
= the love between Buffy and Faith


Faith, hope, trick

Ok, this is the very first episode where we see Faith. You can immediately see that there's a connection between Buffy and Faith. The gang is in the bronze and B just said no to Scott who asked her to dance.

Willow: What's stopping you? At that moment Cordelia enters and says "Check out slut-o-rama (Faith) and her disco Dave"  Coincidence? I don't think so!! Buffy keeps stairing at Faith and that's how she sees that the guy is probably a vampire.

Later on Faith is talking to the gang, bragging about her slaying adventures when she says to Buffy: "Isn't it crazy how slaying always makes you hungry and horny?"

Faith is talking to Scott and Buffy is jealous, because she thinks sh's gonna loose Faith. So she approaches them and takes Faiths arm, she's pulling her away from Scott.

At the end of the eppie they are fighting Kakistos, the vamp that killed Faith's watcher. Faith can barely move and is chocked, but from the moment she saw Buffy was in trouble, she put her strength together and staked the vamp, saving B.

After the battle-> Buffy: "You hungry?"

                                Faith: "Starved"

They head out of the building together, it wonder what else they will do (slaying makes you hungry AND horny :-)

Beauty and the beasts

B and Faith are patrolling at the cemetary and Faith asks questions like "Bet you and Scott have been up there kicking the gearshift" So she wants to know if she still has a chance, if it's not too serious with Scott. She also says" All men are beasts", so here we already see that she's not really fond of men and just sees them as predators.

Buffy replaces Faith with the werewolf watch. When it's morning, Giles enters and she wakes up. She says hey in a really cute way (she didn' t see yet it was Giles) so maybe she thought it was Faith, cause you often dream of the person you saw last. When she sees it's Giles, she shockingly says "ohh, Faith and her nutty books" (again Faith is the first thing she thinks about)


Scott breaks up with Buffy, so now she hasn't got a date for the Homecoming. Xander:" Buffy's in the librabry gettin all sweaty" Cordelia "There training?" X: "I stand by mu phrase" ->aha, so Xander already noticed that there is some connection between the two of them.

F: "Man, guy's should break up with you more often"

B: "Gee, thank you"

F: "I mean it. You got some qualtity rage going! Really gives you an edge."


F:"You still going to that dance right"


F:"You got the tix already, why don't we go together?"

You  wouldn't think Faith is the kind of person to go to highschool dances, but she can't waste the chance to go on a date witb B!

Faith and Buffy were supposed to ride the limo together to the dance. When you see B walking towards the limo, you see a big smile on her face, she's really looking forward  to her date with Faith. When she sits and sees Cordelia instead of Faith, she looks dissapointed.

The dance. Faith sees Scott intimately with another girl. She feels bad for Buffy, so she approaches Scott and says something about ointment and stuff while his date hears is -> very funny! She protecs Buffy and really stands up for her.




The rest i'll do some other time. But if you still don't believe in the Fuffy , here's what was on the season 3 dvd. It's the exact words from Doug Petrie, the writer of a couple of episodes with Faith (including the famous episode "Bad Girls") He did an audio commentary, so here's what he said:

"Here, we got the growing lesbian subtext between the two, which was always fun to play with. And Eliza was always kind of pushing the sexuality and no one remembered to stop her from doing that. Which we're all very happy about."

"There's the heart, again lesbian subtext. But the heart with the stake through it, let's go stake some vampires in the heart. And yet, it's a romantic image at the same time. It's almost a seduction. Faith is very sexy and she's saying come play with me." (to Buffy)

"There she grabs her girlfriend and goes..." (Buffy grabs Faith from the dancefloor where she was dancing with guys)


My first Fuffy musicvideo, hope you'll like it:

Weak   (Skunk Anansie)