I.  Romans 1: 15-17 -- Christ’s Gospel is How People Obtain Salvation,

Righteousness and Faith

     A.  I Corinthians 1:21    God uses preaching to spread Christ’s gospel.

     B.  Preaching unleashes God’s power unto salvation.

             Gospel power is limited to believers.

             Christ’s gospel reveals what Jehovah considers to be righteousness.

     C.  Faith is essential for spiritual life on earth and eternal life in heaven.

             God’s covenant requires just (righteous) people to live by faith.

             Divine wisdom and spiritual knowledge travel from faith to faith.


** Obedient faith is man’s part for fulfilling God’s salvation covenant.


II. Differences Between Belief and Faith

      Belief is a state of mind that results when a person decides a matter is true even

                 though absolute physical proof is absent.        NOTE:  Belief may exist without

                            producing faith (Acts 26:27; John 12:42).  


      Faith exists when people decide to trust a belief so intensely that they change their

                 behavior (life style) to conform to their convictions.

                            NOTE:  Faith is not possible without belief.


      Examples:             marriage license                         heart surgeon’s skills               


III. Christian Faith Is a Result of Human Decisions About Jesus Christ’s Gospel     

    A.  Romans 10:17        Christian faith is built on New Testament testimony.

    B.  Hebrews 11:1         A God-pleasing faith has two components:    (1) hope and (2)

                                               evidence (or conviction) of unseen things.

    C.  II Corinthians 5:7    Faith in Christ is not based on physically discernable evidence.

    D.  II Corinthians 4:18   Eternal things are not seen by physical beings.


** God purposely included an element of physical uncertainty in his salvation plan.

** If your faith affirms Jesus is God’s son, then your hope is based on belief in physically

                invisible spiritual proofs revealed in New Testament scripture.


IV. Observing Faithfulness in Godly Servants of Jehovah Strengthens Our Faith

     A.  Joshua 24: 14, 15, 31      Joshua’s faith encouraged the Israelites to faithfulness.

     B.  James 2:19-22      Spiritual works openly declare a Christian’s faithfulness.

     C.  Colossians 3:16    Spiritual songs are another way Christians can exchange faith.

     D.  Acts 18:24-28     Aquilla’s and Priscilla’s faith made Apollos a wiser evangelist.


** Faith to faith is the knowledge exchanging, encouragement and correction that 

                          Christians use to spread God’s righteousness on earth.


V.  Life Without Faith in Christ’s Gospel

      A.   Romans 1:18-22   People can choose to ignore Jehovah.   

      B.   Romans 1:19-32   Without Christ’s gospel, human life becomes an abusive,

                                              selfish, immoral, ungodly existence.


** Disobeying God’s standards turns human life into a magnet for God’s wrath.