Unscriptural Binding
Text—Matt. 16: 19
A. Brief Restore History
1. Reformation—Luther, Calvin, Wesley,
a. Took church away from Catholics
b. Returned to Bible, but altered for own benefit.
c. Start of denominations
2. Restoration—Campbells, Stone, Scott
a. Former denominations
b. Return to bible as only source
c. Church of Christ/Christian church/Disciples of Christ
B. General and Specific Commands
1. Mk. 16: 15
a. “Go” How? (General)
b. “Teach” What? (Specific)
i. Math?
ii. Philosophy?
iii. Gospel!
I. Bible Classes
A. Problem presented—Teaching bibles classes is sinful.
B. Opposed to Bible Classes
1. No Bible Authority for classes
a. Not Specific command, but general
b. Matt. 28: 18-20, “Go and teach”
c. God commands church to teach, 1 Tim. 3: 15-16
2. Divides the assembly—1 Cor. 1: 10-17
a. Jesus and disciples—
i. Sent away multitudes—Matt. 13: 36
ii. Left temple w/Disciples—Matt. 24:1
iii. The Last Supper—Jn. 14-16
b. Paul spoke to elders—Acts 20: 17-38
c. Paul met with “Pillars”—Gal. 2: 1-10
3. Women Teachers—1 Tim. 2: 11-12; 1 Cor. 14: 34-35
a. Total silence?
i. No singing
ii. No confessing Jesus
iii. No correcting of child
b. Asking Husband
i. Single?
ii. Not after services? Not in car?
iii. Non-Christian Husband
iv. Husband doesn’t have answer
C. Bible Truth
1. We are to teach the gospel.
a. Acts 2: 40-42
b. 2 Tim. 4: 2
2. Not specified as how.
a. Gospel meetings
b. TV/Radio Programs
c. Tracts
II. Located
A. Problem Presented
1. Those who left denominations
2. Preachers and Titles—Matt. 23: 9
3. Preacher w/o elders
B. Opposed to Located Preachers
1. It is wrong to pay preachers
a. Something wrong with a agreed upon salary
b. Paul and Corinth—2 Cor. 11: 7-9
c. Scriptures encourage same—1 Cor. 9: 1-14
2. No preacher with elders (Gospel/Doctrine Division)
d. Gospel—preached to non-Christians
e. Doctrine—taught to church
f. Preacher long enough to establish elders
g. Gospel/Doctrine = Same. Used interchangeably
h. Jerusalem congregation—Acts 2: 22- Acts 6: 1-3
3. An Evangelist cannot locate with a church
a. Barnabus and Paul at Antioch for a year—Acts 11: 26
b. Paul at Corinth for 18 months—Acts 18: 11
c. Paul at Ephesus for 3 years—Acts 20: 31
d. Philip in Caesarea for over 20 years (Acts 8: 40; 21: 8)
C. Mutual Edification
1. Every member takes turns in presenting lessons
2. Not everyone as qualified
3. Develop skills—Matt. 25: 14-30 (parable of the talents)
4. Won’t get consistent teaching
D. Bible Authority
1. Supporting Preachers—Phil. 4: 15-16
2. Working w/Congregation—Phil. 2: 19-20; 1 Tim. 1: 3
One Cup (Lord’s Supper)
A. Problem presented
1. Bible says, “One cup”
2. Matt. 26: 27-28; Mk. 14: 23-24
B. Opposed to multiple cups
1. Bible speaks of only one cup
a. Lk. 22: 17, “Take this, and divide it among yourselves”
b. How? Pour into hands?
c. Metonomy—refers to a figure of speech in which occurs the “use of the name of one thing for that of another associated with or suggested by it” (Webster) Example: “The White House says…” refers to the president.
d. Cup refers to contents within. You can’t drink a container.
2. The cup represents the New Testament
e. Argue for 3 elements of the Lord’s supper
i. Unleavened bread—Lord’s Body
ii. Fruit of the vine—Lord’s Blood
iii. The Container—New Testament
f. Only 2 elements instituted—Matt. 26: 26-27
C. Problems for One cuppers
1. Membership
a. Pentecost, 3000 members—Acts 2: 41
b. Jerusalem, 5000 member—Acts 4: 4
c. Expedient with one cup?
2. Multiple congregations
a. How does Corinth and Ephesus partake of One Cup?
b. Mesa and Gilbert?
The Sin of Unscriptural Binding
A. A Law where God didn’t make one
1. Apostasy—1 Tim. 4: 1-3
2. Another Gospel—Gal. 1: 6-9
3. Serving traditions of men—Mk. 7: 8-9