The Religion of Jeroboam


Text—1 Kings 12: 25-33


Introduction—background to the text

A.     Jeroboam promised rulership of ten tribes while Solomon yet lived; would prosper if faithful to God’s law.  (1 Kings 11: 29-32)


B.     Solomon died, his son Rehoboam reigned in his stead. (1 Kings 11: 43)


C.     Asked Rehoboam to lighten the yoke of Solomon (1 Kings 12: 6-11)


D.     Rehoboam refused, threatened to increase it instead. (vs.11)


E.      Ten tribes revolted, followed Jeroboam  (12: 19-20)


F.      Jereboam not contet to trust God’s promise by keeping the law but chose instead to modify it to suit his own purposes.



The Discussion—Jeroboam’s Religion

A.     Its source—Human Wisdom.

a.       Vs. 26-27 (vs. 33);

                                                                           i.      Prov. 28: 26, “He that trusteth in his own heart is a fool; But whoso walketh wisely, he shall be delivered.”


                                                                         ii.       Prov. 3: 5-7 (READ)

b.      Denominational religions today are same design. 


                                                                           i.      Paul said in Acts 26: 9, “I verily thought with myself that I ought to do many things contrary to the name of Jesus of Nazareth.”


                                                                         ii.      Col. 2: 18-23 (READ)


                                                                      iii.       Matt. 7: 22-23 (READ)


B.     It Motive—convenience (vs. 28b)

a.       Jeroboam was afraid to let the people go to Jerusalem to worship as God ordained for fear of losing their devotion to Rehoboam.

b.      Jeroboam said Jerusalem was too far to go.

c.       Same motive for false teaching today—

                                                                           i.      Closer church building; easier to get to.

                                                                         ii.      Example.  Dana St. C of C across the street, walk and save gas.

                                                                        iii.      Convenience store—gallon of milk.  Pay more for ease

                                                                       iv.      Baptism—2nd Century.  Winter, cut hold in ice to baptize someone.  Illness, etc.  Sprinkling—Convenience.

                                                                         v.      Babies—more convenient to sprinkle, etc.


d.      Need to do right thing—2 Tim. 2: 3; 4: 5



C.     Its Focus—(vs. 28a); ties to Moses (28b)

a.       Law states—Ex. 20: 3-5

b.      Today—Statues of Mary, Pope and ring, Shroud of Turin, etc.

c.       False teaching uses same appeal now.

                                                                           i.      2 Tim. 4: 2-4—“itching ears and fables”


                                                                         ii.      Jude 4, “For there are certain men crept in privily, `even' they who were of old written of beforehand unto this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.”



d.      ***False Teachers contrive things in the same way now; make error more palatable by giving it the appearance of truth (2 Cor. 11: 13-15).

                                                                           i.      Teachers, and hearers, need to consider Gal. 1: 10.


                                                                         ii.       Matt. 4: 10, “…it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.”



D.     Its location—(vs. 29-30)

a.       Similar to truth

                                                                           i.      Law—1 Kings 11: 13 “Jerusalem” vs. 32, 36

                                                                         ii.      Deut. 12: 5-11; 13-14

b.      Today—Methodist, Baptist, Lutheran: “Doesn’t Matter”

                                                                           i.      Eph. 3: 21—The church; Eph. 1: 22-23

                                                                         ii.      Muslims not in Christ

                                                                        iii.      Jews not in Christ

                                                                       iv.      Eph. 4: 4—One body, vs. 16



E.      Its Priests—vs. 31, (lowest of the people—KJV) “not of the Sons of Levi”.

a.       Law—Numbers 18: 1-2, 6

b.      Today—Leaders in the church

                                                                           i.      Pope, Cardinals—Catholic Church

                                                                         ii.      Presidents, Prophets, Apostles—Mormon church


                                                                        iii.      Jesus said, Matt. 23: 9-12


c.       Heb. 1: 1-2

                                                                           i.      Order of Melchizedek—Heb. 5: 1-6 (Jesus—High Priest)

                                                                         ii.      All are priests—1 Pet. 2: 9


F.      Its Feast Day (day of worship)—vs. 32

a.       Law—Num. 29: 12; Lev. 23: 33-34

b.      Today—Saturday eve. Worship; Lord’s Supper—Tues./Wed.

                                                                           i.      1 Cor. 16: 2; Acts 20: 7


G.     Its End Result—condemnation.  1 Kings 13: 1-4

a.       National perdition for Israel—2 Kings 17: 18

b.      Eternal spiritual perdition eventually for all false worshippers

                                                                           i.      Matt. 7: 21-23

                                                                         ii.      Matt. 13: 41-43


c.       Jeroboam started with changing the place of worship, two calves of gold, a different feast, and appointed unqualified priests, but his people wound up like this (2 Kings 17: 9-12, 16-17)


d.      False religions do as well today; the path from God always leads downhill


                                                                           i.      2 Tim. 3: 13, “But evil men and impostors shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.”


                                                                         ii.       Prov. 14: 12, “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man; But the end thereof are the ways of death.”






            The religion of Jeroboam was false then and is false now.

1.      Antidote for the poison of this wickedness—2 Tim. 3: 14-17

2.       Let us worship God in spirit and truth Jn. 4: 23-24



From a sermon outline by Jerry F. Bassett

And a sermon by Larry Ray Hafley