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Other beasts


Golems, are men made of inanimate material
(such as clay or mud) and brought to life.
Wizards or magic users often animated
this monster by charms or a specific spell.
If the charm is destroyed, or the spell broken, the golem will die.

The 3 Ghosts

A Regular Ghost
 A ghost is the soul of a dead person who returns to the world.
Ghosts are the spiritual of the person separated from its body.
Ghosts tend to be invisible, but may have a form.
Ghosts often come back because of unfinished business in the
mortal realm or because they are a tortured soul.
They can appear, but often cannot touch or move things.

A place inhabited by a ghost is considered haunted.
Haunted places are associated with a strong emotion
or injustice of the past such as terror, remorse, or a violent death.
Ghosts are often linked to these places and cannot leave them.


 Poltergeists are just like ghosts but with the ability to move objects.
Poltergeist activity is often spontaneous and
often concentrated on a specific person or thing.
The person the poltergeist effects is often
purposely harassed and sometimes harmed.


 Specters are like ghosts that are visible, or can create images.


Werewolves are simply people who have the ability
to transform into a wolf, or a wolf-man creature.
They can be transformed temporarily or
permanently by a spell, supernatural disease.
They also can be that way naturally.
Myths speak of the Werewolf transforming by the light of the moon,
and their illness passed by a bite.