Welcome to DrAgOn BLaDeS

THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING DRAGON BLADES!.Ok, so you've come here, good choice, welcome to Dragon Blades, yep you've probably had enough of that. This place is great for dragon info and especially pictures of dragons, both still and animation. All the interesting stuff is in the menu, to open the menu, press X to close it press Z. Keep coming back for updates, they won't stop! If you need anything leave it in my guestbook with your e-mail and I'll get back to you!Thanx, The manager/president/creator *~classified name (just call me Chung)~*

-=Jokes=- A Scottish man was at his first baseball game. He was quiet at first. When the first batter came up and hit the ball everyone was on their feet screaming, "RUN RUN!" This happened two more times and now the scottish man was excitied! He wanted action! When the next batter came up, he got four walks. He started off at a slow trot to first base. Instantly, the Scottish man was screaming, " RUN YE BASTAR* RUN!" Everyone around him began to laugh. A friendly fan saw that he was embarrassed and went to the Scottish Man. He said to him "He can't run, he has four balls." The scottish man stares at the fan strangely and says quite loudly, "Holy sausages! WALK WITH PRIDE MAN! WALK WITH PRIDE!"

Allright, a quick question for all Isn't this site greeeattt?
Yes, Of course supuesto!, ya klar! YAH! No, it sucks

!!!Recent Updates!!!

5/17/03- Friskis page has been uped slightly, Happy birthday to both Tin and Barry! Click Here

4/19/03- Happy Birthday François! Click Here!!

4/12/03- New pictures added and I might just actually finish the site.

3/12/03- New Layout


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