Faith and Works

TEXT:  Romans 4:1-5:21


I.                   Background/Setting

Author: Paul     

Time: (Probable) 58 A.D.  During Paul’s 3-month stay in Corinth, on his 3rd missionary journey.

Immediate Intended Audience:  Christians in Rome

Purpose: To counter the teaching of the Judaizing Christians there and to prepare those non-Judaizing Christians on how to deal with those others who would have them observe the practices/works of the “Old Jewish Law.”



·        The first converts to Christ were Jews.

·        The transition from law of Moses/Old Law, was tough and slow

·        Accepting Gentiles and the fact that they, the Jews, were no longer exclusively God’s people were a new thing.  Acts 10—Describes the conversion of Cornelius and his household (the 1st recorded Gentile Conversion)

·        Though they were beginning to understand and accept Gentiles, they were slower in breaking away from the “Old Law”.  In fact a group of hardliners—the Judaizers—insisted that the Gentile converts would have to be circumcised and do the works of the “Old Law”.  (Acts 15: 1-11; Galatians 5: 1-6; Romans 3-4)

·        Judaizers south to make the Church a mere sect of the Jews and the Gospel, a sort of adjunct to the laws Mosses.  Adjunct—something connected with and subordinate in position, a function of something larger…

·        The Judaizers would have been a lot more successful without the work of Paul.


Terms—There is a need to understand a few terms/concepts before we enter the passages.  This will help out quite a bit in our understanding of the scriptures.



          [DIKAIOSIS]—Denotes the act of pronouncing RIGHTEOUS, JUSTIFICATION, ACQUITTAL

            [DIKAIOMA]—A concrete expression of RIGHTEOUSNESS

            [DIKAIOO]—to pronounce, or proclaim to be RIGHTEOUS



            [DIKAIOSUNE]—Is the character, or quality of being right or just; conformity to the will of God; FAITHFULNESS; TRUTHFULNESS.



            [LOGIZOMAI]—To RECKON; take into account; metaphorically, to put down to a persons account.

            [ELLOGAO]—Denotes to charge to one’s account.



            [LOGIZOMAI]—Metaphorically, by a reckoning of characteristics or reasons, to take into account; to consider.



            (As mentioned in Rom. 3: 27)—Depending on the innocent to justify the guilty.


·        In recognizing one’s self as a condemned sinner there is a cause for humility, but no grounds for boasting.  The greatest ground for humility is the knowledge that an innocent person dies to save me from my own folly.  Instead of being the proud possessor of a spotless character, I have to rely on another to cleanse me from my own defilement.  (Whiteside pg. 82)


Note:  Before getting into Chap. 4 of Romans, to set the context, we must briefly look at Chap. 3.


Starting in v. 9-18

·        Are Jews better than Gentiles?  No, ALL are under sin

·        There is none righteous, no not one

·        There is none that understandeth, none that seek after God

·        None that doeth good, not one

·        There is no fear/respect for God


v. 19-20

·        Before the Law (Law of Moses, Old Law) All mouths would be shut, for there was no defense.  All would be found guilty in God’s judgment.

·        By the Old Law nobody could be justified—The Law had to be followed perfectly—All have sinned and fallen short (v. 23)


v. 21-22; 24-31

·        Righteousness of God w/out the Old Law is made known witnessed by the law and prophets.

·        The RIGHTEOUSNESS of God is by fait in Jesus Christ for ALL for there is NO DISTINCTION.

·        JUSTIFIED by grace through the redemption that is in Christ.

·        Christ’s Death serves as a propitiation (appeasement) to God for our sins.  Remitting our sins He reconciled us to God.  God justifying us could be considered “Just”.  Our sins had been paid for in Christ of course we must believe in Jesus.

·        Boasting?  No boasting because of the Law of Faith.

·        A man is JUSTIFIED by Faith, NOT by the works of the Old Law.

·        God is God of the Jew and Gentiles—circumcision or un-circumcision, By Faith we are ALL JUSTIFIED.

·        Is the law made void by faith? No, (it was fulfilled at Christ’s death) the Law of Faith has been established.


II Romans 4

          Chapter 4 is Paul continuing his discussion from Chapter 3.  In chapter 4, Paul going back to Abraham, (someone the Judaizers revere, or honor) to illustrate his point(s) in this discussion.


v. 1-2


v. 3


a It is argued by some that Paul in Romans 4 is speaking about the justification of Abraham as an alien sinner.  Some take it for granted that up to the time spoken of in (Gen. 15) that Abraham was an un-forgiven, condemned sinner.  Let’s take a look at some facts that prove that Ave had been a faithful servant of God.



a Through these examples of Abraham’s Faith, Obedience, and Worship of GOD, and God’s Attention, Promises, and Blessings to Abraham, we must conclude that Abraham was a faithful servant of God.


a The language in (Romans 4: 3; Gen. 15: 6)


a Back to (v. 3) again.  The word RECKONED, or COUNTED is used. Remember the terms we covered earlier.  Abraham’s faith was reckoned UNTO RIGHTOUSNESS NOT AS RIGHTEOUSNESS.


v. 4-5

“WORKETH” in this context is referring to—the works of the Old Law.  There is no reason to believe that it is referring to anything different.



a Is there a conflict between Paul and James?  Let’s take a look.










a There is no conflict.  Consider this:


a To exclude either is to fail of justification.  Both Paul and James used Abraham as an example to illustrate their points.  Abraham was justified w/out the works of the Old Law; he was justified by his belief (faith) and his actions (works of faith).


V. 6-8


a A reference back to King David

WHO?  Those that He’s JUSTIFIED through their belief. (Rom. 3: 21-22; 4:5)


a Remember faith is RECKONED unto RIGHTEOUSNESS/ JUSTIFICATION.  Keep in mind that Paul’s context that it’s the Law of Faith Vs. The Law of Moses/Old Law, --NOT—Faith vs. The Works of Faith.


a Remember the audience


aWhat’s important about the specifics of who the audience was?

V. 9-12


a Paul refers to circumcision (continues his thought from v. 6-8).


V. 13-16 – Faith vs. Works of the Law (Old Law)


a Remember the Promise to Abraham (Gen. 12: 1-3) v. 3 “…and in thee shall all the nations of the world be blessed.”


Romans 5: 1-2



a My objective as stated before the lesson was to explain Romans 4, and to discuss some of the issues that might arise from the mishandling of the scripture.  In our study I believe it has been prove that it is faith, not the works of the Law of Moses/ Old Law, that justifies or makes one righteous.


a Remember the point that Faith is RECKONED unto RIGHTEOUSNESS or a substitute for it.  Faith is RECKONED – (CONSIDERED, or COUNTED) unto—(TOWARDS) RIGHTEOUSNESS.  Faith is not the only thing that justifies.

a What else JUSTIFIES?


a We explain how they all work together in providing an invitation.  Acts 2: 37-38

·        Belief – The people, through Peter’s preaching, were pricked in their hearts, believing in Jesus.

·        Works—We, as they were, are instructed to Repent and be Baptized; both are works.

·        Blood – Baptized in the name of Jesus (Rom. 6) explains symbolic meaning – Baptized into his blood which washes away our sins (makes us righteous)

·        Grace – For the remission of our sins.  And we shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. – Righteousness and our Reward.


a Faith – “Cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God.” (Rom. 10: 17)  What does God want you to do?  The same as the people in Acts 2: 38.