cheryl*

Council Room
Password is

Knights Hall
Check for new messages in the Knights Hall Weekly
Password is

These adresses and passwords for these rooms may change
If they happen to change let me know *EFG*

Rank of Knight/Knighress Section

Cheryl's definition of Spy:

Spy: The people of the shadows, they will sometimes be
needed to join enemy guilds so they can help in their downfall
Another thing is to be on the lookout for rumors of what is occurring
among other guilds, and also to start some if needed

*shakes head* good lord this lady needs a life


Championing simply means that the knight swears
to uphold the honor of a lady of the court;
to serve, honor, and protect her from harm before all others.