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Originally, this was a television show called "FIREFLY", which had a whopping 14 episodes all told. In Whedon fashion, the show was character driven, lively, and unique. It has a huge fan base, even though no more than the 14 episodes were made. Until now.

"SERENITY" is a major motion picture based on the original television show, directed by Joss Whedon. It is already available to own on DVD. I highly recommend this movie even if you never saw the TV show.

If you do love it, as I do, you can get the entire season on DVD. In fact, I've jacked my friend's copy of the thing and won't give it back until I have my own copy. I can't say I have a definitive favorite episode either, as they are all great in their own way.

Screencaps from the US Trailer

 Please, enjoy!

Click above to view the trailer. It's worth it, I swear!

You can borrow my animation, but please give me credit for having made it with a link back here. Thanks!

Click a thumbnail to view the larger picture. All pictures are only 480x205, sorry. I viewed in "large" mode. Caps are in alphabetical order as I saved them, and aren't everything offered in the trailer, of course. Just simply the ones I thought made great pictures, or would make great pictures. These will open in a new window with a white background. Do give credit to Joss Whedon for using the Serenity scenes.


sertrail_cast.jpg (101504 bytes)


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River - "An Empire In Pursuit"

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"An Empire in Pursuit"

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Jayne & Vera

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Kaylee (only pic I found of her not in cast)

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Mal & Inara

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Mal & Inara

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Mal & Jayne Shooting

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Mal, Wash, Zoe & Jayne in the cockpit

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Mal, Zoe, Jayne & Simon

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Mal & Inara

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"A Passenger With A Past"

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Pretty City

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River on Ceiling

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"Six Rebels on the Run"

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Episode Related Items

Please give credit to Deoris of Fifth House if you use on your website or if someone asks where you got it. Right click and save to your own hard drive please. Hotlinking is not allowed.

"Objects in Space" - Episode 1.14

800x600 Wallpaper



100x100 Icons


"Shindig" - Episode 1.5


1024x768 wallpaper


100x100 icons


"Serenity" 1&2 - Episode 1.1 and 1.2

100x100 icons


Serenity and these images is owned by Joss Whedon and Universal Studios. I only intend to enjoy, and share the enjoyment, not to infringe. Images, sounds and characters are copyright to their original creators. This web set is ©2005 by the Fifth House.